Sejak Deepak Jaikishan muncul sebagai tajuk sensasi berita dan mengaitkan Najib serta Rosmah dengan pelbagai dakwaan, perkara yang menjadi persoalan umum mengenai usahawan karpet itu ialah dia dilihat bukan saja begitu berani tetapi seolah-olah kebal daripada sebarang tindakan undang-undang.
Dia sudah membuat pelbagai dakwaan terhadap Perdana Menteri dan Rosmah. Daripada mendakwa memberi sejumlah wang kepada Najib, yang tentunya bermaksud seorang Perdana Menteri menerima rasuah daripadanya, menuduh Najib terlibat dalam akaun bersumpah kedua P Balasubramian untuk menafikan akuan bersumpah pertama yang mengaitkan Najib dan Rosmah dalam kes pembunuhan Altantuya sehinggalah kepada pelbagai dakwaan lainnya sama ada berkaitan Najib mahupun Rosmah, Deepak dilihat amat bebas untuk bercakap apa saja.
Dia boleh menuduh bermacam perkara, bebas mengadakan sidang akhbar dan senang dihubungi media untuk memberi komen mengenai konflik yang dhadapinya. Dia juga bebas bergerak seolah-olah tiada apa yang dibimbanginya.
Sementara Najib, Rosmah dan pimpinan UMNO lainnya tidak berani bersuara menyanggah apa yang disuarakan oleh Deepak, agensi kerajaan seperti polis dan SPRM juga bagaikan sudah kehilangan kuku untuk bertindak terhadap Deepak.
Secara logiknya, pihak polis mahupun SPRM boleh dengan apa cara sekali pun memanggil Deepak, sama ada untuk memberi keterangan atau menyiasat beliau bagi mengesahkan sama ada semua dakwaan yang dibuatnya itu ada kebenaran, mempunyai bukti atau sekadar dakwaan semata-mata. Lebih-lebih lagi yang dituduh dalam dakwaannya itu ialah Perdana Menteri, ketua eksekutif sebuah kerajaan.
Tetapi Deepak bukan saja terus bebas, bahkan seolah-oleh kebal daripada undang-undang.
Kenapa jadi demikian? Adakah Najib, pemimpin UMNO, polis dan SPRM berdiam diri kerana mengetahui semua dakwaan Deepak itu semuanya benar belaka? Atau mungkinkah Deepak dilindungi oleh seseorang yang begitu berpengaruh?
Kehadiran Deepak di antara 230 jemputan di majlis sambutan hari jadi eksklusif itu menimbulkan tanda-tanya atau sekurang-kurangnya membuktikan bahawa Deepak mempunyai hubungan dengan Mahathir, baik secara langsung mahu pun tidak langsung. Dalam masa yang sama, Najib tidak pula hadir di majlis tersebut.
Oleh kerana Deepak membuat dakwaan terhadap Najib sejak penghujung November lagi, lebih kurang tiga minggu sebelum sambutan hari jadi Mahathir itu, jemputan terhadap Deepak tentu saja boleh dibatalkan jika Mahathir tidak mahu dilihat mempunyai kaitan dengan peniaga karpet yang sedang menyerang Najib itu.
Namun Deepak tetap juga dijemput. Apakah Mahathir sengaja mahu melihat Deepak hadir di majlis sambutan hari jadinya yang turut dimeriahkan oleh kehadiran Shah Rukh Khan itu?
Tersebar gambar-gambar yang mengesahkan kehadiran Deepak di majlis Mahathir itu sebenarnya telah mengesahkan kesangsian ramai mengenai keberanian Deepak selama ini. Kini ramai yang percaya kemunculan Deepak dan keberaniannya menyerang Najib serta Rosmah adalah 'game' yang dipapan-caturkan oleh Mahathir.
Selain Najib, siapakah lagi yang begitu berkuasa di negara ini selain Mahathir! Cengkamannya terhadap kuasa selama 22 tahun dan nasib yang berlaku terhadap musuh-musuh politiknya sebelum ini membuktikan hakikat itu. Sebab itu Deepak kelihatan bebas membuat dakwaan, tidak diusik oleh polis mahupun SPRM serta tidak takut bergerak ke mana-mana.
Jika orang lain yang membuat dakwaan begitu serius terhadap seorang Perdana Menteri, barangkali sudah lama serangan balas dilakukan oleh para pemimpin UMNO lainnya dan agensi yang berwajib juga biasanya pantas mengambil tindakan. Tetapi tidak dengan Deepak.
Jika benar memang Mahathir di belakang Deepak dan sengaja mahu menunjukkan kehadiran Deepak di majlis hari jadinya, apakah muslihat bekas Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun yang masih menjadi broker kuasa dalam UMNO itu?
Sehingga ini Mahathir masih berdiam diri, tidak menafi mahu pun menjelaskan bagaimana Deepak yang sedang mahu menjatuhkan Najib boleh hadir dan bergembira di majlis hari jadinya. Jika Mahathr terus berdiam diri, tujuannya tidak lain ialah supaya orangramai terus bercakap mengenainya dan mempercayai perkara itu.

Kaitan Mahathir dengan Deepak dan permainannya sebagai broker kuasa dalam UMNO untuk menekan Najib dapat dilihat melalui tulisan terbarunya dalam blog Chedet yang meminta rakyat supaya tidak memilih Anwar menjadi Perdana Menteri selepas pilihanraya umum akan datang, walaupun hanya untuk tempoh lima tahun.
Sebelum ini Mahathir sudah beberapa kali bercakap tentang bahayanya jika Anwar menjadi Perdana Menteri. Tulisannya yang terbaru ini adalah luahannya yang entah kali ke berapa untuk merayu kepada rakyat supaya mengenepikan Anwar.
Dengan berulang kali melahirkan kebimbangan itu, Mahathir sebenarnya sudah dapat merasakan UMNO dan BN akan kalah dalam pilihanraya akan datang, dan Anwar akan menjadi Perdana Menteri juga akhirnya, sesuatu yang amat ditakutinya. Beban utama kekalahan UMNO dan BN tidak lain ialah Najib dan Rosmah.
Dengan munculnya Deepak melemahkan Najib, di samping tekanan sedia ada daripada pembangkang, harapan Mahathir ialah supaya Najib menyedari realiti yang ada dan sedia berundur serta memberi laluan kepada timbalannya, Muhyiddin untuk mengambil alih kepimpinan parti dan kerajaan, seterusnya mengemudi jentera menghadapi pilihanraya akan datang ini.
Selagi Najib tidak berundur, serangan Deepak dijangka akan berterusan. Melalui hubungannya yang rapat dan bebas keluar masuk kediaman Najib sebelum ini, Deepak diketahui mempunyai banyak rahsia mengenai Najib dan Rosmah. Pembelian barang kemas sebanyak RM13 juta dalam tenpoh tiga bulan untuk Rosmah sebagaimana yang didedahkan oleh Rafizi, mungkin hanya cebisan kecil daripada beberapa helaian pekung yang bakal didedahkan kepada umum tidak lama lagi.

Menjadi percakapan di kalangan pemimpin UMNO juga bahawa Mahathir sebenarnya lebih meyakini Muhyiddin berbanding Najib. Najib dan Rosmah bagi Mahathir terlalu besar bebannya bagi UMNO dan BN, cuma Mahathir dikatakan tidak mahu terlalu mengkritik Najib kerana bimbang ianya lebih memberi manfaat kepada Anwar.
Harapan Mahathir untuk memberi nafas semula kepada UMNO dan BN hanyalah dengan Najib sedia berundur dan menyediakan laluan kepada Muhyiddin seberapa segera. Deepak adalah senjata ke arah mencapai tujuan itu.
Tetapi jika senjata Deepak ini tidak cukup berkesan dan Najib terus mahu kekal sehingga pilihanraya umum, Mahathir mungkin menjadi insan paling sedih selepas pilihanraya umum nanti kerana terpaksa berperdana-menterikan Anwar Ibrahim juga akhirnya. Shahbudin Husin@shahbudindotcom.blogspot

How the boardroom clinched Deepak deal...
Why can’t the group of army veterans see the documents related to the purchase of Astacanggih Sdn Bhd and land from Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd? After all, the legal requirement is that the documents related to the purchases should be made available for public inspection for three months from the date Boustead Holdings Bhd (BHB) announced the deals.But that didn’t happen, did it?Anway, what I found puzzling was this. BHB can buy out Astacanggih (an 80% stake) but cannot do the same with Awan Megah. If it takes over Awan Megah, wouldn’t that lead to taking over the privatisation project (National Defence Education Centre or Puspahanas)?
If that was the case, the company (Awan Megah) should be in distress as it had neither the intention nor capacity to build the RM100 million Puspahanas. It’s embroiled in a lot of problems. Wouldn’t it be simpler to just buy out the two proxies fronting for Raja Ropiaah Abdullah, the owner of Awan Megah?
Let us do a little bit of detective work concerning BHB asking its son-company (grandson to Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera or LTAT) to buy Astacanggih and buy off Deepak Jaikishan. Some people called it outright bribery which seems to be in line with how Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak manages the country.
Let me suggest to you what may have happened in the “war room” or bunker of the BHB board of directors, many of whom are former generals (who never went to war).It was an emergency meeting and must have given the retired generals a surreal sense that they were at war – having to make a quick decision.Luckily they were qualified generals and not dullards
The BHB directors consented to its son-company, its wholly-owned unit, Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd (Company No. 276338-M) to enter into an agreement on Dec 20, 2012, to acquire 16,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1 each in Astacanggih Sdn Bhd (Company No. 767577-W). This represented 80% of the issued and paid-up share capital of Astacanggih.
This was meant to pay back that pesky Hindustan hero (Deepak Jaikishan), author of “The Black Rose”. So Boustead now has a new adopted son, Astacanggih. Astacanggih and Bakti Wira then entered into an agreement with Awan Megah (Company No. 184720-W) to acquire a total of 200 acres of freehold land in Klang, Selangor. They entered into such agreement on Dec 27, 2012. The purchase price of RM30 milion was arrived at on a willing-seller and willing-buyer basis, the managers told the generals.
Astacanggih shares were originally held by Deepak and Prestige Dimension Sdn Bhd and other minority shareholders who were the vendors in the acquisition of shares.The other original shareholder of Astacanggih is Putra Nazrain Adril Abdul Jalil who holds four million or 20% shares in Astacanggih.

Who is Astacanggih?
Astacanggih is a private limited company incorporated in Malaysia and operating from its address given as 25-5-16 (5.16, 5th Floor), Plaza Prima, 4½ Mile, Jalan Klang Lama, 58000 Kuala Lumpur. It is an investment holding company with an issued and paid-up share capital of RM20 million divided into 20,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1 each.
But the managers have not explained one crucial thing. Why not buy 100% of Astacanggih? More importantly, why buy Astacanggih? Of what relevance is Astancaggih? What is the strategic relevance of Astancanggih?
The generals did not ask and the managers doing the briefing did not tell. Here we had “consenting” adults.Then, the generals were told of the matter concerning the purchase of 200 acres of land from Awan Megah. The generals screamed, because they already had 700 acres in Bukit Raja area which was not developed.
The 200 acre land in question were some vacant freehold lots with some abandoned oil palm trees. The land lots were:
- an area measuring 96.825 acres within the land held under H.S.(D) 28188 PT 220 Mukim of Kapar, District of Kelang, State of Selangor;
- an area measuring 81.085 acres within the land held under H.S.(D) 28187 PT 216 Mukim of Kapar, District of Kelang, State of Selangor; and
- an area measuring 22.09 acres within the land held under H.S.(D) 22220 Lot 1158 Mukim of Bukit Raja, District of Petaling, State of Selangor.
They added that their lawyers had assured them that the land was acquired free from all charges, liens and encumbrances. But it was subject to whatever restrictions in interest and conditions of title, whether expressed or implied in the separate titles to the lands for the purpose of developing them.
The last portion of the explanation made some generals dizzy and some of them demanded some whisky to be brought in.
Who is Putra Nazrain?
But one sober ex-general asked: Who in the hell is Awan Megah?
And so the point-man explained that Awan Megah is a private limited company incorporated in Malaysia and having its registered address at 25-1, Jalan PJU 1/42A, Block F2, Dataran Prima, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
The directors of Awan Megah are Putra Nazrain Adril bin Abdul Jalil and Raja Rabiatun Aduah binti Raja Abdullah. So Putra Nazrain was a shareholder in Astacanggih and Awang Megah. The purchase of Awan Megah is of some importance to us, the managers said
Awan Megah has a contract with the Defence Ministry to build the RM100 million Puspahanas and we have asked our lawyers to demand some conditions “precedent” from Awan Megah, they explained to the generals. What in blue blazes are “conditions precedent”, shouted one of the now intoxicated ex-generals. Matters that must be sorted out first before we make complete payment, the managers replied.
Well, the real owner behind Awan Megah is a close friend to the Prime Minister and his missus. Moreover, we are sure that because we have bought the lands, our generals here can prevail upon the Defence Minister to help too. We have asked Awan Megah to complete the signing of a privatisation agreement between Awan Megah and the government of Malaysia and Syarikat Tanah dan Harta Sdn Bhd. That’s for the construction of the Puspahanas.
Just in case Astancanggih does indeed have a binding agreement with Awan Megah, we have asked Awan Megah to make sure that the approval from the relevant authorities for the transfer of the lands to Astacanggih be obtained.
‘Prostituting’ Awan Megah
What? the alert general asked again. “You don’t know if Astacanggih has a valid legal claim on Awan Megah and that was the only reason you paid RM30 million for that company? Just in case?” Incidentally, said the managers, Awan Megah has also entered into an agreement with a company called Guppyunit Sdn Bhd. Therefore we have asked Awan Megah to terminate its agreement with Guppyunit in respect to the lands.
What is this? Is this Awan Megah a prostitute or something? Going around making agreements with anyone? We are not pleased, intoned the chairman of the board. Please explain how you will pay Awan Megah? The land purchase price shall be paid by Bakti Wira and Astacanggih in the following manner.
RM13,000,000 shall be paid by Astacanggih to Awan Megah upon execution of the land saleagreement, such payment being the deposit and towards part payment of the land purchase price; within one month, Astacanggih shall pay a sum of RM9,445,591.69 to Awan Megah’s solicitors and provide land bonds in the total sum of RM87,554,408.31 in favour of the government of Malaysia or as may be directed by the government of Malaysia; and a sum of RM20,000,000 shall be paid to Awan Megah’s solicitors as stakeholders upon delivery by Awan Megah to Astacanggih of the duly executed memorandum of transfer together with the original titles to the lands.

One alert general asked: “From what I heard, the way the payment is made sounds eerily like the payment made by that Deepak fellow who has been in the news recently.”
But the managers rebutted: “My generals, the acquisitions present an opportunity for the Boustead Group to expand its existing landbank in Bukit Raja, Klang, Selangor, via Astacanggih which together with Bakti Wira will be acquiring from Awan Megah about 200 acres of land pursuant to the acquisition of lands.
“Moreover, the lands are adjacent to 700 acres of development land held under Jendela Hikmat Sdn Bhd, a company in which the Boustead Group and LTAT jointly hold 60% equity interest. The combined landbank of 900 acres will create economies of scale for the development in terms of shared infrastructure and other services.”
They further added that it was necessary to “inform the board that there can be no assurance that the proposed acquisition of land will not be exposed to risks such as the inability to obtain the approvals from the relevant authorities and/or inability to comply with the conditions imposed by the relevant authorities, if any”.
“Nevertheless, BHB will continue to take all reasonable steps to ensure the completion of the proposed acquisition of lands.
“There can be no assurance that the anticipated benefits of the proposed acquisition of lands will be realised or that the group will be able to generate sufficient future revenue to offset the associated acquisition costs of the lands. As such, the group will seek to mitigate such risk by adopting prudent risk management and monitoring of our group’s investment strategy.”
The board, after taking into consideration all aspects of the acquisitions, is of the opinion that the acquisitions are in the best interest of the company.- Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz,FMT

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