Kadir Jasin: Najib dan Anwar patut berpakat menentang Dr Mahathir dan Daim...
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak boleh melawan pengkritiknya jika beliau berpakat dengan Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, kata wartawan veteran, Datuk A Kadir Jasin.
Menurut bekas ketua pengarang kumpulan New Straits Times Press Bhd itu, sekiranya kedua-dua pemimpin tersebut berpakat, kesudahannya pasti menguntungkan Barisan Nasional (BN) pimpinan Najib dan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pimpinan Anwar.
"Kritikan bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan bekas menteri kewangan, Tun Daim Zainuddin terhadap Najib boleh diketepikan sekiranya Najib berpakat dengan Anwar.
"Najib dan kumpulannya boleh bergantung kepada Anwar untuk berlawan dengan Dr Mahathir dan Daim," kata Kadir dalam tulisan di blognya The Scribe hari ini.
Pakatan Najib dengan Anwar mampu menguatkan lagi kedudukannya, serta menghapuskan PR dan pengkritiknya yang paling lantang.
"Anwar boleh menikmati keistimewaan dan juga dilindungi, sekiranya beliau menjadi ahli kerajaan. Semua orang akan bahagia" katanya.
Sebelum ini, Daim pernah mengkritik Najib sebagai seorang pemimpin yang tidak tegas dan rapuh dalam menguatkuasakan undang-undang negara.
Beliau turut mengatakan bahawa ahli Kabinet yang dilantik datang daripada mereka yang cetek pengetahuan dan tidak mempunyai semangat patriotisme.

Daim juga turut mengkritik Anwar dan menggelar pemimpin pembangkang tersebut sebagai gila publisiti dan sukakan perhatian, selain tidak mampu menyelesaikan masalah.
"Anwar mempunyai kebolehan menjauhkan Selangor daripada PR sekiranya beliau berasa hampir kalah. Sekiranya beliau berpakat dengan Najib, beliau boleh mengeluarkan Khalid," katanya.
Spekulasi timbul bahawa Anwar akan menggantikan Khalid sekiranya beliau menang Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kajang pada 23 Mac nanti.
PRK Kajang diadakan selepas peletakan jawatan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) kawasan tersebut, Lee Chin Cheh untuk memberi laluan kepada Anwar bertanding disana.
Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) menetapkan tarikh 23 Mac untuk hari PRK dan 11 Mac sebagai hari penamaan calon.- tmi

Grand plan for Anwar to join Najib's cabinet...
Since the Kajang state seat was vacated to pave the way for Anwar Ibrahim to contest, there have been a slew of conspiracy theories. But this is surely the grandest of them all.In his latest blog posting, veteran journalist A Kadir Jasin, who has strong connections in Umno, puts forward the possibility of the upcoming by-election being a red herring.
He pens about the possibility of Anwar becoming a member of the cabinet with a powerful portfolio.
"What if all the hogwash about Anwar's candidacy and his taking over the Selangor menteri besar post are in fact a red herring intended to hide the backroom manoeuvring involving his camp and the prime minister’s operators?

"So powerful that it sends the shiver (in this dry burning weather) down the spine of his enemies and the PM's critics," he added.
With the problem in the Selangor government continuing to fester, Kadir said the opposition leader knows the risk of his own people jumping ship.
"It's a mistake to underestimate Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim's resources and resourcefulness. He was a businessperson and a manager. He knows mergers and acquisitions better than Anwar and (PKR deputy president) Mohd Azmin Ali. He could apply his M&A skills to politics.
"He has the ability to swing Selangor away from Pakatan Rakyat if he feels that he is on the losing end. So entering into a deal with the PM is a good way for Anwar to checkmate Khalid if he harbours such an idea," he added.
For Najib Abdul Razak and members of his inner circle, Kadir said, they could count on Anwar to battle former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad and ex-finance minister Daim Zainuddin.
"In one brilliant stroke, the PM strengthens his position, destroys Pakatan and rids himself of his critics. Anwar gets to enjoy the privileges and protection as a member of the government. And they can live happily ever after," added the former New Straits Times editor-in-chief.
He has never attacked Najib
Adding a little weight to the conspiracy theory, Kadir also pointed out that Anwar has never attacked Najib directly and vice-versa.

"Think also of the animosity between Anwar and Tunku Abdul Rahman and Abdul Razak Hussein. How Anwar led a series of demonstrations against them and was incarcerated under the ISA during Abdul Razak’s and Hussein Onn's administrations.
"Remember he was freed from detention when Mahathir became PM in 1981 and in early 1982, Mahathir proudly paraded him before the press as the newest member of Umno... And for the next 16 years, promoted him as the crown prince of Umno and successor.
"Remember also that many Umno rebels left the party but later came back to the fold and some went on to be appointed to the cabinet despite having burnt bridges. So why not Anwar?" he asked.
Kadir also questioned if DAP had got wind of this plan, prompting party supremo Lim Kit Siang to ask in his blog - "Who drafted this national reconciliation plan and who had been consulted? This is still a great mystery up to now."
In view of this, the veteran newsman said that he would be the last person to dismiss the reconciliation talk and of seeing Anwar being "mainstream and politically correct" once again.
"Politics, according to German Prussian politician, Otto von Bismarck (1815 - 1898), is the art of the possible," he added.- malaysiakini

Tapi Pek Moh Sarawak harta berbilion2...

kah...kah...kah...x 1001 kali...
