Bila si jahil agama ingin berbicara tentang agama.Pemimpin UMNO/BN 'Tak Lah Bodoh Sangat' tetapi TANGAN2 PENGUNDI BN YANG BODOH SEBENARNYA...
PAS parti ajaran sesat, pesongkan akidah umat Islam, kata Ku Nan...
Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor hari ini mendakwa PAS sebuah parti politik yang membawa ajaran sesat dan memesongkan akidah umat Islam.
Sebaliknya, Umno ialah parti Melayu yang memastikan akidah umat Islam di Malaysia tetap terpelihara, kata setiausaha agung Umno itu.
"Tidak ada parti seperti Umno, saya hendak beritahu. Kalau kata PAS itu Islam, pada saya, PAS itu parti mengajar ajaran sesat. Parti yang akan memesongkan akidah.
"Berapa surau, masjid yang PAS bangunkan? Yang mereka tahu, pecah belahkan kita. Memesongkan akidah kita.
"Dia yang mulakan sembahyang dua imam, mengatakan sembelihan orang Umno tidak boleh makan, (mengatakan) imam yang digaji Umno tidak sah menikahkan anak kita," katanya.
Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan itu berkata demikian semasa menyampaikan ucapan penutup Multaqa Kebangsaan, Biro Agama Umno di Kuala Lumpur.
Beliau yang juga mesra dengan panggilan Ku Nan berkata, taman asuhan kanak-kanak yang dibangunkan PAS bertujuan merosakkan minda kanak-kanak di peringkat awal.
Katanya, doktrin seperti itu menjadi cabaran kepada Umno bagi menghalang usaha penyebaran fahaman PAS dilakukan dari usia muda.
"Kita jangan lupa, Umno sedang menghadapi cabaran puak PAS yang mendidik anak-anak mereka sejak kecil, dan sekarang sudah besar, mengatakan Umno ini taghut, kafir.
"Mereka tanamkan semangat ini sejak kecil. Bagaimana kita hendak kekang? Ini cabaran," katanya.

Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan itu berkata pelbagai isu sensitif yang dibangkitkan sejak kebelakangan ini berpunca dari kegagalan orang Melayu bersatu.
Katanya, ahli Umno perlu bijak menyampaikan kepada masyarakat maklumat mengenai sumbangan parti itu yang lebih banyak berjasa dari PAS.
"Kebelakangan ini macam-macam dipersoalkan, kalimah (Allah), Bible. Ini semua berlaku kerana bangsa Melayu tidak bersatu. Umat Islam berpecah belah, bawa fahaman yang songsang dalam negara. Memutar belit.
"Mereka menggunakan Islam untuk kepentingan politik. Umno sehingga ke hari ini tidak pernah menggunakan secebis ayat untuk mendapat kuasa," katanya.
Ku Nan turut mengingatkan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom mengenai hasrat Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang mahu Fasal 3 Perlembagaan Umno dipinda.
"Perdana menteri sudah setuju supaya satu perjumpaan khas diadakan untuk tukar Fasal 3 mengikut Islam yang berlandaskan sunnah dan Al-Quran.
"Kenapa ini kita lakukan? Macam-macam ajaran sekarang datang ke negara kita, macam-macam mazhab, sehinggakan rakyat jadi kelam kabut," katanya. – tmi

'Notis kajian semula persempadanan diwarta bulan depan'
Beliau berkata sebelum mewartakan notis tersebut, SPR perlu memaklumkan kepada Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia dan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak selaku ketua kerajaan, mengikut peraturan yang ditetapkan.
"Bila notis itu diumumkan, maka bermulalah tempoh persempadanan semula dan notis itu akan dipamer selama sebulan (untuk menerima bantahan dan cadangan) daripada kerajaan negeri, pihak berkuasa tempatan dan kumpulan pengundi berdaftar, sekurang-kurangnya 100 orang dalam bahagian pilihan raya terbabit," katanya kepada Bernama.
Beliau berkata laporan akhir mengenai syor kajian semua persempadanan kawasan pilihan raya itu perlu diserahkan kepada Perdana Menteri dalam tempoh tidak lebih dua tahun daripada tarikh notis diumumkan, untuk dibentangkan di persidangan Dewan Rakyat untuk kelulusan selaras dengan Seksyen 8, Jadual ke-13 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Laporan yang diluluskan oleh sidang Dewan Rakyat akan dipersembahkan kepada Yang di-Pertuan Aging untuk ditandatangan sebelum diwartakan dan diguna pakai. Baca seterusnya

EC to go ahead with redelineation of electoral boundaries...
EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof (pix) said the EC was expected to gazette the notice for the redelineation exercise at the end of this year.
He said the redelineation of electoral boundaries was a responsibility of the EC under the Federal Constitution to ensure that voters were served easily by their elected representatives.
"A constituency with a large number of voters, more than 100,000, has to be divided into two, for example, so that there are reasonable numbers of voters in both," he said.
For example, he said, in Kuala Lumpur, the size of the constituencies, such as Batu and Segambut, was small, but the number of voters was large.
Without a redelineation exercise, it would be difficult for the constituents to obtain good service from their elected representatives, he said.
Abdul Aziz also said that a redelineation exercise was not intended to determine the victory of any party in the elections. The principle behind the EC exercise was to facilitate the voter.
He said a redelineation exercise was undertaken at least once in eight years and that the last one was in 2003 while the next one should have been in 2011.
"Then, the EC had to prepare for the 13th general election, and the redelineation exercise was deferred.
The constituencies redelineated under the upcoming exercise would be used for the next general election, to be held in 2018 at the latest, he said.
Abdul Aziz said the period of more than eight years from 2003 would have resulted in more voters and much development, such as new government buildings which could be used as polling centres, and more new roads that would facilitate voters getting to polling centres faster and easily.
"Currently, there are parliamentary constituencies with two district offices and two local councils. This will make things difficult for the elected representative, besides posing a problem for coordination during the registration of voters and polling," he said.
He also said that the EC would try to bring the polling centre as close to a voter as possible under the redelineation exercise.
It would also ensure that in every constituency there were administrative facilities such as a district office, local council, district council, municipal council or city hall.
"As far as possible, the number of voters should be about the same. However, the EC cannot do much to have a similar number of voters in an urban and rural constituency.
"The density of population in an urban constituency is high; in a rural constituency, it is low," he said.
Elaborating on the steps the EC would have to take in relation to a redelineation exercise, Abdul Aziz said that prior to gazetting the notice, the EC would have to inform Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, as the head of government, as the regulation stipulated.
"After the announcement, the notice will be displayed for a month for proposals and objections from the state governments, local authorities and groups of registered voters of at least 100 people in the constituencies," he said.
Abdul Aziz said the final report on the recommendations for redelineation of the electoral boundaries would have to be submitted to the prime minister within two years of the announcement of the notice, for tabling in the Dewan Rakyat to obtain approval, in accordance with section 8 of the Thirteenth Schedule of the Federal Constitution.
The report approved by the Dewan Rakyat would be presented to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for endorsement prior to gazetting and application, he said. – Bernama
Tindak puts electoral maps online for scrutiny...
The NGO Tindak Malaysia will be releasing maps of Malaysia’s electoral boundaries to the public in digital format for the first time, in an effort to urge the Election Commission (EC) to be more transparent.
The idea is to show the public that if self-funded volunteers can create maps that minimise malapportionment and make it publicly accessible, they should expect the EC to do so too with the millions of ringgit at its disposal, said Tindak Malaysia founder PY Wong (below).
"After all. You (the EC) talk about transparency and competency. That is the tagline on EC’s website.
"What can be more transparent and competent than to have these digital maps online?" he told Malaysiakini on Friday.
Launched at 12am today, visitors to Tindak Malaysia’s website are now able to see the present electoral boundaries, and the group’s proposal that it purports to be more equal.
Its proposal is such that there would be a minimal difference in the number of voters in every constituency within the same state, so that each vote is of equal value in putting a representative in office.
'Maps should be free'
The new maps also colour-code constituencies to show who would win the seats based on the results of the 13th general election.
Tindak Malaysia, along with other electoral reform groups like Bersih, had previously raised the issue of malapportionment and gerrymandering of electoral boundaries in Malaysia, arguing among others, that it gives rural constituencies disproportionate power in electing lawmakers.
As a glaring vindication of the claim, BN managing to win the 2013 general election with less than 50 percent of the popular vote count is a damning testimony to unfair electoral boundaries.
The exercise has also been a costly one for Tindak, who according to a source familiar with the mapping project, had spent some RM20,000 to purchase maps from the state EC offices at RM20 each, and nine months to scan it, prepare it in a format suited for professional mapping software, and redraw the electoral boundaries.
However, EC has since increased the price to RM40 per map and now includes a booking process before the purchase can be made.
Wong said the EC should follow the example of developed nations like New Zealand and Australia, where the relevant authorities make its maps available online for free, and in formats that are suitable for the general public as well as those with professional mapping software.
He said it is important to make the maps readily available in one place, especially during a redelineation exercises where members of the public have only 30 days to study the map and file objections if necessary.
'One delimitation from developed status'
"These are reasonable expectations. After all we are only one delimitation away from developed nation status.
"If you look at developed nations like Australia and New Zealand, every one of them publishes their maps online so that every citizen can access the maps.
"When you talk about delimitation, you are talking about engaging 30 million citizens. Everyone has a stake in it," he said.
Redelineation exercises, also known as delimitation exercises, are carried out in Malaysia every 10 years, and the current round is already overdue.
The Malaysian government claims to aspire to make the country a developed nation by the year 2020.- mk

Jangan salahkan pemimpin UMNO/BN kerana pemimpin UMNO/BN lahir dari TANGAN2 PENGUNDI BN YANG BODOH SEBENARNYA..

1 comment:
Jaga akidah buat banyak masjid. Jaga akidah buat 4ENE, jaga akidah buat kasino genting highland, jaga akidah loteri kebajikan dan lumba kuda. Jaga akidah hanya seorang murtad saja yang UMNO bagi murtad ynag lain semua PAS buat. Jaga akidah tak ada kilang arak dan beer. PAS yang bina kilang ara ye kuku kuku kuku Nan.
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