Jalan Anwar ke Kajang penuh liku dengan taktik kotor UMNO...
Umno dan kononnya pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO ) memulakan kempen mereka untuk menyekat Anwar daripada mendapat akses kepada para pengundi – bukti yang menunjukkan kebimbangan mereka yang sangat nyata.
Dari Perlis ke Johor, setiap muslihat telah dijalankan terhadap pembangkang. Pada masa tertentu, pengaruh istana digunakan dan kadang- kala bekerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa agama.
Bagaimanapun, taktik undang-undang yang sering digunakan oleh Umno.
Justeru, ini yang nampaknya terjadi kepada kejadian di Kajang di mana Anwar dihalang daripada memberi tazkirah di sebuah masjid di Impian Saujana, Kajang yang dikatakan atas arahan daripada Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (Mais).
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sepatutnya memberikan tazkirah sebelum Jumaat manakala Ketua Peneraangan PKR, Dr Muhd Nur Manuty sepatutnya memberi khutbah Jumaat.
"Tetapi selepas solat subuh pada 30 Januari, pihak masjid memberitahu kami bahawa mereka telah ditekan oleh Mais untuk menghentikan acara tersebut. Justeru, ahli jawatankuasa masjid tidak berani untuk meneruskan perancangan awal itu.
"Jadi kami terpaksa cepat mencari masjid lain," kata sumber itu, yang juga adalah sebahagian daripada pasukan Anwar, menjelaskan bagaimana program ini kemudiannya berpindah dari masjid Impian Saujana ke masjid kariah di Batu 10 Cheras, yang merupakan sebahagian daripada kawasan Kajang. Ini juga bagaimanapun turut disekat oleh Mais di saat-saat akhir.
Sumber itu berkata, Mais dan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) mengancam untuk menangkap Anwar jika beliau menyampaikan tazkirah sambil menekankan bahawa beliau tidak mempunyai tauliah untuk memberi kan ceramah atau khutbah di masjid-masjid di Selangor.
Disebabkan halangan itu, Anwar, Muhd Nur, Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim dan para pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat yang hadir, solat di Masjid Kariah.
Mereka kemudian bercakap kepada jemaah selepas solat .
Sudah tentu, terdapat undang-undang negeri yang mengatakan ucapan tersebut tidak dibenarkan. Tetapi jelas menunjukkan ia hanya terpakai kepada pihak atau mereka yang tidak diingini.
Ini juga telah berlaku kepada pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang yang lain dan pendakwah atau pensyarah yang tidak selari dengan Umno atau kumpulannya yang sekali gus mencerminkan betapa penghormatan diinstitusikan dan feudal dicemari sebuah parti nasional Melayu.
Apapun, ia terpulang kepada Anwar dan sekutunya yang mengatakan pencalonan beliau adalah bagi menghalang senario tersebut daripada berlaku – bahawa semua agensi dan jabatan akan digunakan oleh Umno untuk menawan semula negeri terkaya di Malaysia daripada PR.
Dalam erti kata lain, ia adalah tindakan bahawa kerajaan Selangor diancam dan beberapa jabatan bertindak tepat apabila mereka bertindak tidak selari dengan kerajaan negeri.
Dan ia menjelaskan mengapa banyak agensi dan jabatan yang menegaskan bahawa mereka bebas daripada mana-mana pihak politik, sebenarnya melakukan yang sebaliknya sehingga menjejaskan pihak lain dan juga rakyat Selangor.
Keadaan tidak mudah bagi Anwar atau pembangkang tetapi pihak berkuasa terbabit perlu tahu bahawa tindakan mereka hanya akan membuatkan masyarakat menyalahkan Umno dan menyokong pihak lawan.
Sememangnya ia suatu kedegilan, begitu juga pihak berkuasa apabila mereka mengabaikan kebebasan mereka dan bertindak menentang rakyat. – tmi

Anwar’s bumpy road to Kajang a reminder of UMNO’s shenanigans...
In the throes of Malaysians debating the correctness of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim contesting the Kajang state seat, comes a stark reminder that evil resides in Umno.
Umno and its so-called non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have started their campaign to block Anwar from reaching out to voters - the sure sign of how worried they remain of a politician they themselves have tagged as a has-been.
From Perlis down to Johor, every trick in the book has been employed against the opposition. At times, the royal households are used, sometimes the religious authorities are co-opted.
Often, laws are bent to suit the whims and fancies of Umno.
So it seems to be the case in Kajang where Anwar was barred from giving the tazkirah (a short speech before the Friday sermon) at the Impian Saujana mosque in Kajang on orders from the Selangor Islamic Affairs Council (Mais).
The PKR de facto leader was supposed to give the tazkirah before a Friday sermon delivered by party information chief Dr Muhd Nur Manuty.
“But after subuh prayers on Januari 30, the mosque’s caretaker told us that they were pressured by Mais to stop the event. So the mosque committee did not dare go ahead with the plan.
“So we had to quickly look for another mosque,” said the source, who is part of Anwar's team, explaining how the programme was later moved from the Impian Saujana mosque to the Kariah mosque in Batu 10 Cheras, which is part of the Kajang state constituency. This, too, was blocked by Mais at the last minute.
The source said Mais and the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) threatened to arrest Anwar if he delivered the tazkirah, pointing out that he did not have tauliah (certificates of approval) to give talks or sermons in Selangor mosques.
Due to the ban, Anwar, Muhd Nur, Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and other Pakatan Rakyat leaders who were present, performed their prayers at the Kariah Mosque.
They later spoke to the congregation after the prayers.
Of course, there are state laws that say such speeches are not permissible. But it is apparent it only applies to those who do not enjoy the favour of the powers-that-be.
This has also happened to other opposition leaders and preachers or lecturers who are not in line with Umno or groups aligned to it, reflecting institutionalised and feudal reverence to the dominant Malay nationalist party.
If anything, it plays into the hands of Anwar and his cohorts who say his candidature is to prevent such a scenario from happening - that agencies and departments will be used by Umno to recapture the country's wealthiest state from Pakatan Rakyat.
In other words, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy that the Selangor government is under threat and some departments are playing right into Anwar's hands when they act against the state government.
And its speaks volumes that such agencies and departments which insist that they are independent of any political party, are actually doing the bidding of one side to the detriment of the other side and the people of Selangor.
It will not get easier for Anwar or the opposition but these authorities should know that their actions will only push people to blame Umno for it and support the underdog.
It is perverse, but so are the authorities when they forsake their independence and act against the people.- tmi

Ceramah Anwar di Alor Setar pada 2/2/14

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