Pemimpin muda itu berkata, hukuman bersalah ke atas Michael itu menghidupkan kembali banyak pertanyaan mengenai siapa di belakangnya.
Mahkamah Sesyen Sandakan di Sabah semalam mengenakan hukuman penjara setahun dan satu sebatan ke atas Michael yang terbabit dalam kes cubaan menipu wang RM2.5 juta 10 tahun lalu.
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Sandakan Elsie Primus ketika menyampaikan hukuman itu pada Rabu lalu berkata Michael telah didapati bersalah atas cubaan menipu dan gagal menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah dalam kesnya.
Katanya, Michael tidak mempunyai apa-apa pengaruh atau jawatan di dalam kerajaan, maka dia sendiri tidak ada kuasa untuk memberikan permit membalak.
“Hakikatnya dia boleh mengutip wang dari syarikat-syarikat balak memberi gambaran bahawa syarikat dan pengusaha balak tahu bahawa dia menjadi orang tengah bagi pihak-pihak tertentu yang mempunyai kuasa dan pengaruh dalam menentukan pemberian permit balak.
“Sebab itu, keputusan bersalah yang dijatuhkan kepada Michael menguatkan spekulasi mengenai kes wang RM40 juta yang sebelum ini menjadi kontroversi melibatkan Musa.
“Fakta kes sebelum ini melalui pelbagai bukti pemindahan wang, keterangan SPRM dan maklumat dari ICAC di Hong Kong menunjukkan bahawa memang ada pemindahan wang berjumlah RM40 juta tetapi ia tidak disiasat sebagai rasuah kerana wang itu dikatakan derma politik kepada Umno Sabah,” kata Rafizi dalam kenyataan media hari ini.
Tamparan kepada Nazri
Menurut beliau, keputusan bersalah terhadap Michael juga adalah satu tamparan kepada Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz yang mempunyai hubungan dengan Michael, terutamanya apabila anak beliau menggunakan kereta mewah milik lelaki itu seperti yang didedahkan sebelum ini.
Nazri bagaimanapun, tampil di Parlimen menjelaskan bahawa tidak ada unsur rasuah di dalam kes-kes melibatkan Musa dan Michael yang mengundang kontroversi sebelum itu.
Rafizi berkata, walaupun keputusan terhadap Michael ini adalah satu peningkatan baik yang ditunjukkan SPRM, rakyat memerhati sama ada SPRM bakal mendakwa penjawat-penjawat awam berpangkat tinggi yang terlibat sama.
Namun, menurut Rafizi, kes yang membabitkan permit membalak di Sabah itu adalah salah satu kes utama yang memberi gambaran bagaimana permit membalak telah disalah gunakan oleh ahli-ahli politik dan pegawai awam untuk membina kekayaan peribadi.
Jika tidak, selama-lamanya SPRM dilihat hanya mendakwa bilis sedangkan jerung terus terlepas, tambah beliau.- fmt
Reopen RM40mil Chia case, Rafizi tells MACC...
PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli wants the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to reopen the case on Michael Chia, who was caught at the Hong Kong International Airport with Singapore currency worth RM40 million in his luggage in 2008.Chia was investigated with money laundering and trafficking by the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) which reportedly found that the money was earmarked for Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman.
This follows Chia's conviction by the Sandakan Sessions Court yesterday, of cheating businessman Agus Hassan that the RM2.5 million that the latter paid to obtain logging concessions, was to be given to Umno as a political donation.
Rafizi, who is also Pandan MP, welcomed Chia's conviction saying this showed the MACC could do their job in gathering evidence, but added the case gives a picture of logging concessions being abused by politicians and also civil servants to build their wealth.
“Chia's conviction raises questions of who is behind him. Chia has no position in the government and certainly, he does not have the powers to award logging concessions.
“The fact he manages to collect money from logging companies gives a picture that these companies know that he is being a middleman for someone who has the power and influence to award the logging concessions,” said the Pandan MP.
Hence, Rafizi said, the conviction strengthens speculation on the controversial RM40 million Chia was found with.
MACC investigations had shown that RM40 million were political contributions to the state Umno and not for Musa, according to a parliamentary reply by Minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz (left).
“With Chia's conviction I urge the MACC to re-open its investigations on Musa and the RM40 million collected from logging companies as evidence shows Chia's involvement in collecting it.
“His conviction is also a bad blow to Nazri Aziz who allegedly has connections with Chia when his son used the Sabah businessman's luxurious vehicle prior to this.
"This again raises questions when Nazri who was then Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, had explained truthfully in Parliament when he said there were no corruption elements involving Chia and Musa,” said Rafizi.
Catch big fish too
Rafizi said the case needs to be re-opened to ensure the MACC is not only getting the small fish but also the big ones as well.
Yesterday, it was reported that Chia was sentenced to one year's jail and a stroke of the rotan for cheating Agus in June 2004 when the judge ruled Chia's defence had failed to raise reasonable doubt to the prosecution's case.
Chia's lawyer has managed to obtain a stay of execution and is appealing the sentence and conviction to the High Court.
It was also previously reported that Chia was also arrested by the Hong Kong authorities for being implicated in the RM40 million saga.
This is the second time that Rafizi is asking the MACC to reopen its investigations into the RM40 million matter as in 2012, there were conflicting statements made by Nazri in Parliament when answering the matter. Rafizi himself went to the Hong Kong ICAC to find out more on its investigations.- malaysiakini
nampaknya telah melanggar pantangnya sendiri di Kajang. Umno/BN
nampaknya sudah berkempen awal dan menggunakan surau sebagai lokasi
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