"Perintah Mahkamah Tinggi adalah dengan ini mengenepikan dan kes ini akan dirujuk ke Mahkamah Tinggi bagi penaksiran ganti rugi,"katanya.
Arif berkata Mahkamah Tinggi yang menolak saman Nizar tidak boleh dikekalkan dan TV3 bertanggungjawab.
Beliau berkata pembelaan justifikasi gagal dan TV3 tidak berjaya membuktikan kebenaran atau sebahagian kebenaran dalam laporan mereka.
"Malah, ada niat jahat oleh defendan dalam laporan mereka," katanya.
Mahkamah juga memerintahkan bayaran RM30,000 sebagai kos.
Pada 12 April, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Datin Yeoh Wee Siam menolak dakwaan Nizar bahawa TV3 memfitnah beliau.
Dalam penghakiman bertulis beliau, hakim memutuskan TV3 memperlihatkan justifikasi pembelaan terhadap semua fakta dan hujah yang dibangkitkan kedua-dua belah pihak.
"Saya berpendapat defendan berjaya dalam pembelaan mereka berdasarkan justifikasi. Pembelaan justifikasi adalah pembelaan yang lengkap. Oleh itu, berdasarkan faktor ini, tuntutan plaintif patut dibuang," katanya dalam kenyataan penghakiman bertulis sebanyak 30 muka surat.

Bagaimanapun, Yeoh turut meneliti hak keistimewaan pembelaan dan pembelaan Reynolds yang digunakan oleh stesen penyiaran itu.
Menggunakan ujian kemunasabahan yang digariskan dalam kes di United Kingdom, Reynolds melawan Times Akhbar Ltd, Yeoh berkata, TV3 tidak mengamalkan amalan kewartawanan yang dipertanggungjawabkan kerana ia tidak mengesahkan tweet berkenaan dengan Nizar atau meminta sebarang komen daripadanya.
Beliau sebelum itu berkata, adalah jelas bahawa laporan berita TV3 itu mempunyai kepentingan awam dan bertanggungjawab untuk menyiarkannya.
Pada Julai 2012, Nizar memfailkan saman fitnah RM50 juta terhadap Sistem Televisyen Malaysia Berhad (TV3) dan penerbit TV3 Rohani Ngah di atas berita laporan 30 Mei 2012 yang didakwa boleh ditafsirkan dalam beberapa maksud, termasuk beliau melakukan hasutan, pengkhianat kepada Sultan Johor dan mengbangkitkan kebencian orang ramai kepada pemerintah Johor.
Nizar juga memfailkan saman fitnah RM50 juta terhadap penerbit Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad ke atas laporan mengenai tweet, di mana saksi daripada kedua-dua pihak telah memberi keterangan minggu ini, penghujahan lisan akan didengar di mahkamah pada 7 Jun. – tmi

Ex-Perak MB Nizar wins suit against TV3suku...
Court of Appeal today allowed an appeal brought by former Perak menteri
besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin against TV3 for defamation over the WWW 1
car licence plate issue.
A three-member panel headed by Justice Mohd Arif Mohd Yusof said Nizar had successfully shown malice on the part of the defendants.
"We unanimously set aside the judgment by the High Court in Kuala Lumpur. We find the defendants to be liable for defamation," Justice Mohd Arif said.
The decision by the appellate court was unanimous.
The appellate court also ruled the defendants failed to prove justification in their news report.
The other judges were Justice David Wong Dak Wah and Justice Abang Iskandar Abang Hashim.
Justice Mohd Arif then ordered for the damages to be assessed by the High Court.
The court however agreed that TV3 is to pay RM30,000 in legal costs.
There are two different judgments which were written by the judges, and Justice Mohd Arif indicated that they will be out tomorrow.
The former Perak menteri besar was represented by Mohd Fitri Asmuni while TV3 was represented by lawyer Liew Teck Huat.
TV3 may appeal
Nizar last year failed in his defamation suit against Sistem Televisyen (M) Bhd (TV3) and one other party.
This was after KL High Court judge Justice Yeoh Wee Siam said Nizar’s tweet messages had clearly insinuated that the sultan of Johor had used public funds to secure the WWW1 vehicle registration number in the bid.
Yeoh said the court was unable to agree with Mohammad Nizar’s suggestion that his tweets must be construed literally and entirely divorced from any inferences, implications, and the normal understanding of a reasonable man.
“Based on the above considerations, the court dismisses the plaintiff’s action against the defendants. Costs are to be borne by the respective parties,” she ruled last year.
However, before another High Court judge, Nizar was successful in another suit on the same issue that he filed against Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia.
The KL High Court awarded RM250,000 in damages to Nizar and the appellate court upheld the decision last December.
It was reported that Nizar filed two separate suits against TV3 in 2012, after his tweet was allegedly twisted by the mainstream media.
Fitri told reporters that Utusan Malaysia has filed for leave to appeal.
Liew also told reporters on the sidelines that he would look at the full judgment tomorrow and the television station is also likely to appeal.- malaysiakini
A three-member panel headed by Justice Mohd Arif Mohd Yusof said Nizar had successfully shown malice on the part of the defendants.
"We unanimously set aside the judgment by the High Court in Kuala Lumpur. We find the defendants to be liable for defamation," Justice Mohd Arif said.
The decision by the appellate court was unanimous.
The appellate court also ruled the defendants failed to prove justification in their news report.
The other judges were Justice David Wong Dak Wah and Justice Abang Iskandar Abang Hashim.
Justice Mohd Arif then ordered for the damages to be assessed by the High Court.
The court however agreed that TV3 is to pay RM30,000 in legal costs.
There are two different judgments which were written by the judges, and Justice Mohd Arif indicated that they will be out tomorrow.
The former Perak menteri besar was represented by Mohd Fitri Asmuni while TV3 was represented by lawyer Liew Teck Huat.

TV3 may appeal
Nizar last year failed in his defamation suit against Sistem Televisyen (M) Bhd (TV3) and one other party.
This was after KL High Court judge Justice Yeoh Wee Siam said Nizar’s tweet messages had clearly insinuated that the sultan of Johor had used public funds to secure the WWW1 vehicle registration number in the bid.
Yeoh said the court was unable to agree with Mohammad Nizar’s suggestion that his tweets must be construed literally and entirely divorced from any inferences, implications, and the normal understanding of a reasonable man.
“Based on the above considerations, the court dismisses the plaintiff’s action against the defendants. Costs are to be borne by the respective parties,” she ruled last year.
However, before another High Court judge, Nizar was successful in another suit on the same issue that he filed against Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia.
The KL High Court awarded RM250,000 in damages to Nizar and the appellate court upheld the decision last December.
It was reported that Nizar filed two separate suits against TV3 in 2012, after his tweet was allegedly twisted by the mainstream media.
Fitri told reporters that Utusan Malaysia has filed for leave to appeal.
Liew also told reporters on the sidelines that he would look at the full judgment tomorrow and the television station is also likely to appeal.- malaysiakini

Kadir Jasin - Melayu jijik babi, tapi tak ambil berat pasai halal haram, tika mengulas isu berceramah di gereja dan pantang larang Ridhuan Tee...
Cerita masuk gereja dan babi dekat dengan hati saya. Jadi apabila penceramah Ridhuan Tee Abdullah dilaporkan mengecam perbuatan seorang bakal calon Melayu bagi Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri Kajang berucap di gereja, saya ingin tumpang sekali.
Saya katakan “bakal calon” kerana penamaan calon belum diadakan. Antara sekarang dan saat itu, apa pun boleh berlaku.
Menulis dalam akhbar Sinar Harian, Ridhuan mengkritik langkah bakal calon tersebut memasuki gereja Holy Family, Kajang dan berucap. Tee menyifatkan tindakan itu sebagai “liberal dan keterlaluan”. Bakal calon yang dimaksudkan itu ialah Anwar Ibrahim.
Katanya: "Luar biasa! Dahulu orang Melayu usahkan nak masuk gereja atau kuil, lalu sahaja di luar pun kalau boleh, cuba elakkan. Sama seperti jika mereka ke pasar, kalau boleh elak melalui atau memandang daging atau penjual khinzir. Lebih dahsyat lagi, ketika di pasar, ada yang takut ‘lalat khinzir’ terbang kawasan ‘halal’ Islam. Begitulah berhati-hatinya orang Melayu terhadap cara hidup mereka.”
Saya katakan cerita masuk gereja dan babi dekat dengan hati saya kerana kedua-duanya adalah sebahagian daripada pendewasaan saya.
1. Ketika saya kanak-kanak, di kampung saya babi peliharaan adalah perkara biasa. Jiran Cina yang berupa penduduk minoriti pelihara babi dan kadang kala babi mereka terlepas keluar kandang dan masuk kampung kami.
2. Babi masuk kampung perkara biasa waktu itu. Kita hambat keluar atau kita biarkan asal tidak merosakkan tanaman atau datang terlalu hampir dengan rumah. Malah nenek saya melakukan kegiatan tukar barang kerana babi. Penternak babi tuai keladi liar yang tumbuh dalam kampungnya untuk makanan haiwan itu. Sebagai ganti mereka memberikannya gula, kopi dan susu.
3. Kalau menunggang basikal dari Tanah Merah (Pendang) ke Kubur Panjang melalui Tobiar, kita akan melintasi sebuah perkampungan orang Siam. Mereka pun pelihara babi dan babi mereka jinak. Bila kita lalu, babi akan ikut kita, apatah lagi kalau kita membawa buah-buahan atau sayur-sayuran.
4. Tapi orang Melayu jijik dengan daging babi dan sangat ambil berat makanan halal. Tapi ramai tidak peduli sangat kalau makanan halal diperoleh secara haram atau dibeli dengan pendapatan haram macam rasuah. Dua cerita daging babi dan makanan halal adalah:
(a) Seorang buta (tentunya tidak tahu rupa bentuk babi) terambil bungkusan mengandungi daging babi kepunyaan kawan Cinanya. Si isteri celik, tapi tidak pernah tengok dagang babi. Mereka masak dan makan. Tidak jadi apa-apa. Si kawan Cina berasa sangat bersalah dan pergi beritahu yang itu daging babi. Laki bini muntah sampai lembik. Begitulah jijiknya orang Melayu dengan babi.
(b) Seorang Melayu (tentunya Islam) “bergumbira” tiga hari dua malam di Haadyai dengan “temannya” berkurung dalam bilik hotel. Hari ketiga lapar dan turun cari makan. Pertanyaan pertamanya: “Halal ke ayam ni?” Maksudnya disembelih ikut cara Islam.
5. Mengenai masuk gereja pula, kalau itulah interpretasi Tee, saya lagi teruk daripada bakal calon yang Tee kritik itu kerana:
(a) Saya masuk gereja ketika bersekolah selama lapan tahun di Sekolah Rendah dan Menengah Saint Michael di Alor Setar. Bukan masuk gereja untuk sembahyang Kristian, tetapi berlindung daripada bahang panas musim kemarau. Saya juga masuk gereja untuk ziarah kenalan Kristian yang mati.
(b) Ketika belajar kewartawanan di New Zealand, saya tinggal seminggu di rumah seorang paderi Gereja Anglican. Di rumah beliaulah saya belajar mengenai “grace” atau doa sebelum makan berbunyi: Bless, O Father, Thy gifts to our use and us to Thy service; for Christ’s sake. Amen.
Jadi apalah salahnya bakal calon masuk berucap dalam gereja atau melawat kuil. Perdana Menteri kita, Mohd Najib Abdul Razak pun buat masa perayaan agama-agama bukan Islam siap dengan pakaian sekali. Inilah 1Malaysia. Wallahuaklam.- A.Kadir Jasin

A 'real Malay',Kadir Jasin thrashes Ridhuan Tee's taboos on churches and pigs...
Recounting a life the exact opposite of the sanctimony described by controversial writer Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, former New Straits Times chief editor Datuk A. Kadir Jasin today rebutted the former’s attack against Muslims visiting non-Muslim houses of worship.
In a post on his blog today, Kadir said he was moved to comment on the National Defence University senior lecturer’s apparent criticism against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s visit to the church of the Holy Family and the Sri Maha Mariammam temple in Klang as the points of contention were near to his heart and part of his growing up.
“I entered a church when I was studying in the St Michael primary and secondary schools in Alor Setar. Not to pray, but for shelter from the heat. I also went to churches to pay my respects to deceased Christian friends,” he wrote.
This continued when Kadir went to New Zealand to pursue his studies in journalism, where he stayed with a priest for a week.
“At his home, I learned of the ‘grace’ or prayer before meals, which went: ‘Bless, O Father, Thy gifts to our use and us to Thy service; for Christ’s sake, Amen’.”
Pigs not created by Allah? Then by whom?
In his commentary piece yesterday, the Muslim convert Ridhuan sought to depict Malay-Muslims as once so devout that they would shun even the flies that have come in contact with pork that is considered “haram” (forbidden) in Islam.
But Kadir recounted a childhood that did not feature the purportedly strict adherence as claimed by Ridhuan.
Instead, he said pigs were not unusual at the village where he grew up, and sometimes escaped the pens in which they were kept by Chinese villagers.
The animals were also a familiar sight at a nearby Siamese village between Tanah Merah and Kubur Panjang in Kedah, as the residents there also domesticated pigs.
“Pigs entering the village were a usual thing then. We chased them out or we let them be as long as they did not damage the crops or get too close to our homes.
“In fact, my grandmother also managed to barter because of the pigs,” Kadir added.
1Malaysia, yet nothing but total silence from Najib.
Pointing out that visits to non-Muslim houses of worships were not alien to multicultural Malaysia, Kadir noted for instance Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s regular appearances in conjunction with non-Muslim religious festivities.
“So what is wrong with a potential candidate speaking in a church or visiting a temple ... this is 1 Malaysia,” he continued.
In a piece in Malay language daily Sinar Harian yesterday that appeared targeted at Anwar, Ridhuan yesterday lambasted Malays for willingly going to non-Muslims worship sites.
“Extraordinary! Previously it was difficult to get Malays to enter churches or temples, and they would even avoid walking outside if they could help it. In markets, they would avoid passing or looking at pork and the pork seller.
“Such was Malays concern for their way of life,” he wrote.
Although Anwar was not specifically named in the article, Ridhuan’s warning for Kajang candidates not to sell out their religion came a week after PKR’s nominee for the March 23 by-election spoke in a church there and a day after he visited a Hindu temple in the constituency. - Malay Mail

Dapat BR1M nak tukar lembukini

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