Bagaimanapun, ia masih boleh didapati untuk muat-turun di lamanweb stesen itu atau dengar di bawah ini.
Ia adalah amalan biasa untuk stesen radio tersebut mengemukakan senarai tetamu dan topik untuk rujukan SKMM.
Ia juga bukan kali pertama BFM dilarang SKMM daripada menyiarkan rancangan temubualnya.
Antara contohnya, SKMM telah mengarahkan BFM tidak menyiarkan temubual dengan Irshad Manji, seorang pengarang buku Kanada yang menjadi sasaran bantahan kumpulan Islam konservatif kerana pendirian liberalnya mengenai Islam.
BFM adalah sebuah stesen radio yang berpangkalan di Lembah Klang yang boleh diterima siarannya di bahagian-bahagian di Negeri Sembilan dan Melaka.
Stesen ini telah membina reputasi kerana pendekatannya yang lebih liberal dan berani berkaitan perniagaan dan hal ehwal semasa, yang membezakannya daripada tiga kumpulan stesen swaster terbesar - Media Prima Radio Networks, Star Publications (M) Bhd dan AMP Radio Networks.
Ia ditubuhkan oleh Malek Ali dan tahun lepas, dan 23 peratus pegangan sahamnya dilaporkan telah diperolehi oleh The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd.- malaysiakini
BFM barred from airing Anwar interview...
Business radio station BFM has been barred from broadcasting its interview with PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim on the Kajang by-election.
The interview was initially slated to be aired on the station's Evening Edition, which is a drive-time programme.
It is understood that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had ordered the station to can the interview.
However, it is still available for download on the station's website,or you can listen above...
The interview was initially slated to be aired on the station's Evening Edition, which is a drive-time programme.
It is understood that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had ordered the station to can the interview.
However, it is still available for download on the station's website,or you can listen above...
It is normal practice for radio stations to submit a list of guests and topics for the MCMC's reference.
It is also noted that this is not the first time that BFM has been barred by the MCMC from airing an interview.
Among other instances, the MCMC had ordered BFM not to air its interview with Irshad Manji, a Canadian book author who has drawn opposition from conservative Muslim groups due to her liberal stand on Islam.
BFM is a Klang Valley-based radio station that can be received in parts of Negri Sembilan and Malacca.
The station has built a reputation for its more liberal and bold approach towards business and current affairs reporting, which sets it apart from Malaysia's 'big three' private radio groups - Media Prima Radio Networks, Star Publications (M) Bhd and AMP Radio Networks.
It was founded by Malek Ali and last year, 23 percent of its stakes were reported to have been acquired by The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd.- malaysiakini

Malaysia merosot ke tahap paling buruk dalam Indeks Kebebasan Akhbar
terbaru yang dikeluarkan Wartawan Tanpa Sempadan (RSF), Paris. Malaysia kini berada di kedudukan 147 daripada 180 negara, merosot dua anak tangga lagi berbanding tahun sebelumnya (145).

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