Nizar berkata demikian apabila ditanya faktor yang mendorong beliau hadir ke ceramah anjuran Umno Kampar bertajuk 'Nizar Pembohong Bersiri' di Tualang Sekah, malam tadi.
"Bila saya dapat tahu ceramah itu memang untuk dedahkan pembohongan saya, eloklah saya pergi dengar sendiri supaya mereka berterus terang.
"Kebetulan giliran saya berceramah tidak jauh dari situ jam 11 malam. Jadi saya minta kawan hantarkan dengan motor ke ceramah mereka," kata beliau kepada Harakahdaily, hari ini.
Cerita Nizar, ketika beliau sampai dan duduk di meja utama, bekas Ketua Penerangan Parti Keadilan Nasional Hanafiah Man sedang 'mengumpat' beliau.
Namun apabila menyedari kehadiran Nizar, Hanafiah terdiam seketika dan terus menukar topik.
"Saya pun tak tahu kenapa mereka terkejut dan tak teruskan ucapan, tak tahu mereka rasa bersalah atau apa," katanya yang juga ahli jawatankuasa PAS Pusat.
Tambah Nizar lagi, kebanyakan orang luar yang hadir ke ceramah itu sebaliknya orang kampung tersebut hadir ke ceramah PAS yang hanya kira-kira 150 meter dari tapak ceramah Umno itu.
"Orang kampung situ memang kenal saya dan keluarga saya mungkin sebab itu mereka lebih berminat untuk hadir ke ceramah PAS," katanya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gantang.
Katanya juga, kehadirannya menyebabkan matlamat Umno untuk memfitnahnya gagal dan menimbulkan rasa tidak senang penganjur.
"Saya duduk sebelah (Ketua Umno Bahagian Kampar ) Datuk Radzi (Manan). Beliau bisik kepada saya suruh beredar untuk mengelakkan pergaduhan.
"Katanya kalau orang Umno hadir ceramah saya, mesti saya pun tak suka. Saya kata, saya lagi suka kalau orang Umno hadir ceramah saya. Senang saya nak sampaikan maklumat," katanya lagi.
Ekoran tindakan beraninya itu, ramai pengikutnya di blog mikro Twitter memuji dan mengucapkan tahniah kepadanya. -Harakahdaily

Nizar tampil dalam ceramah UMNO...
Bekas Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin membuat kejutan dengan tampil ke ceramah Umno dan duduk di meja utama bersama panelis di Tualang Sekah, Kampar, 13 Mei lalu.
Melalui kiriman di twitter, Nizar memberitahu, dia duduk di meja utama ceramah anjuran Umno bertajuk ‘Nizar Pembohong Bersiri’.
“Saya menghadiri ceramah Umno menggodam saya di Tualang Sekah, Kampar oleh YB Datuk Shaarani dan Hanafiah Man. Mereka panik dan pucat,” tulis Nizar.
Ceramah tersebut diadakan berhampiran ceramah Pakatan Rakyat yang juga diadakan di Tualang Sekah, dekat situ.
Tindakannya itu membuatkan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kota Tampan, Shaarani Mohamad; Ketua Umno Bahagian Kampar, Radzi Manan dan Editor Agenda Daily, Hanafiah Man tergamam.
“Masa saya sampai, Hanafiah tengah godam saya. Bila nampak saya menjelma, mukanya pucat dan terus tukar topik.
“Dia tengah asyik fitnah saya. Tiba-tiba terkejut panik bila tengok saya berada di pentas depan, terus dia tukar topik isu Ambiga,” tulis Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gantang itu lagi.

Nizar becomes uninvited guest at UMNO ceramah...
An Umno ceramah in Kampar, Perak last night
witnessed an unusual twist when the main target of the Pakatan Rakyat
bashing session - Nizar Jamaluddin - appeared and sat with several Umno
Nizar, the former Perak menteri besar and most recognisable face of Perak Pakatan, told Malaysiakini today that that the crowd looked rather astonished when he arrived.
explained that he was on the way to a PAS ceramah some 200m away at
Tualang Sekah when he spotted the banner at the Umno ceramah which read:
'Nizar pembohong bersiri (Nizar is a serial liar)'.
According to Nizar, Umno had been dogging opposition ceramahs in the state for a few months by holding events nearby, but this event piqued his curiosity because his name was emblazoned on the banner.
He claimed that he thus attended the event unplanned and in good faith because he believes in opening oneself to examination.
“I wanted to know whether I had missed anything (in examining myself).
“I thought I might as well attend before my turn to speak (at the PAS ceramah),” he said in a telephone interview.
And when he walked right into the event, alone, the first thing he heard was former PKR member Hanafiah Man condemning him at the top of his voice.
“I saw an empty chair (at the front panel) - which was Hanafiah’s - and I took a seat there,” he said, amused.
He claimed that when Hanafiah realised something was amiss and looked over his shoulder, the latter swiftly segued into bashing Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan and PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim.
The crowd of about 100 or so, according to Nizar, were similarly astonished at his presence while he was “just sitting there and smiling”.
“I think they were pucat (pale),” he laughed.
of the people there asked him to leave, but he insisted that this gave
him more reason to be present, because the theme of the event had named
“I would like to hear, I told them. They asked me whether I would like it if they went for my ceramahs, but I said I would welcome anyone,” he said.
In addition, the crowd took the opportunity to boo Nizar at every mention of his colleagues in Pakatan Rakyat.
Nizar decided to leave after half an hour of the event, but not before shaking Hanafiah’s hand.
“He was completely abashed, his face was completely different,” he cracked.
‘Good for democratic process’
He then went to the PAS ceramah to explain himself, and the crowd was similarly astonished at the PAS leader’s spontaneous detour.
But the response appears to have been good so far for Nizar, with one person sending him a text-message congratulating him and saying it was a “new era” in politics.
“My phone was also ringing non-stop from 2am onwards,” he added, laughing.
When asked if he might make a habit of it, he was upbeat on how it would affect politics, but remained non-committal.
“Maybe this would be a good move, for a brighter democratic process,” he said, explaining that it would keep a lid on what politicians say at ceramahs.
On a more serious note, though, the Pasir Panjang assemblyperson hopes that he managed to make a point by crashing the Umno event.
“I hope they think that, if he (Nizar) is a serial liar, why do they stop talking when he is there?” he opined.
He lamented the “very dangerous” messages that Umno is sending to Malay villagers.
Among other things, they ran down PAS’ dealings with Ambiga (right), describing the Islamic party as following a Hindu woman who was “pro-LGBT and anti-Syariah”, according to Nizar.
On dealing with the hostile environment, Nizar chuckled and said: “It takes a lot of patience.”
When contacted, a speaker at the Umno event Saarani Mohamad
criticised Nizar for “trespassing” into another party’s event and said
that he should have minded his own PAS event instead.
In a a text-message to Malaysiakini, he denied that the speakers at the ceramah had suddenly stopped attacking Nizar, stressing that they had “followed the original script”.
“Nizar was not focusing on the ceramah, he was instead chatting with the people beside him," said Saarani, the Kota Tampan state legislative assemblyperson and state exco member.
In keeping with the previous night’s theme, he had only one thing to say about Nizar: “He’s lying.”- malaysiakini
Nizar, the former Perak menteri besar and most recognisable face of Perak Pakatan, told Malaysiakini today that that the crowd looked rather astonished when he arrived.

According to Nizar, Umno had been dogging opposition ceramahs in the state for a few months by holding events nearby, but this event piqued his curiosity because his name was emblazoned on the banner.
He claimed that he thus attended the event unplanned and in good faith because he believes in opening oneself to examination.
“I wanted to know whether I had missed anything (in examining myself).
“I thought I might as well attend before my turn to speak (at the PAS ceramah),” he said in a telephone interview.
And when he walked right into the event, alone, the first thing he heard was former PKR member Hanafiah Man condemning him at the top of his voice.
“I saw an empty chair (at the front panel) - which was Hanafiah’s - and I took a seat there,” he said, amused.
He claimed that when Hanafiah realised something was amiss and looked over his shoulder, the latter swiftly segued into bashing Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan and PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim.
The crowd of about 100 or so, according to Nizar, were similarly astonished at his presence while he was “just sitting there and smiling”.
“I think they were pucat (pale),” he laughed.

“I would like to hear, I told them. They asked me whether I would like it if they went for my ceramahs, but I said I would welcome anyone,” he said.
In addition, the crowd took the opportunity to boo Nizar at every mention of his colleagues in Pakatan Rakyat.
Nizar decided to leave after half an hour of the event, but not before shaking Hanafiah’s hand.
“He was completely abashed, his face was completely different,” he cracked.
‘Good for democratic process’
He then went to the PAS ceramah to explain himself, and the crowd was similarly astonished at the PAS leader’s spontaneous detour.
But the response appears to have been good so far for Nizar, with one person sending him a text-message congratulating him and saying it was a “new era” in politics.
“My phone was also ringing non-stop from 2am onwards,” he added, laughing.
When asked if he might make a habit of it, he was upbeat on how it would affect politics, but remained non-committal.
“Maybe this would be a good move, for a brighter democratic process,” he said, explaining that it would keep a lid on what politicians say at ceramahs.
On a more serious note, though, the Pasir Panjang assemblyperson hopes that he managed to make a point by crashing the Umno event.

He lamented the “very dangerous” messages that Umno is sending to Malay villagers.
Among other things, they ran down PAS’ dealings with Ambiga (right), describing the Islamic party as following a Hindu woman who was “pro-LGBT and anti-Syariah”, according to Nizar.
On dealing with the hostile environment, Nizar chuckled and said: “It takes a lot of patience.”
'Nizar should mind his own business'
In a a text-message to Malaysiakini, he denied that the speakers at the ceramah had suddenly stopped attacking Nizar, stressing that they had “followed the original script”.
“Nizar was not focusing on the ceramah, he was instead chatting with the people beside him," said Saarani, the Kota Tampan state legislative assemblyperson and state exco member.
In keeping with the previous night’s theme, he had only one thing to say about Nizar: “He’s lying.”- malaysiakini
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