Najib kena ‘penampar’ Hindraf menjelang PRK Kajang...
Kedudukan BN atau kerajaan bukan saja dilihat sukar di Kajang, bahkan juga untuk mengekalkan kuasanya dalam pilihan raya akan datang, tulis Shahbudin Husin.Ini, menurut beliau, ditambah dengan adanya serangan terbuka terhadap Najib daripada dalam Umno sendiri, sokongan rakyat secara keseluruhan tidak bertambah baik, pengundi Cina kekal menolak BN, Pakatan Rakyat makin meningkatkan tekanan menghadapi PRU14, dan kini Hindraf pula memutuskan ikatannya lantaran kecewa kerana janji-janji tidak ditunaikan.
“Hindraf pula, melakukan tamparan kepada Najib ini bukannya kerana adanya ganjaran terbuka yang ditawarkan oleh Anwar atau Pakatan Rakyat tetapi barang kali dengan berbuat demikian, faedah untuk kaum India sudah boleh dibayangkan untuk diperolehi melalui Selangor yang bakal mendapat ketua kerajaan yang baru selepas ini, sebelum manfaat selebihnya akan dikutip selepas PRU14 nanti,” tulisnya di dalam blognya, seperti di bawah.
Sementara ramai tertunggu-tunggu siapakah yang berani menyahut cabaran untuk menampar muka Ahli Parlimen Seputeh, Teresa Kok demi untuk mendapatkan ganjaran wang tunai RM1,200 yang ditawarkan oleh sebuah NGO, secara tiba-tiba keluar berita mengenai peletakan jawatan pemimpin Hindraf, P Waytha Moorthy sebagai Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan Ahli Dewan Negara berkuatkuasa 10 Februari ini.
Meletak jawatan dalam suasana politik tidak menentu sambil menuduh Najib dan Putrajaya sebagai pemungkir janji, pedihnya lebih memeritkan berbanding tamparan yang singgah di pipi.
Sebagaimana yang dipetik daripada kenyataan Setiausaha Hindraf, P Ramesh bahawa perletakan jawatan itu adalah kerana kegagalan Putrajaya menunaikan janjinya kepada masyarakat India seperti yang dimeterai antara Najib dengan Waytha, beberapa hari sebelum pilihan raya umum lalu.
Waytha serah surat letak jawatan kepada PM...
Dengan adanya perjanjian itu yang didapati menyaksikan beralihnya sebahagian sokongan pengundi India kepada BN sebagaimana yang dibuktikan melalui kemenangan MIC yang lebih baik berbanding pilihan raya 2008 dan juga melalui peti undi di kawasan yang didiami mereka, Waytha kemudian telah dilantik sebagai Senator dan Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri.
Namun hanya kira-kira lapan bulan berada dalam kerajaan dan menunggu janji-janji kepada kaum India masih seperti menunggu buah yang tak gugur, Hindraf akhirnya memutuskan Waytha perlu "mencampakkan" semua jawatan yang diberikan Najib itu berikutan tiada tanda-tanda ianya akan ditunaikan oleh kerajaan.
Menurut Ramesh lagi, pihaknya telah melakukan segala yang boleh, menandatangani perjanjian dengan musuh semata-mata untuk kepentingan masyarakat India serta dengan kepercayaan segala janji yang ditandatangani akan menjadi kenyataan.
Malangnya, tambah Ramesh, setelah lapan bulan menanti dan bersabar, Hindraf sudah putus asa dengannya.

Di ketika kepimpinan Najib begitu dipertikaikan sebagai lemah, tidak tegas, gagal menunaikan janji, tidak mengutamakan rakyat sebagaimana yang dijanjikan sebelum pilihanraya, melupakan beberapa akujanjinya sendiri serta banyak lagi, peletakan jawatan pemimpin Hindraf itu yang bermakna mereka sudah menarik balik sokongan yang pernah diberi sebelum ini, keadaan ini tentunya merupakan tamparan yang menyakitkan bagi Perdana Menteri.
Ditambah dalam suasana BN perlu menghadapi pilihanraya kecil Dun Kajang pada 23 Mac depan, putusnya ikatan kasih antara kerajaan dengan Hindraf ini pastinya juga bakal menyaksikan sebahagian lagi daripada jumlah 10 peratus pengundi India di Dun Kajang tidak akan memberikan undinya kepada BN.
Jika Teresa Kok sedang kerisauan kiranya cabaran menamparnya disambut oleh mana-mana pihak yang pendek akal, lebih-lebih lagi setelah Menteri Dalam Negeri, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi menyatakan bahawa ganjaran yang ditawarkan oleh sebuah NGO mengenainya tidak boleh dikira sebagai ugutan serta tidak perlu disiasat polis, tamparan yang dilakukan oleh Hindraf ini jauh lebih menyakitkan Najib.
Dengan adanya serangan terbuka terhadap Najib daripada dalam Umno sendiri, sokongan rakyat secara keseluruhan tidak bertambah baik, pengundi Cina kekal menolak BN, Pakatan Rakyat makin meningkatkan tekanan menghadapi PRU14, dan kini Hindraf pula memutuskan ikatannya lantaran kecewa kerana janji-janji tidak ditunaikan, kedudukan BN atau kerajaan bukan saja dilihat sukar di Kajang, bahkan juga untuk mengekalkan kuasanya dalam pilihan raya akan datang.
Hindraf pula, melakukan tamparan kepada Najib ini bukannya kerana adanya ganjaran terbuka yang ditawarkan oleh Anwar atau Pakatan Rakyat tetapi barang kali dengan berbuat demikian, faedah untuk kaum India sudah boleh dibayangkan untuk diperolehi melalui Selangor yang bakal mendapat ketua kerajaan yang baru selepas ini, sebelum manfaat selebihnya akan dikutip selepas PRU14 nanti.-harakahdaily

Taib's parting words: S'wak for Sarawakians...
Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud will step down by the end of this month, after almost 33 years at the helm of the resource-rich state.
Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud’s last
advice before retirement was to impress upon the state's leaders to
safeguard Sarawak's rights and keep it firmly in the hands of
This, BN secretary-general Stephen Rundi Utom said, was conveyed by Taib as the 77-year-old veteran politician chaired his last ever Sarawak BN leadership meeting this morning.
strong words were that we needed to protect the rights of the state as
per the constitution," he told a press conference this afternoon after
the meeting at the PBB headquarters.
Asked whether this meant keeping Umno at bay from entering Sarawak, Stephen (left) replied: "Something like that".
"What we (PBB) are doing here is exactly what is aspired by Umno from their side (serving the bumiputera community in the peninsula), there is no need to duplicate the same effort (by having Umno in Sarawak)," he added.
Stephen noted that Sarawak was different from the peninsula, and only Sarawakians can understand the complexities and maintain harmony of the state - which comprises of more than 43 different tribes and sub-tribes.
"Nobody else can understand the situation other than Sarawakians... therefore we must see which political party belongs to us (Sarawak), that is the very reason why we think the right people to lead Sarawak is Sarawakians," he said.
'Umno kept at bay'
Taib had announced at the meeting today that he will be stepping down as chief minister by the end of this month.
His departure follows continuous pressure from Putrajaya - since before the 2011 Sarawak state elections - for him to retire, as the chief minister of almost 33 years has been plagued with various corruption allegations.
Swiss-based NGO Bruno Manser Fund alleged that Taib had - through his family - accumulated US$15 billion in wealth during his tenure as chief minister.
NGO Global Witness had also released a video on March last year
entitled, ‘Inside Malaysia's Shadow State’, in which it secretly filmed
Taib's relatives soliciting kickbacks and claiming that they had access
to Taib for logging licences.
Despite the controversies, Taib's party - the PBB - succeeded in pulling off a clean sweep of all the 35 state seats which it contested in the last state election.
PBB - together with Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS), Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP), and Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) - is part of the Sarawak BN government. BN controls 55 seats in the 71-seat state assembly.
Taib's strong backing despite the controversies has been attributed to his ability in preventing Umno from setting a foothold in Sarawak.
This sentiment is similarly shared in the Sarawak opposition, despite their disagreements with the chief minister.
'New political era'
PKR's Batu Lintang state assemblyperson See Chee How said Taib's retirement was a "welcomed break" after 33 years, but warned that Umno will attempt to capitalise on this to enter Sarawak.
"He (Taib) has made himself indispensable to PBB, the state BN, and the state government - the mainstay that held the forces together.
"Whoever the successor is, (they) will not be able to achieve that feat without the support of Umno.
“Allowing Umno to gain its foothold at this juncture is not good for Sarawak," he told Malaysiakini when contacted.
He added that Sarawakians must assess the political future of the state as it enters a new political era.
The three possible successors that have been named are PBB deputy president Abang Johari Openg, PBB senior vice-president Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, and PBB information chief Adenan Satem.
Sarawakians have also been mindful of Umno's entry into Sabah, which coincided with a covert operation of illegally issuing citizenship to foreigners in exchange for votes, and forever altering the demography of the state.- malaysiakini
This, BN secretary-general Stephen Rundi Utom said, was conveyed by Taib as the 77-year-old veteran politician chaired his last ever Sarawak BN leadership meeting this morning.
Asked whether this meant keeping Umno at bay from entering Sarawak, Stephen (left) replied: "Something like that".
"What we (PBB) are doing here is exactly what is aspired by Umno from their side (serving the bumiputera community in the peninsula), there is no need to duplicate the same effort (by having Umno in Sarawak)," he added.
Stephen noted that Sarawak was different from the peninsula, and only Sarawakians can understand the complexities and maintain harmony of the state - which comprises of more than 43 different tribes and sub-tribes.
"Nobody else can understand the situation other than Sarawakians... therefore we must see which political party belongs to us (Sarawak), that is the very reason why we think the right people to lead Sarawak is Sarawakians," he said.
'Umno kept at bay'
Taib had announced at the meeting today that he will be stepping down as chief minister by the end of this month.
His departure follows continuous pressure from Putrajaya - since before the 2011 Sarawak state elections - for him to retire, as the chief minister of almost 33 years has been plagued with various corruption allegations.
Swiss-based NGO Bruno Manser Fund alleged that Taib had - through his family - accumulated US$15 billion in wealth during his tenure as chief minister.
Despite the controversies, Taib's party - the PBB - succeeded in pulling off a clean sweep of all the 35 state seats which it contested in the last state election.
PBB - together with Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS), Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP), and Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) - is part of the Sarawak BN government. BN controls 55 seats in the 71-seat state assembly.
Taib's strong backing despite the controversies has been attributed to his ability in preventing Umno from setting a foothold in Sarawak.
This sentiment is similarly shared in the Sarawak opposition, despite their disagreements with the chief minister.
'New political era'
PKR's Batu Lintang state assemblyperson See Chee How said Taib's retirement was a "welcomed break" after 33 years, but warned that Umno will attempt to capitalise on this to enter Sarawak.
"He (Taib) has made himself indispensable to PBB, the state BN, and the state government - the mainstay that held the forces together.
"Whoever the successor is, (they) will not be able to achieve that feat without the support of Umno.
“Allowing Umno to gain its foothold at this juncture is not good for Sarawak," he told Malaysiakini when contacted.
He added that Sarawakians must assess the political future of the state as it enters a new political era.
The three possible successors that have been named are PBB deputy president Abang Johari Openg, PBB senior vice-president Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, and PBB information chief Adenan Satem.
Sarawakians have also been mindful of Umno's entry into Sabah, which coincided with a covert operation of illegally issuing citizenship to foreigners in exchange for votes, and forever altering the demography of the state.- malaysiakini

Folks, you better watch out, the Bus is in town, it's back ...

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