Robert Kuok, Ananda Krishnan terkaya di M'sia...
Robert Kuok, hartawan Malaysia yang berpangkalan di Hong Kong, kekal lelaki paling kaya di Malaysia dengan kekayaan RM54.48 bilion berbanding RM46.1 bilion tahun lepas, diikuti ahli perniagaan T Ananda Krishnan dan tokoh perbankan Public Bank Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow.Ananda, mengekalkan posisi kedua sejak 2004 dengan aset yang dimilikinya menerusi Usaha Tegas Sdn Bhd bernilai RM33.19 bilion, peningkatan sebanyak 0.88 peratus daripada RM32.90 bilion tahun lepas.
Teh, kekal di tempat ketiga sejak tiga tahun lepas, dengan aset bernilai RM18.07 bilion, lapor Malaysian Business, majalah Perniagaan utama dalam terbitan 16 Februari.
Ia melaporkan gabungan kekayaan 40 individu paling kaya itu meningkat kepada RM217.82 bilion pada 18 Jan 2014 atau 11.73 peratus daripada RM194.86 bilion tahun lalu.
Semasa majalah itu mula menyenaraikan kekayaan 40 individu paling Malaysia pada 2002, gabungan jumlah aset mereka sebanyak RM41.7 bilion, dengan Robert Kouk Hock Nien berada di tempat teratas.
Majalah itu berkata tempat keempat dalam senarai itu ialah Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan melalui Hong Leong Group dan Guoco Group, dengan kekayaan bernilai RM14.11 bilion tahun ini.
Tempat ke-5 ialah Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng dari IOI Group yang melompat dari kedudukan keenam tahun lepas, mengatasi Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary yang jatuh ke tempat keenam.
Kekayaan Lee tahun ini berjumlah RM13.12 bilion, naik daripada RM10.56 bilion tahun lalu.
Syed Mokhtar berada di tempat keenam walaupun kekayaan beliau meningkat sebanyak 4.43 peratus kepada RM11.07 bilion daripada RM10.6 bilion pada tahun lepas.
Ketua Genting Group Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay dan ibunya, Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua, mengekalkan kedudukan mereka, masing-masing di tempat ketujuh dan kelapan.
Kekayaan Lim meningkat 16.18 peratus kepada RM9.43 bilion manakala Lee meningkat sebanyak 3.2 peratus kepada RM7.47 bilion.
Datuk Mokhzani Mahathir melalui SapuraKenchana Petroleum berada di tempat kesembilan dengan aset bernilai RM4.22 bilion.
Tokoh perbankan Tan Sri Azman Hashim melalui Arab-Malaysian Corporation menduduki tempat ke-10 dengan aset bernilai RM4.11 bilion tahun ini.
Malaysian Business berkata antara fakta menarik ialah sejak 2002, 81 usahawan menyertai senarai 40 individu terkaya di Malaysia dan 15 berjaya kekal di atas secara berterusan.
Keseluruhannya, peningkatan kukuh kekayaan mereka boleh dikaitkan dengan sumbangan prestasi pasaran dan harga inflasi, dengan kekayaan mereka sebahagian besarnya berasaskan kepada pegangan masing-masing.
Ia juga menggambarkan prestasi syarikat-syarikat mereka dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Malaysia yang positif dalam tempoh 12 tahun.
Tahun ini terdapat 33 jutawan dalam senarai harta mencecah angka bilion, lebih dua daripada tahun lepas dan 29 daripada 40 dalam senarai merekodkan lebih tinggi daripada tahun lepas.
Daripada jumlah itu, 20 individu mencatatkan pertumbuhan lebih daripada 10 peratus.
Dua individu kembali memasuki senarai tahun ini, Datuk Tony Tiah dari TA Enterprise di tempat ke-38 dengan aset bernilai RM589.14 juta, manakala Tan Sri Rozali Ismail dari Puncak Niaga Holdings memasuki senarai 40 Teratas dengan RM543.74 juta.
Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, kekayaan 40 Teratas dinilai berdasarkan nilai pegangan mereka dalam syarikat tersenarai pada 18 Jan 2014.
Malaysian Business majalah perniagaan utama di negara ini diterbitkan oleh Berita Publishing Sdn Bhd. - malaysiakini

Mokhzani Mahathir enters Top 10 rich list...
Mokhzani Mahathir, the second son of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has joined Malaysia's Top 10 rich list.According to business magazine Malaysian Business, Mokhzani is worth RM4.2 billion, up RM1.6 billion from the year before.
Mokhzani is one of three bumiputera in the Top 10, leapfrogging ahead of Arab-Malaysia Corp's Azman Hashim (No 10, RM4.1 billion) and behind Syed Mokhtar Albukhary (No 6, RM11 billlion).
Of the three, Mokhzani is the youngest at age 53.
According to Bernama, Robert Kuok remains Malaysia's richest man, with a wealth of RM54.48 billion from last year's RM46.1 billion, followed by businessman T Ananda Krishnan and Public Bank’s Teh Hong Piow.
Ananda has been maintaining his second position since 2004, and his assets, held via Usaha Tegas Sdn Bhd, are worth RM33.19 billion, an increase of 0.88 percent from last year’s RM32.90 billion.
Teh kept his place for the third year running, with assets worth RM18.07 billion,
Malaysian Business, the country’s premier business magazine, said in its Feb 16th issue.
It said the combined wealth of Malaysia’s 40 richest individuals rose to RM217.82 billion as at Jan 18, 2014 or 11.73 percent from RM194.86 billion a year ago.
When Malaysian Business first started counting the wealth of Malaysia’s 40 richest individuals in 2002, their combined assets stood at RM41.7 billion and Robert Kuok Hock Nien came out tops.
The magazine said fourth on the list is Quek Leng Chan whose wealth, through his flagship Hong Leong Group and Guoco Group, is valued at RM14.11 billion this year.
At the 5th spot is Lee Shin Cheng of IOI Group who jumped from sixth position last year, overtaking Syed Mokhtar Albukhary who fell to sixth.
Lee’s wealth this year is RM13.12 billion, up from RM10.56 billion a year ago.
Syed Mokhtar has to contend with the sixth spot despite his wealth growing by 4.43 percent to RM11.07 billion from RM10.6 billion last year.
Genting Group chief Lim Kok Thay and his mother, Lee Kim Hua, retained their seventh and eighth positions, respectively.
Lim’s wealth rose 16.18 percent to RM9.43 billion while Lee’s increased by 3.2 percent to RM7.47 billion.
Malaysian Business said one interesting fact was that since 2002, 81 tycoons have joined the 40 Richest Malaysians’ list and 15 have managed to remain on the list since.
Overall, the steady increase of their wealth can be attributed to share market performance and price inflation, given that their wealth is largely based on their shareholdings.
It is also reflective of the performance of their companies and Malaysia’s positive economic growth over the past 12 years.
33 billionaires this year
According to Bernama, there are 33 billionaires this year, two more than last year, and 29 of the 40 in the list see their assets increasing from last year.
Out of that, 20 registered growth of more than 10 percent.
There were two returnees to this year’s list. Tony Tiah of TA Enterprise is at number 38th, with assets worth RM589.14 million, while Rozali Ismail of Puncak Niaga Holdings rounded up the Top 40, with RM543.74 million.
As in previous years, the wealth of the Top 40 was assessed based on the value of their stakes in listed companies as at Jan 18, 2014.- malaysiakini
It said the combined wealth of Malaysia’s 40 richest individuals rose to RM217.82 billion as at Jan 18, 2014 or 11.73 percent from RM194.86 billion a year ago.
When Malaysian Business first started counting the wealth of Malaysia’s 40 richest individuals in 2002, their combined assets stood at RM41.7 billion and Robert Kuok Hock Nien came out tops.
The magazine said fourth on the list is Quek Leng Chan whose wealth, through his flagship Hong Leong Group and Guoco Group, is valued at RM14.11 billion this year.
At the 5th spot is Lee Shin Cheng of IOI Group who jumped from sixth position last year, overtaking Syed Mokhtar Albukhary who fell to sixth.
Lee’s wealth this year is RM13.12 billion, up from RM10.56 billion a year ago.
Syed Mokhtar has to contend with the sixth spot despite his wealth growing by 4.43 percent to RM11.07 billion from RM10.6 billion last year.
Genting Group chief Lim Kok Thay and his mother, Lee Kim Hua, retained their seventh and eighth positions, respectively.
Lim’s wealth rose 16.18 percent to RM9.43 billion while Lee’s increased by 3.2 percent to RM7.47 billion.
Malaysian Business said one interesting fact was that since 2002, 81 tycoons have joined the 40 Richest Malaysians’ list and 15 have managed to remain on the list since.
Overall, the steady increase of their wealth can be attributed to share market performance and price inflation, given that their wealth is largely based on their shareholdings.
It is also reflective of the performance of their companies and Malaysia’s positive economic growth over the past 12 years.
33 billionaires this year
According to Bernama, there are 33 billionaires this year, two more than last year, and 29 of the 40 in the list see their assets increasing from last year.
Out of that, 20 registered growth of more than 10 percent.
There were two returnees to this year’s list. Tony Tiah of TA Enterprise is at number 38th, with assets worth RM589.14 million, while Rozali Ismail of Puncak Niaga Holdings rounded up the Top 40, with RM543.74 million.
As in previous years, the wealth of the Top 40 was assessed based on the value of their stakes in listed companies as at Jan 18, 2014.- malaysiakini
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