Melayu dan Islam tidak terancam di Malaysia, tetapi Umno yang merasakan bahangnya, kata ahli panel di sebuah forum di Kuala Lumpur malam tadi.
Sasterawan Negara Datuk A Samad Said mempersoalkan bagaimana Melayu dan Islam terancam di Malaysia ketika semua jawatan tertinggi dalam negara diduduki orang Melayu.
“Sejak dulu hingga sekarang, perdana menteri, timbalan perdana menteri dan juga menteri dalam negeri terdiri daripada orang Melayu,” kata Samad kepada lebih 200 hadirin yang hadir ke Hotel Mandarin Court pada forum bertajuk “Apakah Melayu dan Islam Diancam?”.

Samad berkata, sejak awal kemerdekaan negara, orang Melayu sudah menguasai semua jawatan tertinggi dan berpengaruh yang menentukan hala tuju Malaysia.
“Lihat polis dan tentera, majoritinya Melayu, termasuk semua jawatan tertinggi. Jadi mengapa Melayu dan Islam terancam?”
“Persoalan Melayu dan Islam sedang diancam hanya berbangkit semasa pilihan raya umum dan perhimpunan agung Umno,” kata Samad.
Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah Lim Kit Siang berkata hanya golongan elit Melayu dan Umno rasa terancam di forum 'Adakah Melayu dan Islam Terancam?' di Kuala Lumpur, malam tadi.
Lim Kit Siang bersetuju dan menambah Melayu yang merasa terancam hanyalah dolongan elit dan Umno, selepas keputusan pilihan raya umum 2008 dan 2013.
“Dilaporkan Melayu dalam bahaya untuk menjadi seperti Red Indian di Amerika Syarikat. Tetapi mengapa Melayu melihat kepada kemungkinan ini?
“Persoalan ini perlu dijawab semua enam perdana menteri daripada Umno, termasuk Datuk Seri Najib Razak,” kata Lim dan menambah Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad harus menjawab mengapa pemerintahan 22 tahunnya menyebabkan Melayu berisiko menjadi Red Indian.
Lim berkata, isu sebenarnya adalah bukan Melayu dan Islam terancam tetapi yang sebenarnya terancam di Malaysia adalah semua kaum dan agama.

“Lihat ranking antarabangsa, ianya tidak menipu. Malaysia berada di 50 teratas dalam ranking keganasan antarabangsa,” kata Lim.
“Angka ranking pendidikan kita jatuh setiap tahun. Putrajaya harus fokus kepada ini berbanding politik kebencian dan taktik menakut-nakutkan.”
Pakar Perlembagaan Profesor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari mengatakan keputusan pilihan raya umum 2008 dan 2013 memberikan jawapan yang jelas sama ada Melayu dan Islam itu terancam.
“Umno yang terancam, sebab itu kumpulan hak Melayu seperti Perkasa dan Isma muncul. Melayu dan Islam selamat,” kata Aziz.
“Tidak mempunyai majoriti dua pertiga bagi Barisan Nasional bermakna kerajaan yang memerintah tidak boleh membuat perubahan sesuka hati di Parlimen.”
Aziz berkata, beliau tidak faham mengapa Perkasa, Isma dan Umno beperangai seperti orang gila, bercakap tentang hak Melayu dan Melayu sedang terancam secara konsisten.

“Hak keistimewaan dan kedudukan Melayu dijamin Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Jadi mengapa kumpulan ini memfokuskan secara konsisten kepada sejarah?”
“Ini kerana Umno gagal untuk membebaskan Melayu secara ekonomi, sebab itu kedudukan gabungan pemerintah dalam bahaya,” katanya.
Aziz juga mengkritik bekas Ketua Hakim Negara Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad kerana mengatakan orang Melayu akan menjadi seperti Red Indian sekiranya PAS dan Umno tidak bekerjasama.
"Hamid tidak faham sejarah," kata Aziz, memberi amaran jika PAS bergabung dengan Umno, kuranglah semak dan imbang terhadap Putrajya.
"Lihat, Najib pun sedang sakit kepala dengan perangai sebahagian ahli Umno," kata Aziz yang mendapat tepukan gemuruh daripada hadirin.
Naib Presiden PAS Datuk Husam Musa pula berbeza pendapat, berkata beliau setuju orang Islam dan Melayu sedang diancam.
"Saya tidak bersetuju meletakkan Islam dan Melayu bersama-sama, kerana Islam lebih tinggi daripada Melayu," kata Husam, menjelaskan Melayu tidak boleh melepasi kemuliaan Islam.
"Mengapa saya katakan Melayu sedang terancam? Kerana perang psikologi yang dijalankan Umno dan diketuai Isma dan Perkasa," kata Husam.
Sebulan selepas pilihan raya umum ke-13 tahun lepas, Husam berkata satu kaji selidik dijalankan Merdeka Centre menunjukkan 26% orang Melayu merasakan mereka sedang terancam.
"Bagaimanapun, selepas usaha propaganda yang kuat daripada Barisan Nasional dan NGO Melayu, 55% orang Melayu kini merasakan mereka semua terancam."

Husam berkata kesan perang propaganda itu tidak boleh dinafikan, lebih lama lagi Umno memerintah Malaysia, orang Melayu akan lebih berasa seperti Red Indian.
"NGO menggunakan Islam bagi isu rasis, dan agama tersebut digunakan dan dikembangkan untuk kesesuaian politik," kata Husam.
Beliau berkata perbezaan paling besar antara PAS dan Umno, adalah PAS mementingkan Islam sementara Umno mementingkan Melayu.
"Pemisahan bangsa sangat ketara dalam Barisan Nasional di kawasan majoriti-Melayu, hanya pemimpin Melayu yang akan mendekati dan bercakap dengan pengundi.
"Tetapi Pakatan Rakyat berbeza, semua pemimpin akan turun padang dan bercakap dengan rakyat, tidak kiralah mereka Melayu atau bukan Melayu,” katanya,
Husam berkata formula kemelayuan yang digunakan Putrajaya tidak mampu menjadikan Melayu dan Islam kuat, sebaliknya mengancam mereka.
Penganjur forum, Koordinator Roketkini.com Edry Faizal berkata forum tersebut dianjurkan kerana ia isu yang melibatkan rakyat.
"Lim sudah menimbulkan isu ini di Dewan Rakyat, tetapi tiada siapa yang ingin mendebatkan atau berbincang perkara itu. Jadi kami rasa menganjurkan forum ini langkah yang terbaik.
"Sekurang-kurangnya kita dapat soalan langsung daripada rakyat untuk memulakan perbincangan," kata Edry kepada The Malaysian Insider selepas forum itu.
Edry berkata sama ada Islam dan Melayu sedang terancam merupakan sesuatu yang ditimbulkan secara langsung dan tersirat pelbagai kumpulan, termasuk NGO Melayu.

Aktivis Siti Kassim yang menghadiri forum itu memberitahu panel, orang Melayu sepertinya adalah mereka yang sebenarnya terancam.
"Islam digunakan parti politik untuk kepentingan mereka, itulah isu dan masalah sebenar.
"Melayu dan Islam memang berkait, apabila subjek Islam ditimbulkan, Melayu juga terlibat,” katanya.
Katanya, PAS dan Umno juga bersalah kerana mereka bersaing untuk menjadi lebih Islamik daripada masing-masing.
"Umno hanya memberi reaksi kepada PAS dengan percubaan menampakkan mereka sebagai lebih Islamik daripada PAS," kata Siti. – tmi

UMNO under threat, not Malays and Islam...
Panellists at a forum last night concur that it
is only Umno and the Malay elites who are at risk of becoming sidelined
like the Red Indians in the US, not ordinary Malays.
Among them include PAS vice president Husam Musa, who said that most parliamentary seats would remain Malay-majority even if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the government, and only a redelineation exercise could change that.
He pointed out that of the parliament’s 222 seats, Malay majority seats outnumber non-Malay majority seats by 52 seats.
“What Perkasa and the former chief justice (Abdul Hamid Mohamad) feared is not that Malays become Red Indians, but that Umno would become read Indians,” he said told a forum themed ‘Are Malays and Islam under threat?’ last night.
Nevertheless, he cited latest surveys by the pollster Merdeka Centre showing that 55 percent of Malays felt threatened, up from 26 percent in the first months after the 2008 general election.
This, he said, is due to an ‘intensive’ propaganda war in mainstream media.
“We cannot deny that this psychological war has made its impact. Whether Malays are under threat is another matter, but to their minds, they have accepted (the message of) Umno’s psychological war that Malays are under threat.
“Perhaps that is why the chief justice made his statement a few days ago that Malays would become Red Indians. In my opinion, the longer Umno rules Malaysia, the sooner Malays will become Red Indians,” he said.
Husam was responding to Abdul Hamid’s statement on Sunday, urging PAS to unite with Umno and stop DAP, or Malays would become marginalised like the Red Indians in the US.
Incomprehensible drivel
Meanwhile for national laureate A Samad Said, he said the “seasonal” drivel that Malays and Islam are under threat comes during elections and during Umno’s general assembly, and is hard to comprehend.
This is because on contrary to the claims, Samad (left) said the positions of power remain
firmly in Malay hands over the past five decades, including all
previous prime ministers, deputy prime ministers, home ministers,
menteri besars, and most members of parliament.
This is apart from the civil service and the military, where most of its members are Malay, and the Malay Rulers.
“With such solid foundations, what is the basis for news reports that Malays and Islam are threatened?
“This is what keeps going about in the media, and sometimes I think that it is the non-Malays who are being threatened.
He also highlighted that all Malaysian prime ministers to date were of Malay noble origin (bangsawan) apart from Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Did you realise that those in power for the past 57 years come only from a certain group? Why does not come from below? People who are cleaner, more visionary, and more ambitious?” he said.
Meanwhile, Selangor University law lecturer Abdul Aziz Bari (right)
said the position of the Malay Rulers - and by extension the Malays -
are now more secure than ever, because those who had threatened it are
now weak.
This is because most constitutional amendments protecting the Bumiputera and Islam require a two-third majority in Parliament, as well as consent from the Conference of Rulers.
BN, which had made a constitutional amendment in 1993 to strip the sultans of their immunity to legal prosecution, had lost the two-third majority in 2008.
“Umno, in certain circumstances, goes against the constitution. It is not the (constitutional) provisions that pose a threat, but Umno’s attitude.
“Now that Umno is weak, they are safe. So back to the question whether Malays and Islam are threatened, I think they are safe because those who like to ‘steal’ from them are weak,” he said.-mk
Among them include PAS vice president Husam Musa, who said that most parliamentary seats would remain Malay-majority even if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the government, and only a redelineation exercise could change that.
He pointed out that of the parliament’s 222 seats, Malay majority seats outnumber non-Malay majority seats by 52 seats.
“What Perkasa and the former chief justice (Abdul Hamid Mohamad) feared is not that Malays become Red Indians, but that Umno would become read Indians,” he said told a forum themed ‘Are Malays and Islam under threat?’ last night.
Nevertheless, he cited latest surveys by the pollster Merdeka Centre showing that 55 percent of Malays felt threatened, up from 26 percent in the first months after the 2008 general election.
This, he said, is due to an ‘intensive’ propaganda war in mainstream media.
“We cannot deny that this psychological war has made its impact. Whether Malays are under threat is another matter, but to their minds, they have accepted (the message of) Umno’s psychological war that Malays are under threat.
“Perhaps that is why the chief justice made his statement a few days ago that Malays would become Red Indians. In my opinion, the longer Umno rules Malaysia, the sooner Malays will become Red Indians,” he said.
Husam was responding to Abdul Hamid’s statement on Sunday, urging PAS to unite with Umno and stop DAP, or Malays would become marginalised like the Red Indians in the US.
Incomprehensible drivel
Meanwhile for national laureate A Samad Said, he said the “seasonal” drivel that Malays and Islam are under threat comes during elections and during Umno’s general assembly, and is hard to comprehend.
This is apart from the civil service and the military, where most of its members are Malay, and the Malay Rulers.
“With such solid foundations, what is the basis for news reports that Malays and Islam are threatened?
“This is what keeps going about in the media, and sometimes I think that it is the non-Malays who are being threatened.
He also highlighted that all Malaysian prime ministers to date were of Malay noble origin (bangsawan) apart from Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Did you realise that those in power for the past 57 years come only from a certain group? Why does not come from below? People who are cleaner, more visionary, and more ambitious?” he said.
This is because most constitutional amendments protecting the Bumiputera and Islam require a two-third majority in Parliament, as well as consent from the Conference of Rulers.
BN, which had made a constitutional amendment in 1993 to strip the sultans of their immunity to legal prosecution, had lost the two-third majority in 2008.
“Umno, in certain circumstances, goes against the constitution. It is not the (constitutional) provisions that pose a threat, but Umno’s attitude.
“Now that Umno is weak, they are safe. So back to the question whether Malays and Islam are threatened, I think they are safe because those who like to ‘steal’ from them are weak,” he said.-mk
Mahathir suruh perwakilan UMNO balun pemimpin2 depa...
Menjelang Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2014 (PAU) pada malam ini, bekas presiden UMNO, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (Tun M) mengesa agar pemimpin parti tersebut lebih terbuka menerima teguran dalam memastikan kedudukan parti itu dapat dipertahankan.
Tun M berkata, amat penting setiap ahli dan perwakilan parti itu menegur pemimpin untuk memastikan mereka sedar terhadap segala tindakan, bagi kepentingan parti dan negara amnya.
"Yang kedua, ingin saya tekankan pentingnya menegur pemimpin. Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein bukan sahaja ditegur, bahkan dicabar. Saya diserang dan hampir kalah dalam pertandingan.
“Tanpa teguran pemimpin akan percaya segala yang dilakukan olehnya betul belaka. Tetapi sebenarnya ada yang dilakukan olehnya salah dan tidak baik.
“Pemimpin pula perlu dengar teguran ini dan ambil berat pandangan wakil. Janganlah selalu mendengar orang tertentu yang dikeliling kita sahaja. Yang mengeliling orang yang berkuasa tidak baik bagi mereka,” kata Tun M dalam blognya, chedet.cc hari ini.
Perhimpunan agung parti itu berlangsung mulai 25 hingga 29 Nov ini.
"Sebenarnya sudah saya tegur secara tertutup berkali-kali, terutamanya berkenaan masalah Bumiputera dan UMNO tetapi tidak berkesan. Teguran secara terbuka terpaksalah dibuat," katanya.
Tambah Tun M lagi, semua pihak menyedari bahawa kedudukan UMNO kini tidak popular jika dibandingkan dengan UMNO terdahulu.
Oleh hal demikian katanya, sekiranya UMNO kalah dan hilang dari bumi, kepimpinan dan ahli UMNO perlu bertanggungjawab terhadap faktor kejatuhan parti Melayu terbesar itu.
Mengulas mengenai perkara itu juga, Tun M berpendapat situasi berlaku kerana UMNO telah dijadikan sebagai batu loncatan untuk memperkayakan diri sendiri.
“UMNO hanya menerima ahli baru yang tidak mengancam kedudukan pemimpin yang sedia ada di semua peringkat.
“Cawangan tidak terima sesiapa yang berkebolehan mencabar Ketua Cawangan. Ini adalah oleh kerana ada habuan bagi Ketua Cawangan,” kata Tun M yang menyifatkan dirinya sebagai 'orang tua UMNO'.
Sebelum ini semasa pemilihan UMNO 1987, Tun M dan Tun Abdul Ghafar pernah dicabar naib presiden UMNO ketika itu, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah bersama bekas timbalan presiden UMNO, Tun Musa Hitam sehingga menyebabkan parti Melayu itu berpecah dua.- mD
Beranikah ahli UMNO tegur pemimpin?
Criticise Umno leadership at assembly, Dr M tells delegates...
He said Umno members must be brave in openly criticising their leaders, including their presidents, said Dr Mahathir, who was, at one time, the party’s longest serving president.
“Everyone knows that Umno now is not as popular as before. There are those who say Umno is not relevant.
“If Umno is defeated and wiped off the face of the earth, its leaders and members cannot deny that they had contributed to the downfall of the party that has done a lot for Malays and Malaysia,” said Dr Mahathir in a posting in his blog chedet.cc.
His message to Umno leaders and members comes a day before the country’s largest party is scheduled to hold its 68th assembly in Kuala Lumpur beginning November 26.
Dr Mahathir staunchly criticised Umno members in the past, and had gone on record to withdraw his support for president Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, who is also the country’s prime minister.
He said he did this after his recommendations to Najib fell on deaf ears.
Dr Mahathir’s most recent criticism was aimed at Najib’s policy of giving out cash transfers such as the People Aid Scheme and his management of debt-ridden sovereign wealth fund, 1Malaysia Development Berhad.
In calling for Umno members to be critical, Dr Mahathir said he himself had been openly criticised and even came close to losing the presidency.
The same, he said, happened to Umno’s first president Tunku Abdul Rahman, and his successors, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein and Tun Hussein Onn.
“Without criticism, leaders will believe everything they do is correct. But in reality, it may be wrong.”
Dr Mahathir also touched on his fallout with Najib, although he did not explicitly mention Najib’s name.
“But it did not work. So I am forced to criticise openly.”
Dr Mahathir also said the "warlord culture" among Umno branch and division leaders corrupted the party to the point where bright and talented members got sidelined.
This has led to the party’s grassroots's structure being dominated by mediocre leaders, he said.
“Umno only accepts new members who do not threaten the position of their leaders at all levels. Branches do not accept those who can challenge the position of branch leaders.
“This is because there are rewards for being branch leaders.
“These branch leaders are then only replaced by weaker and mediocre successors as they are the only type of people the leadership accepts.
“That is why when the question crops up, ‘Who will be Selangor menteri besar if Barisan Nasional wins?', there is no answer... even though Selangor is full of educated and talented Malays who do not have to use Umno to enrich themselves.
“These people are barred from entering Umno. Those who make it in are barred from climbing up as leaders.
“Because of this disappointment, those who have talent are going into other parties. Umno will fade and this sacred party will fade away.” - msn news

Forum 1MDB Pusingan Kedua. Mai jangan tak mai...

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