Malang jika BN kalah PRU14...
Laporan Umno Online menyebut bekas naib canselor UiTM itu berkata beliau bimbang orang Melayu terus gagal mentadbir Malaysia.
"Kegagalan UMNO dalam menangani masalah itu dibimbangi menjadikan orang Melayu tidak dapat memerintah negara ini buat selama-lamanya sekiranya parti itu dan BN kalah pada pilihan raya akan datang," laporan itu dipetik.
“Masalah dalaman khususnya perpaduan dalam kalangan anggota perlu diselesaikan segera dengan bermuhasabah dan bersatu padu demi parti tanpa mengambil kira kepentingan peribadi,” katanya lagi seperti dipetik dalam laporan itu.
Sehubungan itu Ibrahim berkata konvensyen Umno merupakan landasan terbaik supaya Umno menyedari cabaran politik dan isyarat untuk anggota parti bekerja bersungguh-sungguh demi survival parti.
Beliau juga mengingatkan anggota parti agar terus memenangi hati rakyat termasuk pengundi atas pagar seperti yang disuarakan presiden Umno, supaya mereka yakin dengan parti itu.
Ibrahim juga menggesa jentera parti terus memberi penerangan termasuk dasar tranformasi kerajaan supaya rakyat memberi sokongan tidak berbelah bagi pada Umno dan BN.
"Sekiranya Umno dan BN kalah pada PRU-14, maka saya rasa ia sesuatu yang gelap dan malang buat orang Melayu dan negara," katanya lagi.
Laporan itu menyebut, Ibrahim membangkitkan perkara itu susulan ingatan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak kepada Umno Selangor baru-baru ini, selepas membentangkan kertas kerja bengkel politik di Konvensyen Umno Johor hari ini. - mk

'If UMNO loses, Malays may never rule again'...
An Umno supreme council member has warned that if internal problems in the party are not resolved and BN loses the next general election, Malays may never rule the nation again.
Such a defeat, according to Ibrahim Abu Shah, would be a "dark day" for the Malays and nation.
In view of this, Ibrahim (right) said Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s recent reprimand for Selangor Umno must be taken into account by the party’s machinery nationwide to continue winning the hearts of the people.
The former Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) vice-chancellor urged Umno members to confront the “external challengers” and explain to the people so that voters, especially fence sitters, would have confidence in the party.
With the government implementing various transformation programmes, he added, there was no reason for the people not to support Umno and BN.
“If Umno and BN lose in the 14th general election, I think it would be a dark and unfortunate day for the Malays and the nation,” he was quoted as saying by Umno Online.
Umno would be holding its annual general assembly from Nov 25-29.
At the recent Selangor Umno convention, Najib said he felt ashamed that the party had still not recaptured the state, which fell to Pakatan Rakyat in 2008.
Following this, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad said Selangor Umno must shed its image as being “corrupt” and called on its leaders to resign. - mk

Projek rumah mewah lulus zaman Dr.Koh Tsu Khoon...
Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng mengakui Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang (PDC) ada menjual rumah dengan harga tinggi iaitu lebih RM3 juta seunit di D'Residence, Bayan Mutiara.
Katanya beliau tidak tahu tentang penjualan rumah mewah oleh PDC sehingga ditegur oleh ketua pembangkang Datuk Jahara Hamid (BN-Telok Air Tawar) berhubung perkara itu.
Menurutnya beliau amat terkejut apabila mendapati dakwaan Jahara itu benar dan mengucapkan terima kasih, namun menegaskan kerajaan negeri pimpinan DAP tiada kaitan dengan projek rumah bernilai RM3 juta itu.
"Oleh kerana kerajaan negeri sekarang tiada kaitan dengan rumah bernilai RM3 juta ini dan ia sebenarnya diluluskan pada zaman BN memerintah dahulu, maka saya harap Jahara meminta maaf dan menarik balik dakwaannya.
"Untuk rumah kos sederhana yang dijual RM306,000 di Bandar Cassia, ia hanya seunit sahaja kerana terletak di lot tepi, manakala rumah kos sederhana lain dijual pada harga RM159,000, iaitu bawah harga siling RM250,000 ditetapkan Kementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan," katanya dalam sidang media di Georgetown hari ini.

Khamis lepas, Jahara menuntut penjelasan daripada ketua menteri berhubung tindakan PDC menjual rumah mewah lebih RM3 juta seunit dan rumah kos sederhana melebihi harga siling RM250,000 di Bandar Cassia, Batu Kawan.
Lim yang juga pengerusi PDC berkata projek rumah mewah itu diluluskan sebelum tahun 2008 iaitu sebelum DAP mengambil alih pemerintahan selepas menang pilihan raya umum ke-13.
"PDC diakui memang ada menjual rumah yang bernilai pada harga maksimum antara RM3.1 juta hingga RM3.5 juta di Bayan Mutiara dan menjual rumah kos sederhana melebihi harga siling iaitu RM306,000 untuk projek Intan Delima di Bandar Cassia, Batu Kawan tetapi ia berlaku zaman Barisan Nasional memerintah," katanya.- Bernama
Guan Eng blames BN for Penang’s luxury home growth in affordable housing row...
The RM3 million housing project by the Penang Development Corporation (PDC) was approved before Pakatan Rakyat (PR) took over the state administration in 2008, its Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said today as a storm builds up in the land-scarce island state.
In rebutting accusations by Penang Opposition Leader Datuk Jahara Hamid that the state government is also building luxurious homes priced up to RM3 million, Lim showed the planning details of the project as proof of his claims.
“I didn’t even know PDC sold RM3.5 million homes previously until they pointed it out so I want to thank them for pointing this out,” he told a press conference here.
The project in question — D’Residence by PDC Properties — was approved in 2006.
According to the project plans Lim handed out to the press, the building plan for the project was approved in 2007 and work commenced on the same year.

The project, consisting of two phases, has a total 163 units sold in the range of between RM880,000 and RM3.5 million per unit. The project was completed in 2010.
“This shows that this whole project was approved and built during Barisan Nasional’s time when Jahara was a state executive councillor then,” Lim said.
He demanded that Jahara retract her accusations and apologise but did not give her a time limit.
“I will give her time to reflect her mistake. The RM3.5 million housing is a BN project, there are no more excuses,” he said.
“After we took over in 2008, we have changed the policy that PDC only builds affordable housing,” he added.

Yesterday, Jahara accused the PR state government of also building luxurious homes on land acquired at a low price.
D’Residence, located in Bayan Mutiara on the island, is one of the projects mentioned.
She also mentioned two other projects in Batu Kawan — Intan Delima and Teratai Idaman in Bandar Cassia.
Jahara claimed a terrace house in Intan Delima is sold at RM306,000, which is above the state’s affordable housing ceiling price of RM250,000 for houses on the mainland.
She claimed the maximum price per unit for terrace houses in Teratai Idaman is RM468,471.
In response to these two projects, PDC general manager Datuk Rosli Jaafar said only one unit in Intan Delima is priced at RM306,000 because it was a corner unit with extra land acreage.
“The other units are all priced below RM250,000,” he said.
It is also the same with Teratai Idaman where only the corner units with extra land acreage are costlier while the other units are priced below RM230,000.- tmi

Kepada ibu bapa, jangan lupa tambang bas sekolah akan naik.Juga tambang bas, teksi dan lain-lain. Menteri tak apa kerana mereka naik kereta dan minyak percuma...

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Yang ni nama prof misai tebai ulank sawa. Depa kenyang pakai minda si prof misai tebai. Jadi ulank sawa ................
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