Tiada kenaikan tol adalah demi kepentingan rakyat, kata Muhyiddin...
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (gambar) hari ini berkata segala keputusan kerajaan, setiap perancangan dan pelaksanaannya termasuk menahan kenaikan tol tahun ini, adalah atas dasar mengambil kira kepentingan rakyat.Timbalan perdana menteri berkata penubuhan Jawatankuasa Khas Menangani Kos Sara Hidup Rakyat, contohnya, bukan bermatlamatkan kepentingan politik, tetapi untuk meringankan bebanan rakyat.
"Saya fikir tak ada negara di dunia bila rakyat menghadapi masalah, kerajaan tubuh jawatankuasa (seperti yang saya sendiri pimpin). (Ini semua) sebab kita ambil berat terhadap rakyat.- tmi
Kenapakah bila nak diadakan PRK di Kajang baru nak di kekalkan bayaran tol? Kenapa tidak dibuat sebelum itu?
Kalau tidak ada PRK di Kajang besar kemungkinan tol akan dinaikan.Janganlah dok merapu Din ooi...
MB keluar duit sendiri, tidak guna rizab negeri untuk PRK Kajang...
Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim menafikan dakwaan sesetengah pihak bahawa rizab kerajaan negeri akan digunakan dalam Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Kajang.Sebaliknya, Abdul Khalid menegaskan beliau mengeluarkan wangnya sendiri untuk melancarkan kempen bagi PRK berkenaan.
Katanya, pihak yang tidak berpuas hati boleh melantik badan tertentu untuk menyiasat kesahihan perkara terbabit.
“Boleh panggil kumpulan bebas untuk pantau. Kita ada ketelusan dalam pentadbiran, seperti program Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) yang saya percaya kerajaan pusat juga ada program seperti itu, jadi kalau kata wang digunakan untuk tujuan lain, mereka boleh siasat.
“Wang negeri tidak digunakan untuk menolong PRK, saya bagi duit sendiri bukan duit negeri. Kalau kita gunakan duit rakyat bererti kita tidak prihatin kepada rakyat,” katanya pada sidang media selepas pelancaran jentera wanita Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), di Taman Koperasi Cuepacs, semalam.
Beliau berkata, jentera PKR sudah bersiap sedia bertempur dalam PRK terbabit dan yakin dengan pengundi Kajang boleh menilai kepimpinan negeri dalam tempoh beberapa tahun ini.
“Saya percaya pengundi Kajang mengenali kerajaan negeri kerana kita mempunyai pelbagai program MES. Ini membuktikan kerajaan negeri sangat prihatin dengan kebajikan rakyat, di samping memberikan pembangunan terbaik untuk rakyat Selangor,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Abdul Khalid yang juga Pengarah PRK Kajang akan memanggil setiap kompenan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) untuk membantu kempen pilihan raya terbabit.
“Kita akan panggil semua, bukan sahaja daripada PKR dan DAP tetapi mahu semua pimpinan Sabah dan Sarawak untuk membantu kita supaya mereka ada pengalaman. Saya rasa tahun depan akan ada pilihan raya di Sarawak dan kita akan gunakan kesempatan di Kajang untuk membantu di sana nanti,” katanya.- selangorku
Saja nak tanya...hangpa ingat Azmin ada bagi sumbangan dak???
Anwar di Taman Koperasi Cuepacs in Kajang
UMNO leaders in dramatic U-turn;praise Chinese and slap Malays...
This time last year, in the run-up to the 13th general election (GE13), the Chinese were wooed by Umno-Baru and MCA. An expensive Gangnam-style concert was organised in Penang and grand dinners were held throughout the land, but few people attended them.
The GE13 results showed that BN had been delivered a humiliating blow despite retaining Putrajaya. Guess who received the blame? Remarks such as “Chinese tsunami”, “Apa lagi Cina Mau?” and “Pergi balik Cina” were bandied about. In true Umno-Baru style, everyone else was responsible for the setback. Umno-Baru will never acknowledge that its policies, or lack of policies, had failed to win over the electorate.
In July 2013, the new Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan claimed that 85% of the retail outlets in the Klang Valley were operated by Chinese businessmen and warned that the uneven distribution of wealth was not conducive to national unity.
He said, “When tourists visit Malaysia, they might ask: ‘Are there only Chinese in Malaysia? Where are the Malay, Indian, Kadazan and Iban shops?’’
Two months later, in a move which some allege was designed to punish the non-Malays, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced the formation of the Bumiputera Economic Empowerment (BEE) model, which would receive RM30 billion in funding.
Towards the end of 2013, the attention of the angry rakyat was shifted from the price hikes, toll charge increase and impending GST, by the Allah debacle. This plan was hatched so that we would be diverted into trying to maintain the peace. Najib’s mismanagement of the economy, his failure to plug the losses from corruption and the illicit outflows of money added to his troubles.
Recently, Pakatan dropped a bombshell and announced that there would be a by-election in Kajang. Najib said it had nothing to do with him, but he is being economical with the truth.
Suddenly, on the eve of Chinese New Year, Ahmad Maslan told Malays to stop blaming the Chinese. What a departure from his tone six months earlier!
Speaking at the National Economic Empowerment (Pena) seminar, Ahmad told the Malay community to stop being resentful towards the Chinese. He said they had only themselves to blame for failing to improve their lives.
First, he cajoled the Malays. There was none of the keris waving hysteria and blood bathing antics. He could have been whispering sweet words of endearment to his paramour, except his words were loaded with sarcasm and not designed to flatter.
He said, “Don’t be angry at the Chinese. Malays have their PPR which are small like a bird’s nest, but they look below and they see all these big houses owned by rich men.” The PPR is the Malay acronym for low-cost People’s Housing Project.
Second, he patronised the Malays and singled out their weakness. He said, “Don’t blame them, ladies and gentlemen. That is because they do businesses (sic).”
Lastly, he rebuked the Malays, as if it was their fault. He said, “Who told you not to do business?”
Is this Umno-Baru’s new take on the divide and rule strategy?
Last year, Ahmad said that most retail outlets were Chinese-owned and that tourists would be wondering where the Malays, Indians and Ibans were when they shopped.
Perhaps, the same tourists might wonder about the absence of non-Malays if they were to visit a government department or a public university. The tourists might also wonder about the absence of non-Malays on the list of car Approved Permits (AP), taxi companies, petrol kiosks or learner driving institutes.
This year, Ahmad does a U-turn and tells the Malays to stop depending on government crutches. Why?
It cannot be that Umno-Baru has suddenly realised that the government's Bumiputera affirmative action policy is not working.
Is one reason because the civil service is already bloated and cannot accept any more Malays? This cannot be the case. There are only 44,000 civil servants in the PM’s department; there must be room for plenty more!
Even Najib was part of the act when he praised the Chinese for their entrepreneurial expertise and urged them to stand united with Putrajaya to sustain economic development.
On the eve of Chinese New Year, Najib urged everyone to uphold unity and racial harmony, and said, “We should listen to the voice of reason; it is expected of us to act sensibly and to listen to each other's views.”
Where was Najib’s voice of reason when the Christian community was attacked and their churches fire-bombed?

On Jan 31, the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) stoked more religious tension when congregations in the Friday sermons were told that Muslims had a weak faith and that Christians and Jews were constantly provoking them, to disunite them.
Jakim comes under the PM’s Department. What happened to the voice of reason?
Has Umno-Baru run out of money and needs Chinese businesses to prop it up?
Or are the sudden U-turn by Najib and Ahmad, and praise for the Chinese just a political ploy brought about by the impending Kajang by-election?
“Apa lagi Cina mahu?” should be changed to “Apa lagi Najib mahu?” - Mariam Mokhtar,Antdaily

Saksikan debat noh udang dan YB khalid samad..10 FEB 2014..Jam 9 malam..

Kuliah malam Sabtu,jemput semua...
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