Menteri,ROS, mengapa susah sangat nak lulus pendaftaran Pakatan Rakyat...
Menurutnya, konvensyen akan datang pada 8 Mac ini adalah kali yang kelima ia berlangsung namun sehingga kini pendaftaran Pakatan Rakyat masih belum diluluskan ROS.
"Sudah lima kali kita berkonvensyen dan sekurang-kurangnya sudah tiga kali kita buat permohonan untuk daftarkan Pakatan Rakyat dengan ROS.
"Kita menyeru ROS dan menteri dalam negeri untuk berikan kelulusan pendaftaran Pakatan Rakyat secepat mungkin.
"Kita harap dapat kelulusan pendaftaran sebelum konvensyen ini agar kita dapat lancarkan pada konvensyen ini," katanya pada sidang media selepas mesyuarat majlis setiausaha Pakatan Rakyat di ibu negara pagi ini.
Turut hadir Setiausaha Agung PAS Datuk Mustafa Ali dan Setiausaha Agung PKR Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail.
Dalam sidang media itu, Mustafa pula menegaskan yang permohonan untuk mendaftarkan Pakatan Rakyat telah lama dibuat sejak dahulu lagi.
Susulan hampir tiap hari
Menurutnya lagi, ia tidak ada kena mengena secara khusus dengan pilihan raya kecil DUN Kajang.
"Ia (permohonan) berterusan, bukan khusus kerana (PRK) Kajang.
"Kita dah memohon sejak beberapa tahun lalu," katanya.
Manakala Saifuddin pula menjelaskan kali terakhir gabungan pembangkang itu membuat permohonan itu pada bulan Januari lalu.
Tegasnya, mereka kini membuat susulan "hampir setiap hari" dengan ROS untuk memastikan permohonan mereka diluluskan.
ROS sebelum ini mengumumkan yang permohonan tersebut "masih belum diproses" kerana Pakatan Rakyat gagal memaklumkan ROS tentang perubahan kepimpinan dalam parti yang dianggotainya.
Menurut ROS, permohonan tersebut dibuat pada "suatu masa dahulu" dan pihak Pakatan juga didakwa gagal memaklumkan ROS tentang perubahan jawatankuasa sementaranya.- malaysiakini

Approve registration of PR before March 8...
DAP organising secretary Anthony Loke has urged
Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and the Registrar of Societies (RoS) to
approve Pakatan Rakyat’s registration before its convention on March 8.
He said Pakatan has already held four conventions and applied at least three times for the registration of the coalition comprising DAP, PAS and PKR.
The coming 5th convention of Pakatan is to be held in Shah Alam
“We urge the ROS and the home minister to approve the registration as soon as possible. We hope the approval can be made before the convention, so that we can launch the coalition at the convention,” Loke said at a press conference with other component party officials today.
Also present were PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali.
Mustafa said the call to expeditethe registration of Pakatan has nothing to do with the Kajang by-election that will be held on March 23.
Saifuddin said the last time an application was submitted was in January last year and the coalition has been following up on this “almost every day” to ensure it is approved.
The RoS has explained that the application has yet to be processed because Pakatan failed to provide information on changes in the leadership.- malaysiakini
He said Pakatan has already held four conventions and applied at least three times for the registration of the coalition comprising DAP, PAS and PKR.
“We urge the ROS and the home minister to approve the registration as soon as possible. We hope the approval can be made before the convention, so that we can launch the coalition at the convention,” Loke said at a press conference with other component party officials today.
Also present were PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali.
Mustafa said the call to expeditethe registration of Pakatan has nothing to do with the Kajang by-election that will be held on March 23.
Saifuddin said the last time an application was submitted was in January last year and the coalition has been following up on this “almost every day” to ensure it is approved.
The RoS has explained that the application has yet to be processed because Pakatan failed to provide information on changes in the leadership.- malaysiakini

Polis akan panggil TMJ atau TMJ akan panggil polis...
Polis akan memanggil Tunku Mahkota Johor (TMJ) Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim bagi merakamkan percakapannya berhubung insiden kekecohan perlawanan bola sepak antara pasukan T-Team dan Johor Daru Ta'azim (JDT), 1 Februari lalu.Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar berkata, TMJ antara beberapa individu yang akan dipanggil berhubung insiden di Stadium Tan Sri Haji Hassan Yunos, Larkin itu.
"Kita akan rakam percakapan beberapa individu terlebih dahulu sebelum rakam percakapan TMJ," katanya seperti dilaporkan Utusan Malaysia hari ini.
Beliau berkata demeikian selepas menghadiri Majlis Penganugerahan Surat Penghargaan kepada Pengguna Jalan Raya Berhemah dan Kontinjen Daerah/Terbaik Ops Selamat 4/2014 di KL Sentral, semalam.
Kekecohan perlawanan yang dinamakan 'insiden terowong Larkin' itu berlaku apabila pemain import T-Team, Evaldo Rodriguez dan jurulatih kecergasan, Stefano Impagiazzo mendakwa dikasari di terowong menuju ke bilik persalinan itu selepas tamat separuh masa pertama perlawanan.
T-Team membuat laporan polis berhubung insiden itu pada keesokan hari selepas pulang ke Terengganu sementara Persatuan Bola Sepak Negeri Johor (PBNJ) berbuat demikian kemudiannya.- malaysiakini
Cops to quiz Johor prince over football brawl...
Police will summon the Johor crown price, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim in order to record his statement regarding the stadium brawl between football teams T-Team and JDT on Feb 1 in Larkin.Inspector General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar said that the crown price was among several individuals who will be summoned by police regarding the incident at the Tan Sri Haji Hassan stadium.
"We will record the statements of several other individuals first before we record the crown prince's statement," he was quoted as saying in Utusan Malaysia today.
He reportedly said so after attending the an event to hand appreciation letters to good road users and the best Ops Selamat contingent in KL Sentral yesterday.
The brawl, which happened inside the stadium tunnel at half-time, involved T-Team player Evaldo Rodriguez and fitness coach Stefano Impagiazzo.
The two Brazilians were allegedly roughed up in the tunnel while heading to the dressing room.
T-Team refused to participate in the match after that, deeming it unsafe and a default win was handed by league authorities to JDT thereafter.
T-Team have made a police report regarding the incident in Terengganu.- malaysiakini
Resign for betraying Indians, Waytha tells PM...
Najib has committed an act of betrayal in historical terms to the entire Indian people," he said."This will not be forgotten for generations to come. This story will be told over and over and called on Najib to step down as prime minister for his open act of betrayal."

kena tipu sekali orang kata kesian sebab orang yang kena tipu tu dia
tak tau, tapi kalau dah berkali-kali kena tipu dan masih nak harapkan
pada bangsa penipu ni. Itu bodoh nak mampos namanya.

TV3 suku kantoi menggunakan berita lama tahun 2007 kononnya bantuan terkini kepada mangsa banjir di Sabah...

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