Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengingatkan anggota parti bahawa satu-satunya cara untuk memastikan orang Melayu dilindungi adalah bekerja keras dan melakukan pemulihan dalam parti untuk kekal berkuasa.
Jika kenyataan dipetik dengan tepat dalam taklimat tertutup Najib dengan perwakilan Umno semalam, maka Perdana Menteri telah menghina kebijaksanaan rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan keamanan.
Ancaman kepada perpaduan negara oleh golongan taksub puak pelampau kaum dan agama yang dilaungkan oleh orang Melayu yang radikal seperti Perkasa, Isma dan juga beberapa ahli Umno.
Pada dasarnya, apa yang Najib katakan ialah jika Umno kalah, orang Melayu akan dihukum.
Tidak, Encik Presiden Umno, YAB Perdana Menteri! Jika Umno kalah, hanya Umno dan kepentingannya akan dibangsatkan. Hanya ahli-ahli Umno akan dibangsatkan.
Ini kerana Umno hanya peratusan orang Melayu di Malaysia. PAS Melayu, orang Melayu PKR dan Melayu DAP tidak terlibat dalam politik Melayu yang mengundi menentang BN-Umno. Itu satu fakta dan kenyataan kerana Umno tidak membentuk majoriti Melayu negara pada hari ini.
Malah, BN-Umno hilang undi popular buat pertama kali dalam sejarah pilihan raya di terakhir Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13).
Umno hanya boleh pulih dan mendapatkan semula keyakinan majoriti rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan keamanan dengan bertindak terhadap individu dan organisasi yang terus melaungkan ancaman menganggu gugat sensitiviti agama dan kaum yang jelas bertujuan untuk memecahkan perpaduan negara.
Malangnya bagi Umno, masih meneruskan sikap takbur, enggan mengakui kesilapan serta menghadapi realiti dan perubahan masa. Keengganan berterusan kerajaan BN pimpinan Umno untuk menghentikan telatah golongan taksub pelampau kaum dan agama lebih daripada satu tahun adalah satu agenda politik yang mencurigakan.
The Malaysian Insider memetik ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno, Datuk Ahmad Puad Zarkashi sebagai berkata gesaan Presiden Umno itu dilihat sebagai kemuncak kekecewaannya berhubung prestasi yang ditonjolkan Umno dalam tempoh lebih setahun selepas berakhirnya pilihan raya umum yang lalu.

Menurut Mohd Puad yang menyampaikan mesej Perdana Menteri kepada media di luar Dewan Merdeka, PWTC itu menyifatkan kekecewaan Najib itu sudah mencapai tahap 'siling' dan ia ditujukan khusus kepada pemimpin parti yang masih mengambil sikap tidak peduli.
"Presiden ada menyebut bahawa bangsa Melayu akan dibangsatkan jika Umno kecundang. Saya rasa, tidak pernah mendengar presiden parti berkata sedemikian," jelasnya.
Mohd Puad berkata Najib memperjelaskan senario kekalahan Umno dengan tepat dan penurunan Melayu sebagai peringatan kepada perwakilan untuk menjadi proaktif dan berusaha ke arah meremajakan parti.
Katanya, beliau tidak pernah melihat ucapan Najib sebelum ini, yang cukup terkenal dengan pendekatan karakter diri yang tenang itu, tanpa menghamburkan kata-kata cemuhan dan lantang.
Najib sejak beberapa minggu yang lalu telah memberitahu pemimpin-pemimpin parti untuk mengemukakan pandangan kepada terma dengan realiti politik semasa dan tidak menghalang golongan muda dan profesional daripada menyertai dan menyumbang kepada parti itu.
Beliau berkata Umno perlu mendekati dan menyantuni belia jika BN ingin memulihkan pengaruhnya.
Adakah mereka ini mendatangkan masalah kepada Umno dan negara?
Mungkin Umno harus berdiri di hadapan cermin, parti itu perlu menterjemahkan tadbir urus yang baik dan membuktikan keikhlasan politik parti itu yang sebenar khususnya kepada majoriti rakyat Malaysia yang menolak BN selepas 57 tahun Merdeka. - theantdaily
Umno Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengingatkan anggota parti bahawa
satu-satunya cara untuk memastikan orang Melayu dilindungi adalah
bekerja keras dan melakukan pemulihan dalam parti untuk kekal berkuasa.
Jika kenyataan dipetik dengan tepat dalam taklimat tertutup Najib
dengan perwakilan Umno semalam, maka Perdana Menteri telah menghina
kebijaksanaan rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan keamanan.
Ancaman kepada perpaduan negara oleh golongan taksub puak pelampau kaum
dan agama yang dilaungkan oleh orang Melayu yang radikal seperti
Perkasa, Isma dan juga beberapa ahli Umno.
Pada dasarnya, apa yang Najib katakan ialah jika Umno kalah, orang Melayu akan dihukum.
- See more at: http://bm.theantdaily.com/Terkini/Tidak-Najib-Hanya-bangsa-Melayu-Umno-akan-dibangsatkan#sthash.SXeRhQzH.dpuf
president Datuk Seri Najib Razak has reminded party members that the
only way to ensure Malays are protected is to see the recovery of Umno.
If this was accurately quoted in Najib's closed-door briefing with Umno delegates yesterday (Nov 25), then the prime minister has insulted the intelligence of peace-loving Malaysians.
The threat to national unity is racial and religious extremism propagated by radical Malays like Perkasa, Isma and even some Umno members.
Essentially, what Najib is saying is that if Umno loses, the Malays will be damned.
No, Mr Umno president, Mr Prime Minister! If Umno loses, only Umno and its interests will be damned. Only Umno members will be damned.
That's because Umno is only a percentage of Malays in Malaysia. The PAS Malays, the PKR Malays, the DAP Malays and all apolitical Malays who voted against BN-Umno will not be damned. That's a fact and reality because Umno does not form the majority of Malays in Malaysia today.
In fact, BN-Umno lost the popular vote for the first time in electoral history in the last 13th General Election (GE13).
Umno can only recover and regain the confidence of the majority of peace-loving Malaysians by acting against individuals and organisations that continue to act and spew sensitive statements that are clearly aimed at shattering national unity.
Unfortunately for Umno, it is arrogant and refuses to face reality and the changing times. The Umno-led BN government's continuous refusal to put a stop to the antics of racial and religious extremists for more than a year is certainly a suspicious political agenda.
The Malaysian Insider quoted Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Ahmad Puad Zarkashi as saying Najib, in a strongly worded message, told delegates that the Umno machinery was not doing enough despite more than a year having passed since GE13.
Puad, who relayed the prime minister's message to the media outside the Merdeka Hall, said Najib was clearly unhappy with efforts being made to ensure victory in the next polls.
"He said that if Umno loses, the Malays will be damned. Those were his words. Not only that, he said religion will be at stake if Umno loses," he said.
Puad said Najib pinpointed the scenario of a defeated Umno and the Malay decline as a reminder to the delegates to be proactive and work towards rejuvenating the party.
He said he had never seen Najib, who is known for his calm approach, lashing out or using such strong words.
Najib over the past few weeks have been telling party leaders to come to terms with current political realities and not to obstruct the young and professionals from joining and contributing to the party.
He said Umno must embrace youths if the BN wishes to restore its influence.
Are those really Umno and Malaysia's problems?
Perhaps Umno should reflect whether good governance and political sincerity are the real reasons for the majority of Malaysians rejecting BN after 57 years of Merdeka.
- See more at: http://www.theantdaily.com/Main/No-Najib-Only-Umno-Malays-will-be-damned#sthash.Q6cP8noz.dpuf
If this was accurately quoted in Najib's closed-door briefing with Umno delegates yesterday (Nov 25), then the prime minister has insulted the intelligence of peace-loving Malaysians.
The threat to national unity is racial and religious extremism propagated by radical Malays like Perkasa, Isma and even some Umno members.
Essentially, what Najib is saying is that if Umno loses, the Malays will be damned.
No, Mr Umno president, Mr Prime Minister! If Umno loses, only Umno and its interests will be damned. Only Umno members will be damned.
That's because Umno is only a percentage of Malays in Malaysia. The PAS Malays, the PKR Malays, the DAP Malays and all apolitical Malays who voted against BN-Umno will not be damned. That's a fact and reality because Umno does not form the majority of Malays in Malaysia today.
In fact, BN-Umno lost the popular vote for the first time in electoral history in the last 13th General Election (GE13).
Umno can only recover and regain the confidence of the majority of peace-loving Malaysians by acting against individuals and organisations that continue to act and spew sensitive statements that are clearly aimed at shattering national unity.
Unfortunately for Umno, it is arrogant and refuses to face reality and the changing times. The Umno-led BN government's continuous refusal to put a stop to the antics of racial and religious extremists for more than a year is certainly a suspicious political agenda.
The Malaysian Insider quoted Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Ahmad Puad Zarkashi as saying Najib, in a strongly worded message, told delegates that the Umno machinery was not doing enough despite more than a year having passed since GE13.
Puad, who relayed the prime minister's message to the media outside the Merdeka Hall, said Najib was clearly unhappy with efforts being made to ensure victory in the next polls.
"He said that if Umno loses, the Malays will be damned. Those were his words. Not only that, he said religion will be at stake if Umno loses," he said.
Puad said Najib pinpointed the scenario of a defeated Umno and the Malay decline as a reminder to the delegates to be proactive and work towards rejuvenating the party.
He said he had never seen Najib, who is known for his calm approach, lashing out or using such strong words.
Najib over the past few weeks have been telling party leaders to come to terms with current political realities and not to obstruct the young and professionals from joining and contributing to the party.
He said Umno must embrace youths if the BN wishes to restore its influence.
Are those really Umno and Malaysia's problems?
Perhaps Umno should reflect whether good governance and political sincerity are the real reasons for the majority of Malaysians rejecting BN after 57 years of Merdeka.
- See more at: http://www.theantdaily.com/Main/No-Najib-Only-Umno-Malays-will-be-damned#sthash.Q6cP8noz.dpuf

president Datuk Seri Najib Razak has reminded party members that the
only way to ensure Malays are protected is to see the recovery of Umno.
If this was accurately quoted in Najib's closed-door briefing with Umno delegates yesterday (Nov 25), then the prime minister has insulted the intelligence of peace-loving Malaysians.
The threat to national unity is racial and religious extremism propagated by radical Malays like Perkasa, Isma and even some Umno members.
Essentially, what Najib is saying is that if Umno loses, the Malays will be damned.
No, Mr Umno president, Mr Prime Minister! If Umno loses, only Umno and its interests will be damned. Only Umno members will be damned.
That's because Umno is only a percentage of Malays in Malaysia. The PAS Malays, the PKR Malays, the DAP Malays and all apolitical Malays who voted against BN-Umno will not be damned. That's a fact and reality because Umno does not form the majority of Malays in Malaysia today.
In fact, BN-Umno lost the popular vote for the first time in electoral history in the last 13th General Election (GE13).
Umno can only recover and regain the confidence of the majority of peace-loving Malaysians by acting against individuals and organisations that continue to act and spew sensitive statements that are clearly aimed at shattering national unity.
Unfortunately for Umno, it is arrogant and refuses to face reality and the changing times. The Umno-led BN government's continuous refusal to put a stop to the antics of racial and religious extremists for more than a year is certainly a suspicious political agenda.
The Malaysian Insider quoted Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Ahmad Puad Zarkashi as saying Najib, in a strongly worded message, told delegates that the Umno machinery was not doing enough despite more than a year having passed since GE13.
Puad, who relayed the prime minister's message to the media outside the Merdeka Hall, said Najib was clearly unhappy with efforts being made to ensure victory in the next polls.
"He said that if Umno loses, the Malays will be damned. Those were his words. Not only that, he said religion will be at stake if Umno loses," he said.
Puad said Najib pinpointed the scenario of a defeated Umno and the Malay decline as a reminder to the delegates to be proactive and work towards rejuvenating the party.
He said he had never seen Najib, who is known for his calm approach, lashing out or using such strong words.
Najib over the past few weeks have been telling party leaders to come to terms with current political realities and not to obstruct the young and professionals from joining and contributing to the party.
He said Umno must embrace youths if the BN wishes to restore its influence.
Are those really Umno and Malaysia's problems?
Perhaps Umno should reflect whether good governance and political sincerity are the real reasons for the majority of Malaysians rejecting BN after 57 years of Merdeka.
- See more at: http://www.theantdaily.com/Main/No-Najib-Only-Umno-Malays-will-be-damned#sthash.Q6cP8noz.dpuf
If this was accurately quoted in Najib's closed-door briefing with Umno delegates yesterday (Nov 25), then the prime minister has insulted the intelligence of peace-loving Malaysians.
The threat to national unity is racial and religious extremism propagated by radical Malays like Perkasa, Isma and even some Umno members.
Essentially, what Najib is saying is that if Umno loses, the Malays will be damned.
No, Mr Umno president, Mr Prime Minister! If Umno loses, only Umno and its interests will be damned. Only Umno members will be damned.
That's because Umno is only a percentage of Malays in Malaysia. The PAS Malays, the PKR Malays, the DAP Malays and all apolitical Malays who voted against BN-Umno will not be damned. That's a fact and reality because Umno does not form the majority of Malays in Malaysia today.
In fact, BN-Umno lost the popular vote for the first time in electoral history in the last 13th General Election (GE13).
Umno can only recover and regain the confidence of the majority of peace-loving Malaysians by acting against individuals and organisations that continue to act and spew sensitive statements that are clearly aimed at shattering national unity.
Unfortunately for Umno, it is arrogant and refuses to face reality and the changing times. The Umno-led BN government's continuous refusal to put a stop to the antics of racial and religious extremists for more than a year is certainly a suspicious political agenda.
The Malaysian Insider quoted Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Ahmad Puad Zarkashi as saying Najib, in a strongly worded message, told delegates that the Umno machinery was not doing enough despite more than a year having passed since GE13.
Puad, who relayed the prime minister's message to the media outside the Merdeka Hall, said Najib was clearly unhappy with efforts being made to ensure victory in the next polls.
"He said that if Umno loses, the Malays will be damned. Those were his words. Not only that, he said religion will be at stake if Umno loses," he said.
Puad said Najib pinpointed the scenario of a defeated Umno and the Malay decline as a reminder to the delegates to be proactive and work towards rejuvenating the party.
He said he had never seen Najib, who is known for his calm approach, lashing out or using such strong words.
Najib over the past few weeks have been telling party leaders to come to terms with current political realities and not to obstruct the young and professionals from joining and contributing to the party.
He said Umno must embrace youths if the BN wishes to restore its influence.
Are those really Umno and Malaysia's problems?
Perhaps Umno should reflect whether good governance and political sincerity are the real reasons for the majority of Malaysians rejecting BN after 57 years of Merdeka.
- See more at: http://www.theantdaily.com/Main/No-Najib-Only-Umno-Malays-will-be-damned#sthash.Q6cP8noz.dpuf
No, Najib! Only UMNO Malays will be damned...
The threat to national unity is racial and religious extremism propagated by radical Malays like Perkasa, Isma and even some Umno members. Essentially, what Najib is saying is that if Umno loses, the Malays will be damned.
No, Mr Umno president, Mr Prime Minister! If Umno loses, only Umno and its interests will be damned. Only Umno members will be damned. That's because Umno is only a percentage of Malays in Malaysia.
The PAS Malays, the PKR Malays, the DAP Malays and all apolitical Malays who voted against BN-Umno will not be damned. That's a fact and reality because Umno does not form the majority of Malays in Malaysia today.
In fact, BN-Umno lost the popular vote for the first time in electoral history in the last 13th General Election (GE13). Umno can only recover and regain the confidence of the majority of peace-loving Malaysians by acting against individuals and organisations that continue to act and spew sensitive statements that are clearly aimed at shattering national unity.

Duit penyamun tentu banyak,jangan tanya berapa
tapi tanya dari mana dan dari sapa depa balun...
Unfortunately for Umno, it is arrogant and refuses to face reality and the changing times. The Umno-led BN government's continuous refusal to put a stop to the antics of racial and religious extremists for more than a year is certainly a suspicious political agenda.
The Malaysian Insider quoted Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Ahmad Puad Zarkashi as saying Najib, in a strongly worded message, told delegates that the Umno machinery was not doing enough despite more than a year having passed since GE13. Puad, who relayed the prime minister's message to the media outside the Merdeka Hall, said Najib was clearly unhappy with efforts being made to ensure victory in the next polls.
"He said that if Umno loses, the Malays will be damned. Those were his words. Not only that, he said religion will be at stake if Umno loses," he said. Puad said Najib pinpointed the scenario of a defeated Umno and the Malay decline as a reminder to the delegates to be proactive and work towards rejuvenating the party.
He said he had never seen Najib, who is known for his calm approach, lashing out or using such strong words. Najib over the past few weeks have been telling party leaders to come to terms with current political realities and not to obstruct the young and professionals from joining and contributing to the party. He said Umno must embrace youths if the BN wishes to restore its influence.
Are those really Umno and Malaysia's problems? Perhaps Umno should reflect whether good governance and political sincerity are the real reasons for the majority of Malaysians rejecting BN after 57 years of Merdeka. - the antdaily

Baru betoi..

Mai jangan tak mai...

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