01 October 2015

Najib wants to know if WSJ will block lawsuit...

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak wants to know if the Wall Street Journal will invoke the 'Securing the Protection of our Enduring and Established Constitutional Heritage (Speech) Act' if he decides to sue the publication.

Najib's lawyer Mohd Hafarizam Harun said he has written to senior counsel Philip Jeyaretnam, who is acting for WSJ, to ask whether the US-based newspaper would do so.

The Speech Act, explained Hafarizam, protects US companies, in particular media companies, from facing a judgment of defamation outside the US.

"If I go and sue WSJ and I get a court judgment, and now I want to go to the US and have it registered, the US company will say 'show me that the freedom of speech in Malaysia and the courts are like the freedom of speech and courts in the US'.

"So I asked WSJ, if I do sue you, and I do get a judgment in Malaysia, will you invoke that particular Act to protect you from (the judgment) being executed in the US?" he said at the Kuala Lumpur High Court today.

He further explained that the Act prohibits the enforcement of the judgment, until Najib can show that the courts in Malaysia are as independent as US courts and freedom of speech and media is of the same standard.

"I don't want to file a case in Malaysia, get a judgment, and it becomes a paper judgment in the US because WSJ will say that it will invoke its Speech Act.
"Isn't that a futile exercise?" he asked.

Najib is mulling taking legal action against WSJ after the daily published a report claiming that RM2.6 billion was deposited into his personal accounts.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission confirmed that the funds were in Najib's account, and that it came form a middle-eastern source.

Najib has claimed that the sum is a political donation.

'Free and independent'

Meanwhile, when pointed out that they could strive to prove that Malaysia's freedom of speech and media as well as its judiciary were indeed free and independent, Hafarizam had this to say.

"The problem is this; you are letting the US courts and the media to say that the Malaysian court is nothing but a Zimbabwean court."

He added that Malaysia's freedom of the press is nothing like in Singapore, "where you cannot say anything about the government and the prime minister".

"(So) why would you let a foreign institution dictate that the courts (here) are not independent?" asked Hafarizam.

The lawyer confirmed that the letter to WSJ's Singaporean appointed lawyer was sent in the middle of this month and he had until Sept 30 to reply.

"Maybe I will get an email later," he quipped, when it was pointed out that Sept 30 is today.

As for the letter, he said: "If they say no (that WSJ will not invoke the Speech Act) then I might go and advise my client, that it's time for us to take action against WSJ." - mk

Multi Racial - Don't bullshit Malaysians again. It is obvious if Najib is innocent he has to sue WSJ. But Najib knew WSJ was right and he will loose if he sue and this will make thing worst for him politically. But he cannot not suing WSJ because it would mean he is guilty. So he is in catch22 position. Bottom line WSJ report was confirmed correct. What is that to sue? Just admit and save Malaysia by resigning. This will be the best solution for him and UMNO. For Malaysia, his resignation will be taken positive and in deed will be positive. But if UMNO rule there is still no change and therefore remain negative for long term. Present BN will never reform. So we have to change them.
MinahBulat - Hafarizam, whether it is a paper judgment or not is not really the issue. I think you need to commence action against the WSJ and let them file in the defence . With all the apparachik under the UMNO regime you are able to secure a judgment i am sure. However we Malaysian would like Najib to explain under oath and tested under able counsel in public glare who the generous donor who gave him the 2.6 billion and linking it the full explanation on 1MDB. Can or rather does he dare to put this case and defend it.

righteous - Btw Najib,"Sumpah laknat"doesn't work in the US. Wasalaam.

1MDB mula tahun 2009...

Pertama, belaku skendel 1MDB. Ianya ditubuhkan pada tahun 2009 bila 1MDB ambil alih Terengganu Incvestment Authority. Langkah pertama Najib buat ialah meluluskan yuran RM500 juta kepada Jho low kerana memikirkan dan mengonsepkan TIA.

Dan sejak 1MDB dalam tangan Najib, kita ada apa yang berlaku sekarang. Pertama menerbitkan bon dengan bayaran yuran yang terlalu tinggi kepada Goldman Sachs. Bon2 dijamin oleh kerajaan. Jika 1MDB tidak mampu menebusnya nya, kerajaan guna duit rakyat untuk berbuat demikian.

Namun sejak mula, PM dan konco2 nya menegaskan bukan duit rakyat.

Pelaburan yang dibuat dengan Petrosaudi ternyata bohong bila assets yang dijanji untuk disumbang oleh petrosaudi tidak ada, malah kosong.Najib membeli suatu syarikat kosong dan meluluskan bayaran hutang syaikat kosong ini kepada syarikat induk sebantak USD700 million. 

Kemungkinan besar, 'hutang' itu tidak ujud sebetulnya.

Kemudian bayar USD300 juta lagi kedalam akaun yang sama yang dimiliki oleh Jho Low.

6 bula kemudian, 2010, JV dibatalkan dan Najib kata kesemua duit yang dikeluarkan USD2 billion lebih, telah dikembalikan kedalam akaun di Cayman Islands. Duit tersebut diletakkan dalam akaun segregated.

Orang Kampong, terutama ahli UMNO tidak faham apa segregated funds. Saya sendiri pun tak tahu.

Najib kata kepentingan dalam JV sudah diperolehi kembali, tapi tidak boleh bawa balik. Bila didesak kenapa duit itu tidak dikembalikan ke Malaysia, Najib kata, setengah diguna untuk bayar hutang faedah dan setengah diletak dalam akaun di Singapura dalam bentuk tunai.

Saya telah bertanya soalan ini dalam Parlimen dan Najib jawab ianya dalam bentuk tunai di Singapura.

Beberapa bulan kemudian, Najib kata, bukan dalam tunai tapi dalam bentuk units. Kita tidak tahu apa units ini , tapi ianya bukanlah tunai. Najib berbohong kepada parlimen buat pertama kali dalam kes 1MDB.

1MDB terus melakukan urusniaga yang mencurigakan. Pembelian 1PP dengan harga yang ditambah, pembelian tanah milik kerajaan dengan harga yang murah. Najib tidak memberitahu atau menyembunyikan kemana sebetulnya wang dalam 1MDB pergi.

Sehingga sekarang sebagai contoh, RM4billion yang dkatakan dipinjam dari KWAP membeli lombong arang batu belum dipertanggungawabkan.

Hari ini hutang dan beban tanggungan 1MDB sudah pasti melebihi RM50 billion. Dan Najib yang bertanggng jawab keatas semua nya.

Katalah, Najib jual asets 1MDB dan perintah GLC membeli assets 1MDB pada harga paksaan, segala hutang dan tanggungan dapat di luputkan- adakah ianya menghapuskan kesalahan jenayah yang telah berlaku?

Jawapnya tidak!!! -
Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz@sakmongkol ak47

Di Malaysia syarikat2 ini dimilikki oleh kroni2 UMNO/BN,mana boleh rugi bro...


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