Gelapkan wang hampir RM1 juta tapi terlepas...
Pegawai kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab
menggelapkan hampir RM1 juta daripada Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia
(JANM) dilepaskan tanpa sebarang tindakan jenayah, menurut laporan Ketua
Audit Negara 2013.Dalam laporan siri ketiga yang dibentangkan di parlimen hari ini, laporan itu menyebut, ia melibatkan RM995,031 wang tidak dituntut melalui pemalsuan dokumen yang terdedah kepada pada Mac 2011.
Laporan itu menyebut tindakan belum diambil terhadap tindakan pegawai itu yang dilakukan antara 27 Ogos 2008 hingga 21 Disember 2010.
Laporan polis juga dilaporkan dibuat pada 3 dan 10 Mac 2011.
Sementara laporan kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) pula dibuat pada 11 Mac 2011.- mk
RM12 juta dibayar kepada pesara tentera sudah meninggal, kata ketua audit
Govt officer who stole almost RM1mil let off...
A government officer responsible for
embezzling close to RM1 million from the Accountant-General’s Department
of Malaysia (JANM) was let off without any criminal action, the
Auditor-General's Report 2013 states.
The third series of the report tabled in Parliament today says the officer made off with RM995,031 in unclaimed money through falsification of documents, which was only discovered in March 2011.
"Legal action has yet to be taken against an officer who committed fraud and misappropriation between Aug 27, 2008, and Dec 21, 2010, involving RM995,031 in unclaimed money, despite police reports lodged on March 3, 2011, and March 10, 2011," it states.
A report was also lodged with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on March 11, 2011.
JANM is responsible for collecting and overseeing money that has not been claimed in bank accounts for seven years, or funds that are meant to be disbursed to recipients but went unclaimed for more than a year.
The inaction is despite a June 22, 2012, letter from the police Commercial Crime Investigation Department, which said it had recommended to the Attorney-General's Chambers that the officer be charged under Section 477A of the Penal Code.
The section concerns the falsification of accounts and provides punishment of up to seven years' jail, a fine, or both upon conviction.
An investigation committee also found that the officer, a Grade N17 administrative clerk attached with JANM's Trust and Securities Management Division (BPAS), was suspected of being directly responsible for the missing funds.
'Sack' recommendation
The investigation committee recommended that the officer be sacked and a surcharge (fine) be imposed on the suspect for the lost funds.
However, the audit report found the officer was only transferred to the Accounting Development and Management Division, effective Jan 9, 2012.
According to the breakdown, the officer had falsified supporting documents for RM827,781.46 in unclaimed money, which were considered as "improper payment".
Another RM106,955.35 were disbursed to various names, but with to the same bank account number.
Also, RM60,294.50 could not be established as to whether the sum was made of genuine payments.
The entire amount was transferred electronically.
In March 2013, the audit report said the Finance Ministry had agreed to write off the RM995,031.41 lost but ordered that disciplinary action and a surcharge be imposed on the officer.
The audit report attributed the incident took place because BPAS had failed to abide by certain safeguards, such as requiring proper verification of documents.
"AS a result, the government lost almost RM2 million (the missing RM995,031.41 and another RM995,031.41 to write off the loss).
"The officer who committed the fraud and misappropriation should also be imposed a sucharge under Section 18(b) of the Financial Procedure Act 1957," it said.
According to this section, the government can impose a fine on the officer, up to a maximum sum matching the total lost funds. - mk
The third series of the report tabled in Parliament today says the officer made off with RM995,031 in unclaimed money through falsification of documents, which was only discovered in March 2011.
"Legal action has yet to be taken against an officer who committed fraud and misappropriation between Aug 27, 2008, and Dec 21, 2010, involving RM995,031 in unclaimed money, despite police reports lodged on March 3, 2011, and March 10, 2011," it states.
JANM is responsible for collecting and overseeing money that has not been claimed in bank accounts for seven years, or funds that are meant to be disbursed to recipients but went unclaimed for more than a year.
The inaction is despite a June 22, 2012, letter from the police Commercial Crime Investigation Department, which said it had recommended to the Attorney-General's Chambers that the officer be charged under Section 477A of the Penal Code.
The section concerns the falsification of accounts and provides punishment of up to seven years' jail, a fine, or both upon conviction.
An investigation committee also found that the officer, a Grade N17 administrative clerk attached with JANM's Trust and Securities Management Division (BPAS), was suspected of being directly responsible for the missing funds.
'Sack' recommendation
The investigation committee recommended that the officer be sacked and a surcharge (fine) be imposed on the suspect for the lost funds.
However, the audit report found the officer was only transferred to the Accounting Development and Management Division, effective Jan 9, 2012.
According to the breakdown, the officer had falsified supporting documents for RM827,781.46 in unclaimed money, which were considered as "improper payment".
Another RM106,955.35 were disbursed to various names, but with to the same bank account number.
Also, RM60,294.50 could not be established as to whether the sum was made of genuine payments.
The entire amount was transferred electronically.
In March 2013, the audit report said the Finance Ministry had agreed to write off the RM995,031.41 lost but ordered that disciplinary action and a surcharge be imposed on the officer.
The audit report attributed the incident took place because BPAS had failed to abide by certain safeguards, such as requiring proper verification of documents.
"AS a result, the government lost almost RM2 million (the missing RM995,031.41 and another RM995,031.41 to write off the loss).
"The officer who committed the fraud and misappropriation should also be imposed a sucharge under Section 18(b) of the Financial Procedure Act 1957," it said.
According to this section, the government can impose a fine on the officer, up to a maximum sum matching the total lost funds. - mk
Dont just talk - The late Teoh Beng Hock was hauled-up by MACC for a pittance sum of RM2,500-00 and here a Civil-servant embezzled a sum close to RM1,000,000-00 was not charged.Malaysia Boleh!
Haveagreatday - We hear of government action against PTPN loan defaulters - no this is not in defense of them, but RM 1 million is no small amount!! For the theft of milk powder by a destitute mother at a supermarket, justice was harsh and swift!! Yet, more than 3 years has elapsed since the misappropriation of funds was discovered, and yet no action has yet to be taken against that said officer. Another case of the misplaced sense of priorities by our government!!
Disgusted - Wow this is no small amount almost a million. Well he will say what is it compared to NFC's 250 million and PKFZ's 4 Billion plus. So much robbery and plundering happening in BN's Government and they can still preach to others about honesty.
MP dedah 'surat sokongan' RM9.6bil untuk 1MDB...
Ia didedahkan oleh Tony Pua (DAP-Petaling Jaya Utara ) dan Rafizi Ramli (PKR-Pandan).
Minggu lepas, Timbalan Menteri Kewangan Datuk Ahmad Maslan menafikan kewujudan surat itu.
Surat tiga halaman, yang ditandatangani oleh menteri kewangan, dikatakan sebahagian daripada “surat tawaran” Goldman Sachs International, yang mempertingkatkan bon untuk 1MDB.
Ia mempunyai tempoh sah 10 tahun dan jelas menyatakan bahawa Malaysia akan membayar balik wang yang dipinjam oleh 1MDB jika syarikat itu tidak mampu membayar.
DAP menggesa Putrajaya mengambil tindakan ke atas syarikat pelaburan antarabangsa, Goldman Sachs International jika terdapat unsur penipuan dalam terbitan bon bernilai US$3 bilion oleh 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
Setiausaha Publisiti Kebangsaan DAP Tony Pua berkata tindakan perlu diambil selepas Timbalan Menteri Kewangan Datuk Ahmad Maslan menafikan kewujudan surat jaminan dan mengatakan kerajaan hanya akan menanggung hutang sebanyak RM5.8 bilion.
"Saya memiliki salinan 'Surat Pekeliling' dikeluarkan Goldman Sachs International kepada pelabur untuk tujuan menerbitkan US$3 bilion (RM9.6 bilion) 4.4% untuk 1MDB Global Investments Limite, subsidiari penuh 1MDB," kata Pua dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Pua meminta kerajaan “menyenarai hitamkan” Goldman Sachs jika firma perbankan pelaburan multinasional Amerika itu “berbohong” berhubung kesahan surat sokongan itu.
Surat sama didedahkan dalam edisi mingguan akhbar perniagaan, The Edge baru-baru ini.
Putrajaya menafikan surat tersebut, namun Pua menggesa supaya tindakan tegas diambil Putrajaya.

"Kami gesa kerajaan Malaysia untuk segera melaporkan kepada polis dan Interpol terhadap penipuan tersebut; dan peguam negara mesti segera memulakan siasatan untuk mendakwa pihak yang menerbitkannya, Goldman Sachs International kerana mengedarkan 'surat sokongan' palsu oleh kerajaan Malaysia," kata Pua.
Manakala Rafizi pula mendakwa Ahmad “menipu” Dewan Rakyat dan mahu merujuknya kepada jawatankuasa hak dan kebebasan parlimen.
Kerajaan berulang kali berkata mereka hanya menjamin RM5.8 bilion daripada keseluruhan hutang 1MDB.
Ahmad baru-baru ini berkata jaminan yang dikeluarkan kerajaan untuk 1MDB hanyalah RM5.8 bilion dan tidak lebih daripada jumlah itu.
Beliau berkata, sehingga kini memang tiada sebarang surat membawa maksud kepada nilai jaminan yang lebih daripada jumlah itu.
"Kerajaan tidak ada lagi mengeluarkan sebarang jaminan selain RM5.8 bilion untuk 1MDB atau anak syarikat milik penuhnya, termasuklah untuk bon AS$3 bilion," katanya.
Beliau mengulas dakwaan Setiausaha Agung PKR Rafizi Ramli yang kerajaan persekutuan menjamin hutang 1MDB yang kini berjumlah RM41 bilion. – tmi/mk
1MDB terus rugi, tidak mustahil akan muflis
PKR mahu rujuk Ahmad Maslan ke jawatankuasa Parlimen
RM9.6bil support letter' for 1MDB exposed...
DAP's Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua and PKR's Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli made public the letter.
Last week, Deputy Finance Minister Ahmad Maslan denied the existence of any such letter.
The three-page letter, signed by the finance minister, is said to be part of the "offering circular" published by Goldman Sachs International, which raised the bond for 1MDB.
It has a 10-year validity period and explicitly states that Malaysia will undertake the repayment of the monies owed if 1MDB is unable to pay.
Pua asked the government to "blacklist" Goldman Sachs if the American multinational investment banking firm had "lied" about the validity of the support letter.
However, Rafizi claimed that Ahmad had "misled" the Dewan Rakyat and intends to refer him to the rights and privileges committee.
The government has repeatedly claimed that it only guaranteed RM5.8 billion of 1MDB's total debts.
Pua had earlier said that Malaysia’s “international image” is at stake if the letter issued by Goldman Sachs, which was distributed to all of the bond investors, is indeed fake.
“The government must make a police report against GSI and even rope in Interpol. All government agencies must cease doing any business with GSI and they must blacklist the investment bank,” Pua said.
He claimed that investors had been calling to find out if they had invested money based on a latter of support which was not true.
The letter of support is not categorised as a guarantee, and does not feature in the government’s contingent liabilities.- mk
Rafizi rues 1MDB's colossal RM42bil debt...
PKR's Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli today raised further concerns about 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)'s financial performance after pointing out that the firm’s debts had now reached RM42 billion, according to its latest financial statement.
"The net loss of RM665 million is such a huge loss considering our economic situation," he said.
"1MDB's financial performance is much worse than initially expected," he added.
He also criticised the company for re-valuing its assets that enables that net loss to seem lesser than the actual amount.
"In 2013, 1MDB's assets had been revaluated and an increase of RM 2.74 billion was marked as profit. If not for this, 1MDB would have registered a loss of RM 1.96 billion," he said.
"In 2014, 1MDB had revaluated its assets and registered an appreciation value of RM 897 million. If not for this, it would have registered a RM 1.56 billion loss," he added.
He also said that 1MDB's operating expenditure and interest payments had increased to RM 3.76 billion, which is a 52 percent increase from the previous year's financial statement, and almost equivalent to the RM 4 billion allocation for the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) program. - mk

Saya yakin 1MDB akan mengheret Najib Razak
jatuh & sama-sama mengheret Malaysia. Tidak pernah ada skandal
sebesar ini di Malaysia. Jika NFC melibatkan lembu-lembu, 1MDB
melibatkan berjuta-juta lembu! Sebarkan, rakyat mesti tahu bahaya 1MDB.

Dah tau buat apa tanya lagi....pooodah...

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