Muhyiddin labelled the rally as “Perhimpunan Shamsidar”.
Peguam pemimpin de facto Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Latheefa Koya, membidas kenyataan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin(pic) yang menggelarkan Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat yang akan diadakan Sabtu ini sebagai “Himpunan Shamsidar”.
Beliau berkata kenyataan tersebut adalah sebagai satu percubaan untuk mempengaruhi keputusan mahkamah yang melibatkan Anwar.
“Untuk peringatan Shamsidar tidak pernah dipanggil atau disenaraikan sebagai saksi sebarang kes tertunggak yang melibatkan Anwar Ibrahim.
“Lagipun, kes tertunggak yang melibatkan Anwar Ibrahim adalah kes saman beliau ke atas Utusan Malaysia atas laporan temubual BBC dan tidak melibatkan Shamsidar langsung,” kata Latheefa dalam kenyataan medianya hari ini.
Semalam, Muhyiddin dalam satu kenyataan ketika beliau melawat Negeri Sembilan semalam, berkata “Himpunan Shamsidar” pada Sabtu ini disifatkan sebagai membuang masa kerana dilihat menjadi tempat untuk melindungi pemimpin tertentu.
“Perhimpunan ini bukan memperjuangkan isu nasional mahu pun kepentingan dalam parti, tetapi semata-mata soal peribadi individu tertentu. Mungkin kerana mereka ada muslihat mahu melindungi pemimpin mereka dan takut apa yang berlaku di mahkamah, sebab itulah mereka mengheret penyokong dan rakyat jelata untuk berhimpun.
“Sepatutnya hal seperti ini kita serahkan kepada mahkamah. Jika mahkamah fikirkan ada keperluan individu itu di bawa ke kandang saksi untuk membuat sebarang kenyataan bagi menyokong kes tertentu, itu adalah hak mahkamah,” kata Muhyiddin semalam.
Menurut Latheefa lagi, kes saman Anwar ke atas Datuk K.S Nallakarupan mengenai kenyataan beliau di Utusan Malaysia ditangguhkan di Mahkamah Rayuan kerana pihak pembelaan Nallakarupan masih mempunyai beberapa isu yang belum diselesaikan.
“Jadi, ini benar-benar mengejutkan dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri menipu bila kenyataannya (mengenai Shamsidar) jelas tidak mempunyai asas,” kata Latheefa lagi.
Shamsidar Taharin merupakan isteri kepada Timbalan Presiden PKR, Mohammed Azmin Ali, yang didakwa oleh Nallakarupan mempunyai hubungan sulit dengan Ketua Pembangkang tersebut semasa beliau menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri.-malaysian insider
Muhyiddin 'lying blatantly' about Saturday rally...
PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, through his lawyer, has accused
deputy premier Muhyiddin Yassin of a “blatant lie” by linking Saturday's
Himpunan Bangkit Rakyat to his pending court cases.
refer to the statement by Muhyiddin on Jan 8 which alleged that
Himpunan Bangkit Rakyat on Jan 12 is aimed at influencing court
decisions that involved Anwar and further bizarrely referred to the
rally as ‘Himpunan Shamsidar’,” said Latheefa Koya from Messrs Daim
& Gamany.
In a statement, she said that Shamsidar Taharin, the wife of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, has never been called or listed as a witness in any pending court cases involving Anwar.
“Furthermore, the only impending case involving Anwar is his suit against Utusan Malaysia over the BBC interview and does not involve Shamsidar at all. The case is fixed for decision on Jan 21,” said Latheefa, who is also a PKR leader.
“As for Anwar's suit against S Nallakarupan over his statement in Utusan Malaysia, the matter is now fixed for case management pending appeal by both parties at the Court of Appeal on the issue of striking out certain sections of Nallakarupan’s defence.
“It is therefore shocking and unbecoming of the deputy prime minister to so blatantly lie when it is clear there is no basis for him to make such statements or insinuations.”
Utusan, a Malay-language daily owned by Umno, has been describing Saturday's rally as 'Himpunan Shamsidar' in its reports since last month.
The term was coined after Nallakarupan (left),
a former Anwar ally but now a pro-Umno senator, claimed that the rally
was planned by the opposition to ensure that Shamsidar will not testify
in Anwar's defamation case against him.
Anwar had sued Nallakarupan on March 26 last year over his interview with Utusan which accused Anwar of bisexual activities.
According to Pakatan Rakyat, the rally - set to be held at Stadium Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur - is to highlight issues affecting the public, including the Lynas rare earths refinery, the oil and gas project in Pengerang, Johor, and unfulfilled electoral reforms.
Muhyiddin’s claim
Yesterday, Muhyiddin had called on the public not to attend the rally, saying it is a protest in the interests of “a certain individual” who he did not name.
“This rally is not (about) fighting for national issues or the interests of any party but for the personal issues of a certain individual - maybe because they are conspiring to protect their leader and are afraid of what will happen in court,” Malay daily Sinar Harian quoted him as saying.
“That's why they are dragging supporters and the people to rally. Matters like this should be left to the court. If the court thinks that there is a need to bring the individual to testify to support a certain case, that is the right of the court.”- malaysiakini

In a statement, she said that Shamsidar Taharin, the wife of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, has never been called or listed as a witness in any pending court cases involving Anwar.
“Furthermore, the only impending case involving Anwar is his suit against Utusan Malaysia over the BBC interview and does not involve Shamsidar at all. The case is fixed for decision on Jan 21,” said Latheefa, who is also a PKR leader.
“As for Anwar's suit against S Nallakarupan over his statement in Utusan Malaysia, the matter is now fixed for case management pending appeal by both parties at the Court of Appeal on the issue of striking out certain sections of Nallakarupan’s defence.
“It is therefore shocking and unbecoming of the deputy prime minister to so blatantly lie when it is clear there is no basis for him to make such statements or insinuations.”
Utusan, a Malay-language daily owned by Umno, has been describing Saturday's rally as 'Himpunan Shamsidar' in its reports since last month.

Anwar had sued Nallakarupan on March 26 last year over his interview with Utusan which accused Anwar of bisexual activities.
According to Pakatan Rakyat, the rally - set to be held at Stadium Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur - is to highlight issues affecting the public, including the Lynas rare earths refinery, the oil and gas project in Pengerang, Johor, and unfulfilled electoral reforms.
Muhyiddin’s claim
Yesterday, Muhyiddin had called on the public not to attend the rally, saying it is a protest in the interests of “a certain individual” who he did not name.
“This rally is not (about) fighting for national issues or the interests of any party but for the personal issues of a certain individual - maybe because they are conspiring to protect their leader and are afraid of what will happen in court,” Malay daily Sinar Harian quoted him as saying.
“That's why they are dragging supporters and the people to rally. Matters like this should be left to the court. If the court thinks that there is a need to bring the individual to testify to support a certain case, that is the right of the court.”- malaysiakini

1 comment:
kenape la kita dok dengar keling mabuk todi tu,saya heran rakyat malaysia percaya sangat kat keling binawe,keling tetap keling orang tua 2 selalu cakap keling ni kalau jumpa ular katok keling dulu baru katok ular
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