Menteri UMNO yang tidak faham tugas dan tak tahu menjaga keamanan rakyat.
Ahmad Zahid berkata polis hanya akan mengambil tindakan sekiranya perbuatan menampar berlaku.
"Jika mereka menamparnya, maka kita akan mengambil tindakan," katanya sambil dipetik sebagai menambah bahawa perkara menampar itu adalah antara Teresa dan kumpulan berkenaan. Baca seterusnya di sini.

Kit Siang: Zahid promoting law of jungle...
DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang is asking whether Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is promoting the law of the jungle and not the rule of law for saying that the threat to slap a lawmaker is all right.In expressing shock at Zahid's statement in dismissing calls to investigate the organiser who offered monetary reward to slap Seputeh MP Teresa Kok, Lim asked whether the home minister is seriously suggesting it is perfectly lawful and permissible to organise public demonstrations to offer RM1,200 to anyone to slap the prime minister, the deputy prime minister or the home minister?
“Do his comments amount to a directive to the police not to investigate the police reports lodged by the DAP and Pakatan Rakyat MP's nationwide, state representatives against the self-styled 'Council of Islamic NGOs' for a battery of criminal offences, including criminal intimidation, sedition, incitement of violence against a female MP and incitement for another May 13 riots?,” he asked further.
Lim who is also Gelang Patah MP, said that it seems the home minister wants the rule of the jungle and this does not augur well for Malaysia's mission to be a developed nation by 2020.
It was reported today Zahid as saying there was no need to investigate the monetary reward offered by the non-governmental organisation Muslim Consumers Association Malaysia (PPIM) activist Mustafa Hamzah, as this does not constitute a threat.
Lim also asked Zahid in the statement, whether he was also telling the police they should not investigate Thursday's protest for possible violation of the Peaceful Assembly Act, in not giving the police 10 days advance notice for the assembly.
He further challenged the MCA leadership under Liow Tiong Lai to say whether they agree with Zahid's statement that there was nothing wrong.

Sankara: Drop probe against Teresa, too
Kok's lawyer Sankara Nair also threw his hat into the ring, tagging Zahid's statement as irrational.
“If on Zahid's orders the police do not investigate a blatant crime then in fairness there should also be no investigations against YB Teresa and the actors in respect of the video clip.
“There is a clear act of crime of criminal intimidation - under Section 503/506 of the Penal Code, that has been committed by the action and conduct of the said NGO. Several police reports have already been lodged,” he said.
Sankara pointed out that the police are duty bound to act in accordance with the law and not ministerial orders.
“Now based on Zahid's statement that the police will not investigate the NGO - is further confirmation of ministerial and political interference in the independence of the functioning of the police. This does not augur well in law,” he said.
Sankara said the police must continue to with their probe without fear or favour as the inspector-general of police answers only to the law and not a minister.

Enrol Zahid in law school
Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo, in an immediate response has called on attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail to educate Zahid on Section 503 regarding criminal intimidation.
Section 506 states that the penalty for criminal intimidation is a two-year jail term or a fine, and in case of threats to cause grievous hurt the incarceration could be up to seven years.
“Threats to slap a person clearly come within the scope of this section. The Home Minister is clearly confused.
"He says a slap is not a threat. He says action will be taken only if the act of slapping is carried out.
“That is ridiculous. The law doesn't require one to wait for an assault before action can be taken. The threat of it is sufficient. He doesn't seem to understand this,” said Gobind.
The lawmaker described Zahid's statement that the matter was between Kok and the group as ridiculous.
“The AG should correct Zahid immediately. I hope he is not influenced by the home minister instead.
"The AG must, as public prosecutor, inspire confidence in this time of apparent weakness on part of the government to stand up against such open threats of violence and direct full investigations and charge those responsible without delay,” he said.
Meanwhile, Padang Serai MP and PKR vice-president N Surendran said Zahid is abdicating his responsibility by making the remark and shows he is unfit to be the home minister.
"Zahid is bound by the law and the oath of office he took before the Yang di Pertuan Agong when assuming office as a cabinet minister to preserve, protect and defend the constitution.
"This means he must uphold the rule of law and adherence to the laws of the nation. Zahid has thus blatantly breached the sacrosanct ministerial oath of office, taken in all solemnity before the king. Zahid has thus proven his complete unfitness to be home minister or any other position of responsibility."
Surendran also called on PM Najib Razak to break his silence on the issue and demand the immediate arrest of those responsible.- malaysiakini

Anak Perempuan Zahid Hamidi nak lawan Anwar di PRK Kajang...
Anak perempuan, Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Nurul Hidayah berhasrat bertanding dalam Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dun Kajang.
Bercakap kepada Sinar Harian, Nurul berkata, keputusan terletak ditangan pucuk pimpinan siapa calon terbaik untuk kerusi itu.
“Saya tidak boleh komen lebih-lebih, masih dalam perbincangan. Hasrat itu ada, saya percaya mereka yang rasa dirinya layak juga berhasrat perkara sama.
“Apa-apa pun terserah pada pucuk pimpinan parti,” katanya.
Tegas Nurul, beliau berharap tidak ada pihak cuba mengeruhkan keadaan dengan membesarkan lagi cerita ini.
“Saya hanya buka mulut pada rakan-rakan, saya minta pandangan mereka. Tidak tahu pula sampai kepada pengetahuan (media).
“Saya tidak mahu ada pihak terguris hati, jadi saya tidak berminat untuk komen lebih lanjut. Lainlah jika memang sudah diumum sayalah calon itu,” katanya.
Menurut Nurul, jika perkara itu dibesarkan pihaknya bimbangkan akan memberi implikasi kepada BN dan juga bapanya.
“Seperti mana orang tahu bapa saya berada dalam kepimpinan parti, jadi saya tidak mahu keruhkan hubungan dengan beliau, saya sangat hormati kedudukan beliau,” katanya.
Nurul yang merupakan anak jati Selangor itu memberitahu beliau sudah lama menetap di Kajang.-f/bk

Pengerusi Hindraf pun dah terasa dirinya di tipu oleh Najib Razak .. jenis pemimpin tidak tunaikan janji .. jenis pemimpin khianati MOU...
Waythamoorthy : PM dan BN tidak mempunyai keberanian untuk menunaikan janji bagi meningkatkan taraf sosial ekonomi kaum India. Kini masyarakat India khususnya Hindraf telah hilang kepercayaan kepada janji-janji PM setelah menunggu selama lapan bulan .

Pengerusi Hindraf pun dah terasa dirinya di tipu oleh Najib Razak .. jenis pemimpin tidak tunaikan janji .. jenis pemimpin khianati MOU. ..

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