Rayuan pihak pendakwaan terhadap pembebasan Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam kes Liwat II bermula hari ini di Mahkamah Rayuan Putrajaya selepas MP Permatang Pauh itu gagal untuk menghalang peguam Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah daripada mengetuai pihak pendakwaan.
Karpal Singh, peguam yang mewakili Anwar, memfailkan permohonan untuk memanggil semula Pereira (kanan) saksi itu minggu lepas.
Ini berikutan kegagalan Pereira untuk diterima sebagai peguam bulan lalu selepas Majlis Peguam memfailkan bantahan awal di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur.
Majlis Peguam berhujah bahawa Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia (Suhakam) telah didapati bekas pegawai polis itu bukan seorang seorang saksi yang berwibawa dalam pendengaran kes polis menahan lima peguam pada 2009 di Balai Polis Brickfields.
oleh Shafee (kanan) semasa beliau menjadi pesuruhjaya hak asasi manusia.
Kes pendakwaan akan bertumpu kepada bukti DNA yang telah ditolak oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur selepas ia mendapati wujud kemungkinan ia telah diubah.
Pereira yang mengambil sampel daripada doktor dan mahkamah telah diberitahu bahawa dia telah membuka pakej itu dan melabelnya berbeza daripada apa yang telah ditandakan oleh doktor pada asalnya, sebelum membawanya kepada ahli kimia.
Terdapat juga persoalan mengenai sampel itu tidak disimpan dengan betul. Menurut arahan Hospital Kuala Lumpur ialah ia perlu disimpan dalam peti sejuk, tetapi Pereira menyimpannya dalam kabinet besinya di pejabatnya yang berhawa dingin.
Anwar didakwa meliwat bekas pembantunya Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan di kondominium Desa Damansara pada 28 Jun 2008.
9.05am: Tiga panel hakim Mahkamah Rayuan diketuai oleh Hakim Datuk Aziah Ali.
Dua lagi ialah Hakim Datuk Rohana Yusuff dan Datuk Mohd Zawawi Mohd Salleh.
Anwar tiba dengan isterinya, Presiden PKR Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
Terdapat pelbagai pemerhati antarabangsa di mahkamah.
9.25am: Dewan mahkamah sudah penuh sesak dengan pemberita yang duduk di sebelah kanan dan orang ramai mengisi ruang di tengah dan juga sebelah kiri.
Antara pemerhati antarabangsa ialah wakil Lawasia dan Kesatia Parlimen Antarabangsa, Mark Trowell, yang sebelum ini menghadiri perbicaraan kes Liwat II.
9.34am: Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, peguam kanan yang mengetuai pasukan pendakwaan, tiba.
Pasukan itu terdiri daripada Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (DPP) Mohd Hanafiah Zakaria dan Noorin Badaruddin.
9.47am: Antara pemimpin PKR yang hadir ialah Naib Presiden N Surendran, ketua PKR Johor Datuk Chua Jui Meng dan pengarah komunikasi Fahmi Fadzil.
9.50am: Peguambela Karpal Singh tiba di mahkamah. Mengiringi beliau ialah peguam Sangeet Kaur.
10.00am: Sidang mahkamah belum bermula. Manakala kerusi tambahan disediakan oleh polis mahkamah, ada yang dilihat masih berdiri di galeri awam mahkamah yang sudah penuh.
10.32am: Mahkamah mula bersidang.
Mereka yang berdiri di galeri awam diminta meninggalkan mahkamah.
10.38am: Karpal bermula dengan mengemukakan permohonannya untuk menarik memanggil semula saksi utama pendakwa, pegawai penyiasat polis yang bersara, Supt Jude Blacious Pereira.
10.41am: Karpal berkata permohonan itu penting kerana Pereira didapati seorang saksi yang berwibawa oleh hakim perbicaraan Hakim Datuk Zabidin Mohd Diah, menyebabkan Anwar dipanggil membela diri.
Bagaimanapun, pada 10 Januari 2014, Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur menolak permohonan Pereira supaya diterima oleh Badan Peguam Malaysia sebagai seorang peguam.
Keputusan mahkamah berdasarkan inkuiri Suhakam di mana Pereira diputuskan sebagai bukan saksi yang berwibawa oleh Shafee, yang kini mengetuai pasukan pendakwa merayu rayuan terhadap pembebasan Anwar.
"Demi keadilan, maka adalah kewajipan mahkamah ini untuk menggunakan peruntukan Seksyen 61 Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman 1964 dan memberikan kebenaran untuk memanggil Pereira," kata Karpal.
2.47pm: Sesi mahkamah disambung.
Hakim Aziah berkata Mahkamah Rayuan hanya akan memanggil semula Pereira sekiranya terdapat keadaan luar biasa atau kegagalan keadilan.
Perkara itu, tegasnya, terserah kepada budi bicara mahkamah. Bukti mesti relevan dan bukan di mahkamah pada masa itu.
"Dalam permohonan (untuk memanggil semula Pereira), kami bersetuju bahawa ia gagal memenuhi syarat-syarat."
Katanya, asas Pereira tidak diterima dalam Bar adalah berdasarkan laporan Suhakam, yang disediakan pada 23 April 2010, dan saksi itu tidak pernah menafikannya.
"Kita dapati tidak ada keperluan untuk memanggil (Pereira) dan menolak permohonan untuk memanggilnya semula," kata Hakim Aziah.- malaysiakini
Sodomy II appeal: Bid to recall ex-cop dismissed...
The prosecution's appeal against the acquittal of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in the Sodomy II began in the Court of Appeal in Putrajaya today, after the Permatang Pauh MP failed to remove lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah from leading the prosecution.However, before the prosecution's appeal is to be heard, the three-member appellate court panel will decide on Anwar's application to recall retired police investigating officer Supt Jude Blacious Pereira.
This follows Pereira's unsuccessful bid last month to be admitted as a lawyer, after the Bar Council filed a preliminary objection in the High Court in Kuala Lumpur.
The Bar Council argued that the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) had found the former police officer not a credible witness in its hearing into the police arrest of five lawyers in 2009 at the Brickfields police station.
The finding by the three-member Suhakam panel was led by Shafee, when he was a human rights commissioner.
The prosecution's case will focus on the samples of DNA evidence which were rejected by the Kuala Lumpur High Court after it found the possibility of them having been tampered with.
It was Pereira who took the semen samples from the doctors and the court was told that he removed the packaging, and labelled the samples differently from what were originally marked by the doctor, before taking it to the chemist.
There is also the question of the samples not being properly stored. According to Hospital Kuala Lumpur directives, such samples should be kept in a refrigerator, but Pereira kept them in a metal cabinet in his air-conditioned office.
Anwar was charged with sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan at the Desa Damansara condominium on June 28, 2008.
9.05am: The three-member Court of Appeal panel is headed by judge Aziah Ali.
The other members are justices Rohana Yusuff and Mohd Zawawi Mohd Salleh.
9.16am: Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim arrives with his wife, PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
There is a host of international observers in court.
9.25am: The courtroom is already packed to the brim with reporters sitting on the right side and the public occupying in middle as well as the left side.
Among the international observers is Lawasia and International Parliament Union representative Mark Trowell, who has previously attended other Sodomy II court hearings.
9.34am: Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, the senior lawyer heading the prosecution team, arrives.
The team also comprises deputy public prosecutors (DPPs) Mohd Hanafiah Zakaria and Noorin Badaruddin.
9.47am: Among the PKR leaders present include vice-president N Surendran, Johor PKR chief Chua Jui Meng and communications director Fahmi Fadzil.
9.50am: Defence lawyer Karpal Singh arrives at the courtroom on his wheelchair, accompanied by lawyer Sangeet Kaur.
10am: Court yet to be called into session. While additional seats have been provided by the court police, some are still seen standing in the public gallery as the court is fully packed, with almost 100 people.

Those standing in the public gallery are asked to leave courtroom.
10.36am: Shafee introduces the parties in the proceedings. Among those mentioned as observers is Elizabeth Abbot, who is from International Council of Jurists.
Karpal asks for the list of observers to be recorded.
10.38am: Karpal begins submitting on his application to recall key prosecution witness, retired police investigating officer Supt Jude Blacious Pereira.
10:41am: Karpal says the application is important as Pereira was found to be a credible witness by trial judge Justice Zabidin Mohd Diah, resulting in Anwar's defence being called.
However, on Jan 10, 2014, the KL High Court ruled against Pereira's application to be admissed to be a admitted to the Malaysian Bar as a practising lawyer.
The court decision was based on a Suhakam inquiry in which Pereira was ruled as not a credible witness by none other than Shafee, the current prosecutor in the appeal against Anwar's acquittal.
"In the interest of justice, it is incumbent on this court to invoke provisions of Section 61 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964 and grant permission to call Pereira," Karpal said.
10.50pm: Karpal argues the evidence sought to be adduced from Pereira to determine his credibility would have an influence on the result of the appeal.
He cites Shafee's finding on Pereira, where the lawyer now leading the prosecution had said he found the former cop's testimony to be totally unsatisfactory.
Yet Shafee is leading the prosecuton and this is in conflict of the Rules 3(a) and 5(a) of the Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) Rules 1976.
10.51am: Shafee says this was a backdoor approach in raising the fine. However, Karpal denies this and insists that it was a front-door approach.
10.55am: Karpal (right) further advises that Shafee should withdraw from leading the prosecution as it would be difficult for him to support the credibility of Pereira after having condemned the former police officer when he chaired the Suhakam inquiry.
"I pray that an order be made to call Pereira," he tells the court, ending his submission.
11am: Defence lawyer Ram Karpal takes over from Karpal. He refers to the court documents on the examination-in-chief of Pereira on the 12 semen samples taken and kept in his cabinet.
"Pereira said he removed the specimen to make sure that the samples, which were properly sealed by the HKL (Hospital Kuala Lumpur) doctors, were intact.
"This happened when he was testifying during the examination-in-chief when questioned by the public prosecutor," Ram said.
In the cross-examination, Ram said, Pereira testified that the samples were kept in the cabinet in his office.
"Pereira was referred to the IGSO (Inspector-General's Standing Orders) where the investigating officer cannot keep the exhibits. Pereira admitted that he violated the IGSO order in keeping the exhibits," says the lawyer.
11.10am: Defence lawyer Ram ends by saying at that time, the Suhakam report was not out and had it been out, justice Zabidin's decision to call for Anwar's defence could have been different.
DPP Mohd Hanafiah begins his submission.
He argues that there must be exceptional circumstances or conditions to call a witness.
11.20am: DPP Hanafiah says even though justice Zaleha Yusof dismissed Pereira's admission into Bar Council, it was based on the Suhakam inquiry. (Zaleha was the judge who allowed the Bar Council's objection against Pereira being admitted as a lawyer last month.)
"The said Suhakam report was made available during Anwar's trial. The trial began on Feb 3, 2010, and defence was called on May 11, 2011."
11.31am: DPP Hanafiah says Section 61 is only to adduce additional evidence and not call additional witness.
He adds that Pereira's credibility was raised during the prosecution and defence case.
Shafee continues with the prosecution submission. He says under Section 61, it must encompass additional identification of what they (Karpal) wants.
"If you look at the notice of motion, they want leave (permission) to call Pereira, there is no identification. Do they want the grounds of judgment of justice Zaleha or order."
"It must be a focused application and last night I tried to find the reason but none. The Suhakam report was marked as IDD (identification of document) and not marked an exhibit. They did not make an application to call Suhakam or secretariat to admit the report as evidence."
Shafee submits that the finding is only based on Suhakam inquiry and not based on the trial.
11.45am: Shafee defends the Suhakam inquiry and says Pereira did admit during the trial that he lied during the inquiry.
But he argues the Suhakam inquiry report is not in question here.
11.51am: In response, Karpal says the findings by justice Zaleha was not there when justice Zabidin makes a decision to call for the defence.
11.54am: Justice Aziah says the Court of Appeal panel will deliver its decision at 2.30pm, and if they dismiss Karpal's appeal for Pereira to be called, the government's appeal will be heard.
11.55am: Court stands down for lunch break
2.27pm: Anwar arrives back at court with Wan Azizah.
2.35pm: His defence lawyer Karpal arrives.
2.47pm: Court resumes the session, with Justice Aziah presiding.
Aziah says the appellate court will only recall Pereira should there be exceptional circumstances or failure of justice.
"The matter is left entirely to the discretion of the court. The evidence must be relevant and not at the court at that time.
"In the application (to recall Pereira), we agree that it failed to meet the conditions."
He says the basis for Pereira's non-admission into the Bar was based on the Suhakam report, made available on April 23, 2010, and which the witness never denied.
"We find no necessity to call (Pereira) and dismiss the application to recall him," he said.
3pm: Karpal applies for a stay pending an appeal of the appellate’s court dismissal of the application to the Federal Court.
Shafee objects, saying a stay on the matter ought not to be granted as it is "doomed" to fail.
"This is the ruling and cannot amount to a decision, and no appeal is allowed. It is an interim ruling and no appeal should be allowed."
"There is no element of nugatory-ness, based on Section 93 of the Courts of Judicature Act. If the respondent wishes to take this point further, they can take this matter to the Federal Court later," he says.
3.05pm: Shafee urges the court to proceed with the Sodomy II appeal. However, Karpal says the matter is the final order which can be taken up to the Federal Court.
"It should be considered in the context of Pereira's failure to gain admission to the Bar."
"That evidence would effectively affect the testimony of Pereira. In not granting a stay, it is disregarding the evidence of Pereira not being admitted to the Bar," Karpal says.
The prosecution's appeal, he adds, should not be rushed and every benefit should be given to Anwar in the appeal.
He says the integrity of the samples taken by the respondents had substantial bearing to the decision made by the trial judge.
3.10pm: The judges ask for a short recess.
3.15pm: Karpal’s application for a stay is granted.
“While we are concerned over the continuous postponement (of the Sodomy II case appeal), the court has to be fair, and for this reason, the appellate court will allow a stay,” Aziah says.
Karpal responds that his team will submit a formal application and its appeal to the Federal Court tomorrow.
The appellate court fixes Feb 28 for case management.- malaysiakini

Apakah perhimpunan oleh penjilat-penjilat UMNO/BN tidak langgar akta...

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