Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah Lim Kit Siang berkata langkah untuk mengugut Tony Pua dengan tuntutan mahkamah adalah satu contoh yang buruk kepada menteri-menteri lain tentang bagaimana untuk mengelakkan akauntabiliti.
Beliau menggesa Najib membuat kenyataan untuk menjawab beberapa soalan mengenai 1MDB, iaitu:
1. Mengapa kerajaan mengeluarkan surat sokongan bagi bon 1MDB bernilai AS $3.0 bilion (RM9.6bn) yang dikeluarkan pada bulan Mac 2013?
2. Mengapa 1MDB membayar purata lebih daripada 10% sebagai "komisen tertentu, bayaran dan perbelanjaan" untuk mendapatkan pinjaman berjumlah AS $3.0 bilion (Mac 2013) dan AS $ 1.75 bilion pada (Mei 2012)?
3. Mengapa 1MDB mengalihkan AS $1.1 bilion daripada AS $ 3.0 bilion yang diperolehi oleh anak syarikatnya, 1MDB Global Investment Limited untuk membayar balik hutang sendiri dan menampung perbelanjaan operasinya?
4. Mengapa 1MDB bersetuju menerima jaminan pinjaman korporat oleh International Petroleum Investment Corporation (IPIC) dengan syarat-syarat yang membebankan itu?
5. Mengapa 1MDB melabur AS $1 bilion dalam usaha sama dengan PetroSaudi pada tahun 2009, sebuah syarikat dengan tiada rekod prestasi dan asal-usul yang meragukan?
6. Mengapakah 1MDB melabur AS $2.32 hasil daripada penebusan pinjaman PetroSaudi pada tahun 2013 dalam dana pelaburan legap dengan Bridge Capital Partners di Kepulauan Cayman?
7. Mengapa Kementerian Kewangan tergesa-gesa mengambil alih anak syarikat 1MDB, SRC International Sdn Bhd?
8. Mengapa 1MDB terlebih bayar bagi aset kuasanya - Genting Sanyen (RM2.38bn) dan Tanjong Energy (RM8.5bn) yang memerlukan kemerosotan serta-merta sebanyak RM1.2 bilion daripada yang direkodkan sebanyak RM2.6 bilion?
9. Mengapa Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air mengubah dasar tender terbukanya untuk kuasa baru?
10. Mengapa kerajaan Persekutuan menjual tanah super-primanya kepada 1MDB pada harga yang sangat rendah diskaunnya?
11. Mengapa firma audit antarabangsa - Ernst & Young dan KPMG menarik diri dari kerja audit yang lumayan mereka dengan 1MDB masing-masing pada 2009 dan 2012?
Najib's lawsuit won't stop DAP pursuing 1MDB...
DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said Najib's letter of demand served on Pua yesterday is "historic" as a PM has never filed a legal suit against an opposition lawmaker.
"DAP will continue to press for a full accounting in the public interest, the financial viability and rationale of 1MDB, especially in using tens of billions of ringgit in debts to finance its business operations," said Lim in a statement today.
Pua, who is Petaling Jaya Utara MP, along with PKR Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli has been actively questioning various aspects of 1MDB's finances, activities and accounts.
"DAP hopes that whilst this suit by the prime minister is personal and private, the management decisions taken by 1MDB and the Finance Ministry is public and of national interest, will not stifle public discourse and choke off any media coverage on 1MDB when it involves RM41.9 billion in debt and RM 49 billion in total liabilities.
"Should this (suit) happen, then this would be a national disservice to 30 million Malaysians and contrary to the principles of transparency and accountability," added Lim.
He said claims that 1MDB can service its RM41.9 billion debt because it has RM51.4 billion in assets is false, because the total value of assets should be compared against the total value of liabilities. Debt, he said, is only one part of the liabilities.
With RM49 billion in liabilities, he said 1MDB has only RM2.44 billion in excess of assets over liabilities.
If this is taken out of equation, along with the goodwill from purchasing assets from independent power producers, those excesses will be wiped out and 1MDB would be left with excess of liabilities over assets of RM4.7 billion, he said.
“This raises the likelihood of a debt default and whether 1MDB has the capacity to repay its loans.
“Whether 1 MDB possesses the funds to repay its loans and interest, as well as remain solvent, when its assets include public assets of the highest priority given in trust for national economic development and public interest, is the critical question of national importance,” he said.
‘Bad example’
Meanwhile, Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang said the move to threaten Pua with a lawsuit sets a bad example for other ministers on how to evade accountability.
He urged Najib to make a statement to answer some questions regarding 1MDB, namely:
1. Why did the government issue a ‘letter of support’ for 1MDB's US$3.0 billion (RM9.6bn) bonds issued in March 2013?
2. Why did 1MDB pay an average of more than 10 percent in "certain commissions, fees and expenses" to raise its loans of US$3.0 billion (Mar 2013) and US$1.75 billion (May 2012)?
3. Why did 1MDB divert US$1.1 billion of its US$3.0 billion raised by its subsidiary, 1MDB Global Investment Limited to repay the former's own debt and cover its operating expenses?
4. Why did 1MDB agree to accept a corporate loan guarantee by International Petroleum Investment Corporation (IPIC) with such onerous terms?
5. Why did 1MDB invest US$1 billion in a joint-venture with PetroSaudi in 2009, a company with no track record and dubious origins?
6. Why did 1MDB invest the US$2.32 billion proceeds from the redemption of Petrosaudi loans in 2013 in an opaque investment fund with Bridge Capital Partners in Cayman Islands?
7. Why did the Ministry of Finance hastily acquire a 1MDB subsidiary, SRC International Sdn Bhd?
8. Why did 1MDB overpay for its power assets - Genting Sanyen (RM2.38bn) and Tanjong Energy (RM8.5bn) which required an immediate impairment of RM1.2 billion out of its recorded goodwill of RM2.6 billion?
9. Why did the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water reverse its policy of open tenders for new power?
10. Why did the federal government sell super-prime land to 1MDB at heavily discounted prices?
11. Why did international auditing firms - Ernst & Young and KPMG quit their lucrative work with 1MDB in 2009 and 2012 respectively?
“Although the current budget parliamentary meeting is to end on Thursday, 27th November 2014, it will the height of irresponsibility for Najib as Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Chairman, 1MDB Board of Advisers to evade and avoid accountability for the numerous questions that have been raised over the 1MDB scandal and which have not been satisfactorily explained by the Deputy Finance Minister, Ahmad Maslan.
“Najib should in fact arrange for a full debate in Parliament to be held on his ministerial statement on 1MDB,” Kit Siang said in a statement today. - mk
Hearty - Malaysian The people has the right to know the true picture of RM41.9 billion debts incurred on behalf of Malaysia, as we all owned the liabilities of 1 MDB ! Using simple calculation of dividing this debt of nearly RM 42 Billlions by the 30 Millions population, each of the Malaysian citizen has inherited debt of RM 1400 each head for now ! Najib can not stop us from wanting to know the truth , opposition MP Tony Puah is doing his job.
Fairnsquare - A 40 billion Ringgit debt, will mean every of the 30 million Malaysiane, be it Malays, Chinese, Indians, East Malaysians etc., will share about RM1,333.00 of the debt each, when equally divided by the population. Under the circumstances, transperancy becomes crucial. Irrespective of the defamation suit UMNO has to explain to the people, the 65% of which are Bumiputras if we will become liable to the debt or if it is just an opposition ploy. The 1MDB miust explained. It is not in the interest of the opposition but all the Rakyat.
T/S - Why did international auditing firms - Ernst & Young and KPMG quit their lucrative work with 1MDB in 2009 and 2012 respectively?...coz KPMG n Ernst & Young refused to cover up all the wrong-doings of 1MDB!!!!

Jika harga minyak mentah global meningkat, bagaimana?
Menurutnya, harga minyak mentah global sememangnya sudah turun lebih murah daripada harga RON95 iaitu RM2.30 seliter dan diesel (RM2.20), lapor Roketkini.
“Seperti yang disebut berulang kali, sejak 31 Oktober lalu rakyat telah pun seperti membayar ‘cukai minyak’. Maka kami mengalu-alukan, walaupun tetap berhati-hati, kemungkinannya turunnya harga minyak dan diesel.
“Kami menggesa kerajaan mendedahkan kaedah dan formula sistem ‘pengapungan terkawal’ – atau dipanggil ‘apungan kotor’ oleh pemain industri – yang akan digunakan untuk menjaga ketelusan,” kata Chin Tong dalam satu kenyataan sebagi mengulas pengumuman Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan, Datuk Hasan Malek bahawa kerajaan akan memansuhkan subsidi bagi petrol RON95 dan diesel bermula 1 Desember ini.
Beliau yang juga Pengarah Pendidikan Politik DAP menggesa kerajaan memandang lebih jauh ke hadapan, dengan meningkatkan kecekapan sistem pengangkutan awam yang cekap dan murah agar rakyat Malaysia tidak lagi bergantung kepada petroleum.
“Melihat kembali, kritikan Pakatan apabila kerajaan menaikkan harga minyak di saat harga minyak mentah global menurun Oktober lalu ternyata tepat. Kini kerajaan terpaksa ‘u-turn’ selepas kesannya mula terasa,” katanya lagi.
Beliau juga sekali lagi menggesa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak agar membentangkan semakan semula Belanjawan 2015 kerana nilai subsidi dan perolehan hasil minyak jauh berubah daripada anggaran asal.
The Edge Weekly sebelum ini melaporkan, bagi setiap USD1 penurunan harga setong minyak mentah, kerajaan bakal kehilangan pendapatan kira-kira RM650 juta.- harakahdaily

Gabenor Bank Negara atau PM yang menipu...

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