03 January 2014

Nasi lemak rm1.50 sen,air suam 70 sen, tapi Najib dok syiok naik jet mewah barunya lagi...

Di tengah-tengah langkah penjimatan, penulis-penulis blog pro-Umno tampil mempersoalkan sama ada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak kini terbang ke seluruh negara menggunakan jet mewah baru.

Dalam tulisan di blog, antaranya oleh Big Dog dan RockyBru, mereka membangkitkan pesawat Airbus ACJ320 dengan nombor 9H-AWK – dikenali "Perdana 2" atau "NR2" – yang kebetulan sama dengan huruf singkatan Najib.

Pesawat itu didaftarkan di Malta dan disewa daripada kumpulan penerbanganComlux.

Menurut laman web penerbangan itu Aviation Week, Jet Premier One (M) Sdn Bhd, syarikat yang menguruskan penerbangan orang kenamaan di Malaysia, termasuk Najib, ada menyewa Airbus ACJ320 daripada Comlux.

Sewaan itu dikatakan bertujuan menggantikan sementara pesawat yang biasa digunakan Najib, Airbus ACJ319.

ACJ319 dengan nombor 9M-NAA beroperasi menggunakan nama “NR1” atau “Perdana 1” dan merupakan pesawat rasmi perdana menteri, sama seperti Air Force One yang digunakan presiden Amerika Syarikat.

Pejabat PM beri penjelasan

Sementara itu, Pejabat Perdana Menteri hari ini mengeluarkan penjelasannya berhubung perkara dibangkitkan itu. Kenyataan penuhnya seperti di bawah:

Pejabat Perdana Menteri ingin menarik perhatian berhubung laporan blog mengenai penggunaan pesawat khas untuk Perdana Menteri.

Laporan tersebut mengandungi beberapa fakta yang salah dan tidak tepat yang boleh menimbulkan persepsi yang tidak tepat kepada penggunaan pesawat khas tersebut.

Kerajaan sebelum ini memiliki 5 buah pesawat khas iaitu ACJ A319, BBJ, Fokker F28, Global Express dan Falcon 900 yang diperuntukkan untuk kegunaan YDP Agong, YAB Perdana Menteri, dan YAB Timbalan Perdana Menteri.

Tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan, pesawat-pesawat ini juga boleh diluluskan untuk kegunaan oleh DYMM Sultan-sultan dan TYT Yang Dipertua-Yang Dipertua Negeri, YB Menteri-Menteri dan Timbalan-Timbalan Menteri, tetamu-tetamu Kerajaan Persekutuan dari negara asing, Pegawai-pegawai Kanan Kerajaan serta orang-orang kenamaan.

Pada Ogos 2012, pesawat Fokker F28 telah dilupuskan kerana telah berusia lebih 30 tahun dan tiada pesawat gantian dicadangkan.

Pada tahun lepas, pesawat BBJ dan ACJ A319 telah dijadualkan untuk menjalani proses penyelenggaraan wajib. Pesawat BBJ menjalani urusan penyelenggaraan di antara Januari-Julai 2013 sementara ACJ319 di antara 15 Jun-8 Oktober.

Sejajar dengan itu, Jabatan Perdana Menteri yang bertanggungjawab atas urusan pesawat khas Kerajaan telah mengambil keputusan menyewa sebuah pesawat lain ACJ A320 bagi menampung kekurangan pesawat.

Pesawat ACJ A320 ini disewa di antara 1 Februari - 31 Disember 2013 setelah mendapati pesawat BBJ memerlukan lebih masa bagi urusan penyelenggaraan.

Penggunaan pesawat khas membolehkan Ketua Negara dan Ketua Kerajaan bergerak di dalam dan luar negara dengan keadaan keselamatan yang lebih terjamin. Selain itu, Anggota Pentadbiran yang sibuk dengan pelbagai urusan tidak terikat kepada jadual perjalanan komersil di samping kepentingan menjaga imej negara.- malaysiakini

Najib jetting around in new luxury aircraft...

Amid austerity measures, pro-Umno bloggers are questioning whether Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is now jetting across the country in a new luxury aircraft.

In blog postings by, among others, Big Dog and RockyBru, they pointed to an Airbus ACJ320 with tail number 9H-AWK using the call number, "Perdana 2" or "NR2" - which incidentally are similar to Najib's initials.

The aircraft is registered in Malta and leased from aviation group -Comlux.

According to aviation news website Aviation Week, Jet Premier One (M) Sdn Bhd, the company which manages flights for VVIPs in Malaysia, including Najib, had indeed leased the Airbus ACJ320 from Comlux.

The lease was supposed to be a temporary replacement for the regular aircraft Najib uses, an Airbus ACJ319, being refurbished by Comlux Aviation Services.

The Airbus ACJ319 with tail number 9M-NAA operated under the call name “NR1” or “Perdana 1” and is the official aircraft for the prime minister, similar to that of the US president’s Air Force One.

It first came under the spotlight in 2011 when Najib flew on the Airbus ACJ319 to Perth, Australia, apparently on holiday.

In a press release by Comlux May last year, the company had announced it had won a contract to rework the VIP area of the Airbus ACJ319 as well as handle scheduled maintenance works for six years.

The company did not specify the value of the project.

In the interim, Comlux leased an Airbus ACJ320 with tail number 9H-AWK to Jet Premier One.

It took over the call name of  “NR1” and "Perdana 1" and was spotted taking off from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Oct 6 to Denpasar Internatonal Airport, Bali, according to flight enthuasist site Jet Photos.

Najib left for Bali on Dec 6 for the Asia Pacific Economic Conference (Apec) Summit.

'RM27k an hour operate'

The aircraft comes with a lounge, a private room equipped with personal bathroom and has wifi and phone access while in the air.

Comlux did not reveal how much the plane was leased for but according to the company's brochure, the approximate operating cost for its Airbus ACJ320 flight is US$8,350.31 (RM27,501.75) per hour.

In another press statement in October last year, Comlux announced that it has completed refurbishing the “head of state of Malaysia aircraft” Airbus ACJ319 after working on it since its arrival at its US base in June that year.

Despite the return of the plane, the lease for the Airbus ACJ320 appears to be still e active and has been spotted jetting around in Malaysia.

The Airbus ACJ320 changed its call name to "NR2" or "Perdana 2" while the ACJ319 took back its call name "NR1" or "Perdana 1".

According to air traffic tracker website Flight Radar 24, the Airbus ACJ320 with tail number 9H-AWK last took off from KLIA to  under the call name "NR2" on Dec 31.

The site also recorded the Airbus ACJ319 with tail number 9M-NAA taking off from KLIA on Dec 26 under the call name "NR1".

In a parliamentary reply on Nov 7 last year, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim revealed that the government spent RM14.95 million for fuel and RM160.08 million in maintenance for VVIP flights in 2012.

The government aircraft include a Falcon, Global Express, Boeing Business Jet, Blackhawk, two Augustas and a Fokker F28.

However, that reply did not  mention either the Airbus AC319 or Airbus ACJ320.

‘PMO says aircraft lease over’

In an immediate response, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said the lease of the Airbus ACJ320, which started on Feb 1, 2013, ended on Dec 31 that year.

The PMO added that the lease of the Airbus ACJ320 was necessary due to a shortage of government aircraft.

Prior to this, it said the government had five aircraft, namely the ACJ319, BBJ, Fokker F28, Global Express and Falcon 900.

“In August 2012, the Fokker F28 aircraft was decommissioned as it was over 30 years old and was not replaced.

“Last year, the BBJ and ACJ319 were scheduled for compulsory maintenance. The BBJ went through maintenance between January to July 2013 while the ACJ319 went through maintenance between June 15 to Oct 8, 2013.

“As such, the PMO which is responsible for special government aircraft took the decision to lease the ACJ320 to overcome the shortage of aircraft,” it said.

The PMO added that the aircraft were not exclusively for Najib but is also used by the Agong, sultans, yang di-pertuas, ministers, deputy ministers, foreign guests to the federal government, senior government officials and VIPs.

It added that the aircraft allowed these individuals to move in and out of the country safely and helps with their busy schedule.
- malaysiakini


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