Tan Sri Joseph Kurup hari ini menggesa Jabatan Peguam Negara membuka semula kes Presiden Perkasa Datuk Ibrahim Ali berkenaan kenyataan beliau agar Bible berbahasa Melayu dibakar.
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri itu berkata, tindakan itu perlu dalam usaha menangani isu hasutan dan kebencian agama yang semakin berleluasa di negara ini.
"Saya menggesa Peguam Negara membuka dan mengkaji semula kes Ibrahim bagi memastikan kelangsungan perpaduan kita," katanya pada Sidang Dewan Rakyat ketika sesi penggulungan kementerian beliau hari ini.
"Kita sentiasa mendengar suara rakyat dan langkah berkenaan sebagai cara membolehkan kita menangani kebangkitan pendapat agama yang tidak bertoleransi dan memuaskan hati rakyat," katanya.
Beliau berkata paling penting, kes Ibrahim harus dibawa ke mahkamah terlebih dahulu dan menyerahkan kepada badan kehakiman memutuskan beliau bersalah atau tidak.
"Kita mahu kes itu dibuka dan dinilai semua. Sama ada disabitkan salah atau tidak, itu lain kira," katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Sepang (PAS) Hanifa Maidin yang bertanya menteri tersebut sama ada bersetuju tiada tindakan diambil kerajaan terhadap kes Ibrahim. – tmi
Minister urges A-G to reconsider decision to free Perkasa chief
MP bimbang kertas model SPM tonjol konflik kaum...
Dalam buku yang diterbitkan oleh Info Didik tahun ini, topik esei Bahasa Malaysia antaranya meminta pelajar membaca petikan prosa moden di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya dengan menggunakan ayat sendiri.
Ia berbunyi: 'Latar masyarakat yang terdapat dalam petikan ialah masyarakat yang bermusuhan, contohnya, kaum Cina sanggup membunuh kaum Melayu.
Latar masyarakat yang terdapat dalam cerpin ialah masyarakat berbilang kaum yang dipisahkan oleh faktor geografi, contohnya orang Melayu tinggal di kampung, orang Cina di bandar, dan orang India di ladang'.
MP Sibu Oscar Ling berkata beliau tidak pasti sama ada ini satu soalan sebenar tahun lepas yang diterbitkan dalam buku itu atau sama ada ianya hanya satu kertas model.
Dia menuntut Kementerian Pendidikan menyiasat perkara itu.
Buku "Kertas Model Sebenar SPM Bahasa Malaysia", ditulis oleh Khairudiim Ayip dan Yusanizan Shafie.
Bagaimanapun, Menteri Pendidikan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin memberitahu Dewan Rakyat bahawa kementeriannya tidak berkuasa untuk memperbaiki masalah itu sekiranya ia penerbitan swasta dan tidak datang dari kementerian berkenaan. - mk

SPM model paper has racial conflict posers...
A DAP lawmaker today expressed concern
over a "model paper" published in a SPM reference book that had essay
topics on racial conflicts between Chinese and Malays, and even
portraying the Chinese community in a bad light.
the book published by Info Didik this year, a Bahasa Malaysia essay
topic asked students to write about "Chinese willing to even kill
Malays" and vice-versa among a host of other racial innuendos.
Sibu MP Oscar Ling said he was unsure if this was an actual past year question that was being published in the book or if merely a model paper.
He demanded that the Education Ministry investigate the matter.
The book is called "Kertas Model Sebenar SPM Bahasa Malaysia", authored by Khairudiin Ayip and Yusanizan Shafie.
However, Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin told the Dewan Rakyat the ministry would be powerless to rectify the problem if the publication was private and did not come from the ministry.
“We hope this did not come from the ministry. If it is from a private publisher, it is beyond the scope of the ministry,” Muhyiddin said.
Ling described Muhyiddin’s statement as irresponsible.
“Any SPM reference book, even if it is a private publisher, must be supervised by the Education Department,” he said.
In the topic for the modern essay, the author stated that vernacular schools breed a racial divide from a young age, and asking students to write about communities who are “enemies”. - mk
Sibu MP Oscar Ling said he was unsure if this was an actual past year question that was being published in the book or if merely a model paper.
He demanded that the Education Ministry investigate the matter.
The book is called "Kertas Model Sebenar SPM Bahasa Malaysia", authored by Khairudiin Ayip and Yusanizan Shafie.
However, Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin told the Dewan Rakyat the ministry would be powerless to rectify the problem if the publication was private and did not come from the ministry.
“We hope this did not come from the ministry. If it is from a private publisher, it is beyond the scope of the ministry,” Muhyiddin said.
Ling described Muhyiddin’s statement as irresponsible.
“Any SPM reference book, even if it is a private publisher, must be supervised by the Education Department,” he said.
In the topic for the modern essay, the author stated that vernacular schools breed a racial divide from a young age, and asking students to write about communities who are “enemies”. - mk

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