Persidangan Mahkamah ditangguhkan dan bersambung hari Khamis,6/11/2014...

Saudaraku, esok 4 November 2014 mungkin kali terakhir kita dapat menjejak tanah yang sama, berbumbung langit yang serupa dan menghirup udara yang tiada beza tanpa hadangan tembok penjara dan tirai besi. Rejim zalim Barisan Nasional menerusi aparatnya kelihat amat tidak sabar untuk kembali menghumban saya ke penjara.
Esok juga mungkin peluang akhir saya berjabat tangan dan menatap wajah saudara semua.Saya dan Azizah serta seluruh keluarga ingin memohon maaf jika terdapat salah dan silap yang kami lakukan sepanjang jalan perjuangan kita.
Kepada sahabat yang setia, terima kasih kerana teguh bersama menegakkan cita-cita Reformasi dan Islah yang kita dokong selama ini.Saya tidak mungkin dapat bertahan begini lama tanpa dokongan dan doa daripada saudara sekalian.
Buat rakan-rakan Pakatan Rakyat, harapan saya agar kerjasama kita dapat diperkukuh demi matlamat menumbangkan kezaliman dan menegakkan keadilan. Untuk anak-anak muda sekalian, masa depan Malaysia ditangan kamu semua.Bangkitlah dengan jiwa merdeka, jangan dilemahkan dengan ugutan penguasa.Kamu penentu masa depan negara.
Walaupun rencana jahat mereka mampu memenjarakan jasad saya, berjanjilah bahawa jiwa dan perjuangan kita tetap bebas dan terus menyusur ke segenap jiwa saudara semua.
Saya tetap optimis, perubahan tetap akan berlaku di bumi tercinta ini. Kita jumpa esok di Istana Kehakiman, Putrajaya.
Reformasi! Allahuakbar!
Anwar Ibrahim.
Bukit Segambut,
3 Nov 2014 . 2145hrs
Facing the possibility of incarceration following the likely conclusion of his appeal in the Federal Court today, Anwar Ibrahim issued a "final message" to Malaysians last night.
The 67-year-old opposition leader said this could be the "last time we set foot on the same soil and breathe the same air without being separated by prison walls and an iron curtain."
"The cruel BN regime seems impatient in seeking to throw me behind bars again by using its apparatuses," he added.
"Tomorrow (today) is perhaps the last time that I would be able to see your faces and shake your hands.
Anwar also thanked his loyal friends for standing by him in championing the reformasi cause, stating that he would not have been able to soldier through all these years without their support.
As for Pakatan Rakyat, he called on the three parties in the opposition bloc to continue their cooperation in order to vanquish "cruelty and establish justice".
Anwar also reminded Malaysian youths that the future of the nation is in their hands.
"While their evil scheme may succeed in imprisoning my body, our spirit and struggle, however, would remain free.
"I am still optimistic. Change would happen in this beloved land of ours," he stressed.
The Federal Court - the country’s highest court - is hearing Anwar's appeal against his sodomy conviction and five-year prison sentence.
The opposition leader was accused of sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.
Anwar has always maintained that the charge - similar to the previous one some 10 years ago - was fabricated by his political rivals but the government has repeatedly denied this.
Reformasi! Allahuakbar!
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