Najib Tun Razak berlepas ke United Kingdom (UK) pada jam 11.15 malam tadi dan akan pulang semula ke tanah air pada 25 Mei ini.
Najib mengadakan lawatan kerja ke UK atas jemputan Putera Charles untuk menghadiri majlis resepsi bersempena dengan penganugerahan Royal Charter kepada Pusat Pengajian Islam Oxford (OCIS) oleh Ratu Elizabeth II.
Selepas itu, Najib akan UAE pada 28 Mei dan meneruskan lawatan ke Uzbekistan selepas itu.
Jadi Parlimen mungkin dibubarkan selepas 25 Mei iaitu selepas Najib balik dari London.
Nyatalah ramai sama ada UMNO dan Pakatan Pembangkang kena tipu oleh Najib...
Apa2 pun PRU ke-13 tetap akan di adakan,bila dan tarikhnya tak siapa tahu kecuali Bik Mama...

Najib makes two-day working visit to London
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is making a two-day working visit to London, beginning tomorrow.
According to a statement from Wisma Putra, the visit is at the invitation of The Prince of Wales, His Royal Highness Prince Charles, to attend a reception on the conferment of the Royal Charter on the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.
The Conferment of the Royal Charter to the OCIS is significant as it marks the first time an Islamic institution in the United Kingdom (UK) is conferred with such a prestigious status since such Charters were granted by successive Sovereigns from 1231.
In May, last year, Najib gave a keynote address organised by the OCIS at the Sheldonian Theatre of the University of Oxford, entitled 'Coalition of Moderates and Inter-Civilisational Understanding', which was well received.
Prince Charles, who is also Patron of the OCIS, invited the prime minister to be a member of the High Council of the OCIS (which comprises a small and select group of the world's most senior leaders), which Najib accepted.
The prime minister's membership in the OCIS High Council and attendance at the reception will further enhance the significance of the Global Movement of Moderates at the international level, in particular the value of moderation in addressing all forms of extremism.
During the visit to London, Najib is scheduled to witness the signing of two memoranda of understanding between a Malaysian company and British companies.
He is scheduled to meet the Malaysian community in the UK during the visit. - malaysiakini
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