“Pilihan alternatif, adakah mereka lebih baik daripada apa yang ada sekarang?
Adakah mereka boleh menjamin kuasa kita tidak dibuang atau kedudukan kita tidak terhakis?
Bagaimana dengan maruah Islam dan orang Melayu?” kata beliau pada pertemuan anjuran Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia’s (Pekida) di sini hari ini.
Najib: Malay future at risk under Pakatan
Najib said today if the Umno-led BN lost power, “all our ambitions will be buried and our future will be full of darkness.”
“What will happen to Muslims if the government changes? What will happen to Islam if we lose our strength?
“What will happen to the Malay rulers if we are no longer there to honour them? What will happen to our descendants if we cannot fight for policies that protect them?” he said.
He accused PR of trying to “demolish what we have built.”
“Without having power, they have defiled the Malay rulers. Without power, they have questioned policies to help Malays and Bumiputeras, which are always questioned by them.
“Without power, they can say they want to halve the civil service. Who will be affected? If hundreds of thousands of civil servants are sacked, who will be the victims?” he said, referring to recent suggestions by DAP to trim the majority-Malay civil service.
malaysian insider
PAS perintah Kelantan,dah lebih daripada 30 tahun, maruah Islam masih terjaga, nasib orang Melayu tetap dibela,kedaulatan raja tetap disanjung. Yang rakyat Kelantan tak dapat adalah duit royalti,sepatutnya menjadi hak rakyat Kelantan tapi semuanya dibalun oleh penyangak2 UMNO.
Soalnya Najib bukan masa depan Melayu yang menjadi pertaruhan tapi masa depan kau,anak pinak,kaum kerabat dan kroni2 kau yang menjadi masalah.
Mungkin Najib dan gerombolannya takut kemungkinan mereka terperosok di Sungai Buluh selepasa PRU ke-13 nanti....
Aku memang nanti saatnya utk melihat Najib,Muhyideen,penyangak2 UMNO,KPN dan Gani 4 Tahil & lain dok merengkok dalam penjara Sungai Buloh.
Cuba you all bayangkan Rosmah mai jumpa Pak Jib tiap2 hujung minggu membawa bersama2nya nasi lauk ketam dalam bekas makanan macam Bangala dok bawa tu.
Btw, who was the one who remove the Ruler's immunity? Ctreated policies that only help the cronies Malay and not the genuine poor and needy Malays?
Btw these scandals,Cow-gate, Disney-gate, Toyo's Palace-gate, Submarine-gate, Altantuya-gate, Stamford Holding-gate, Taib-gate etc were they created by the opposition?
The point here is......
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