Siasatan pampasan k’tangan Khalid diserah kepada MBI...
Hasil siasatan audit pampasan membabitkan kakitangan mantan Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim akan diserahkan kepada Lembaga Pengarah Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI) untuk tindakan lanjut.
Selangor Kini melaporkan, Menteri Besar, Mohamed Azmin Ali berkata, pihak audit terlebih dahulu membentangkan laporan audit berkenaan kepada Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri (MMKN), minggu lalu.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, perkara berkenaan di luar bidang kuasa MMKN dan akan diserahkan kembali kepada pihak MBI.
Menurutnya, MMKN sudah dimaklumkan berkenaan hasil siasatan pihak audit dan akan dibentangkan dalam minggu ini untuk melihat langkah yang perlu diambil jika ada sebarang keputusan melanggar peraturan.
Beliau menambah, sama ada ganjaran atau pampasan itu akan ditarik juga akan dibincangkan.
“Hasil siasatan memang ada perkara tidak dipatuhi dalam pemberian itu dengan jumlah begitu besar dan luar biasa yang perlu disemak semula,” katanya selepas majlis perasmian program Gerak Gempur Aedes dengan tema ‘MB Terjah, Kampungku Meriah’ di Kampung Tengah, Gombak, hari ini.
Semalam, Khalid menjelaskan beliau mengikut prosedur sedia ada dalam pemberian pampasan kepada tujuh pembantunya ketika dalam pentadbiran termasuk bekas Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MBI, Faekah Husin dan bekas Setiausaha Akhbar, Arfa’eza Abdul Aziz.
Katanya, keputusan itu dipersetujui Ahli Lembaga Pengarah MBI yang kemudiannya dimaklumkan kepada semua Exco Kerajaan Negeri sebelum ini dan mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan.- harakahdaily

2 rakyat Malaysia sertai Ratu Cantik Pondan Antarabangsa 2014...
Dua orang ‘ratu pondan’ daripada Malaysia menyertai pertandingan Ratu Cantik Pondan Antarabangsa 2014 (Miss International Queen 2014) yang diadakan di Pattaya, Thailand.
Dua orang peserta itu adalah Cicie Sinclair dan Hendra yang mewakili Malaysia dalam pertandingan kecantikan terbesar di dunia. Pertandingan ratu cantik itu secara jelas telah mempromosikan hak-hak transeksual dan wanita.
Acara ini sudah menjadi acara tahunan dan dikenali sebagai Miss International Queen. Pertandingan ini disertai ‘ratu-ratu’ cantik dari seluruh dunia termasuk Malaysia.
Bagi tahun ini, selain Malaysia, 19 negara lain turut menghantar wakil mereka bagi merebut kejuaraan. Antara negara yang turut menyertai pertandingan ratu cantik pondan itu adalah dari negara Filipina, Brazil, Venezuela, Mongolia, Korea Selatan, Jepun dan Amerika Syarikat.
Dalam pertandingan itu, peserta dari Venezuela, Isabella Santiago berjaya untuk bergelar juara dan meraih hadiah wang tunai sebanyak RM41,800. Malah, pemenang pada tahun ini juga berhak untuk memilih menjalani pembedahan kosmetik secara percuma.
Sebelum ini, Mahkamah Rayuan dalam satu keputusan telah mengisytiharkan sebagai tidak sah ketetapan Undang-Undang Syariah Negeri Sembilan bahawa lelaki Islam berpakaian seperti wanita adalah perbuatan jenayah.
Panel tiga hakim dipengerusikan Hakim Datuk Mohd. Hishamudin Mohd Yunus, memutuskan Seksyen 66 Enakmen Jenayah Syariah (Negeri Sembilan) 1992 adalah tidak sah di sisi perlembagaan kerana ia mendiskriminasi lelaki Islam yang menghidapi keadaan dikenali masalah identiti gender (GID) dari segi perubatan.
berkata, keinginan untuk berpakaian seperti wanita dan diiktiraf
sebagai seorang wanita dikenal pasti sebagai sebahagian masalah dari
segi perubatan dan tiada rawatan farmakologi atau terapi psikologi yang
telah dibuktikan secara saintifik bagi mengatasi masalah seperti itu.
“Undang-undang sedia ada menghukum golongan transeksual yang mempamerkan gender mereka, mencemarkan maruah dan nilai individu yang menghidap GID dalam masyarakat kita. Seksyen 66 secara langsung menjejaskan hak mereka untuk hidup secara bermaruah seperti dijamin oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan sekiranya nilai mereka sebagai anggota masyarakat diketepikan,” katanya.- fmt
Beauty without boundaries - Double cheer for Malaysia

Khalid did not follow procedures in RM2.5 payout to aides...
Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali today confirmed that there were elements of wrongdoing in the RM2.5 million payout to the aides of his predecessor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.
He said a probe by the state audit department found that Khalid did not follow a few procedures in paying seven of his aides who resigned voluntarily.
"Results from the investigation showed there are a few matters that were not adhered to regarding the payouts and the large extraordinary amount needs to be relooked into," he told reporters after attending the "MB Terjah Kampungku Meriah" at Kampung Tengah Gombak, this morning.
Last Friday, Sri Andalas assemblyman Dr Xavier Jayakumar tweeted about the matter, questioning whether the sum was paid to Khalid's staff.
The Star quoted Khalid as saying that the payments were made under a voluntary separation scheme (VSS) offered to the staff when he left office.
In brushing aside concerns over the amount, Khalid had said the VSS payouts encompassed less than 2% of MBI's RM112 million cash reserves.
He had also said the payments were approved by MBI's board of directors, which comprised him, the state secretary and state financial officer, as well as the state executive councillors.
Azmin said a report on the matter was presented in last week's exco meeting following the completion of the audit.
He said the report would be further discussed by the Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI) board members this Thursday.
"This is to see what kind of steps we can take if there was indeed a breach of rules," he said, adding that the meeting would also discuss if Khalid and his aides would be asked to return the money to the state government.
It was alleged that Khalid had made severance payments worth a whopping RM2.5 million to 8 former aides, with one of them receiving almost RM700,000.
Khalid reportedly said he was unaware that exorbitant severance payments were made to them.
Khalid described the payments as a “voluntary separation mechanism” offered to staff after the change of menteri besar. – tmi

Have all 6 PMs or one of them, caused the Malays to be still under siege 57 years...
Lim Kit Siang has urged the Parliament
to sit for three extra days beyond the current allocated dates to
specifically debate on whether the position of Malays and Islam is under
threat in this country as claimed by some quarters.
“If Malays and Islam are under threat, this should be the concern of all non-Malays and non-Muslims. Patriotic Malaysians do not want Malays and Islam under threat,” Lim said in a statement today.
He however took a jibe at Umno, asking if the ruling party’s delegates, ahead of the upcoming Umno Annual General Assembly, checklist how each of their six prime ministers had failed to uplift the plight of the Malays.
“All the six prime ministers from the nation’s independence in 1957 were Malays - Tunku Abdul Rahman, Abdul Razak Hussein, Hussein Onn, Mahathir Mohamad, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and currently Najib Abdul Razak,” he said.
“Have they all, or some or one of them, betrayed the Malays as prime minister to cause the Malays and Islam to be still under siege 57 years after Merdeka?” he asked.
Yesterday, national laureate A Samad Said asked Malays to stop obsessing with the notion that their position is under threat in the country.
“Why should the country’s race relations be held to ransom every time Umno holds its annual General Assemblies for Umno leaders to hype the imaginary spectre of Malays and Islam under siege?” Lim asked.
Last week, Communications and Multimedia Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek alleged that the Penang state government is pushing Malays in the state to poverty and labelled it a subtle form of racism. - mk
“If Malays and Islam are under threat, this should be the concern of all non-Malays and non-Muslims. Patriotic Malaysians do not want Malays and Islam under threat,” Lim said in a statement today.
He however took a jibe at Umno, asking if the ruling party’s delegates, ahead of the upcoming Umno Annual General Assembly, checklist how each of their six prime ministers had failed to uplift the plight of the Malays.
“All the six prime ministers from the nation’s independence in 1957 were Malays - Tunku Abdul Rahman, Abdul Razak Hussein, Hussein Onn, Mahathir Mohamad, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and currently Najib Abdul Razak,” he said.
“Have they all, or some or one of them, betrayed the Malays as prime minister to cause the Malays and Islam to be still under siege 57 years after Merdeka?” he asked.
Yesterday, national laureate A Samad Said asked Malays to stop obsessing with the notion that their position is under threat in the country.
“Why should the country’s race relations be held to ransom every time Umno holds its annual General Assemblies for Umno leaders to hype the imaginary spectre of Malays and Islam under siege?” Lim asked.
Last week, Communications and Multimedia Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek alleged that the Penang state government is pushing Malays in the state to poverty and labelled it a subtle form of racism. - mk

Anak kecil main api
Terbakar hatinya yang sepi
Air mata darah bercampur keringat
Bumi dipijak milik orang...

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