Wakil rakyat DAP itu berkata, menurut jawapan bertulis Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan, seorang daripada tiga pegawai SPRM yang terlibat dalam siasatan Teoh itu, pegawai penyiasat Mohd Anuar Ismail, dinaikkan pangkat dari Gred 44 pada 2009 ke Gred 48 sekarang.
Bagaimanapun, tidak dijelaskan tarikh dan alasan kenaikan pangkat beliau.
Manakala dua pegawai penyiasat yang lain, Hishamuddin Hashim dan Mohd Ashraf Mohd Yunus, masing-masing masih di Gred 54 dan 29 dan memegang jawatan yang sama seperti pada 2009.

Hishammuddin “the arrogant leader”
"Menteri dalam jawapan bertulisnya berkata jika pegawai ini didapati melakukan kesalahan, tindakan akan diambil," kata Teo, dalam satu kenyataan di Parlimen hari ini.
Mahkamah Rayuan pada 5 September mendapati kematian Teoh berpunca daripada "tindakan seseorang yang tidak dikenali yang tidak menurut undang-undang melibatkan pegawai di SPRM yang menahan dan menyoal siasat si mati."
Teo mempersoalkan kenapa lebih dua bulan selepas mahkamah mengeluarkan keputusan, masih tiada tindakan diambil terhadap tiga pegawai itu.
"Keputusan mahkamah itu sebulat suara. Tiadanya tindakan ke atas tiga orang itu ialah sama ada tanda protes terhadap keputusan hakim Mahkamah Rayuan atau cubaan menyembunyikan sesuatu," katanya.
Mohd Ashraf “the abuser”
Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan mendiang mati dalam tahanan SPRM lima tahun lalu dan bukan akibat membunuh diri.
Hakim Datuk Mah Weng Kwai dan hakim Datuk Dr Hamid Sultan Abu Backer turut mengarahkan polis dan Peguam Negara menyiasat pegawai SPRM terbabit dan mengambil tindakan susulan.
Panel tiga hakim yang diketuai Hakim Datuk Mohamad Arif Md Yusof sebulat suara membatalkan keputusan terbuka koroner dalam inkues kematian Teoh.
Ketiga-tiga hakim bersetuju mendiang mati akibat kecederaan parah kerana jatuh daripada tingkat 14 ibu pejabat SPRM Selangor pada 16 Julai 2009. – tmi

Officer in probe leading to Teoh's death promoted...
According to a parliamentary written reply, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Paul Low said Mohd Anuar Ismail, who was a Grade 44 investigation officer during the incident in 2009, is now Grade 48.
However, two other MACC officers involved in the probe, Hishammuddin Hashim and Mohd Ashraf Mohd Yunus, remain at the same ranks - Grade 54 and Grade 29 - respectively.
It made no mention when the promotion took place.
The reply was in response to a query by Kulai MP Teo Nie Ching, who requested for the current status of the three officers.
Hishammuddin and Ashraf were singled out by a royal commission of inquiry into Teoh's death for their role in interrogating the political aide, labelling them "arrogant leader" and "abuser" respectively.
A third officer, Arman Alies was also labelled as a "bully" by the commission.
The written reply said action would be taken against the officers if they have found to have committed any wrongdoing.
This comes after the Court of Appeal in September found that the MACC was liable for Teoh's death and ordered police to re-investigate the case.
It overruled a 2011 coroner's court decision which said Teoh was driven to suicide by intensive questioning.
The three MACC officers who were singled out by the royal commission of inquiry for their role in Teoh's interrogation were never punished.
"The unwillingness to take action against the trio is either a silent protest against the finding of the three learned Court of Appeal judges, or a cover up.
"Whichever the case, it will for sure render our judiciary system a mockery.
"Have we become a nation where there are wrongful acts but no wrongdoers?" said Teo, who has been assisting Teoh's family.
Teoh was called in as a witness by the MACC on July 15, 2009 to facilitate investigations in an alleged corruption case involving his then boss Ean Yong Hian Wah, who is Sri Kembangan state assemblyperson.
He was found dead the next morning after plunging from the 14th floor to the fifth floor of the Selangor MACC headquarters building at that time in Shah Alam.
Ean Yong was later cleared of any wrongdoing.- mk

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