Pengarah strategi parti itu, Rafizi Ramli serta ketua sayap wanitanya Zuraida Kamarudin menimbulkan persoalan itu dengan mengaitkan penglibatan Najib selaku pengerusi jawatankuasa tender yang menganugerahkan projek tersebut kepada National Feedlot Corporation (NFC).
"Jika Datuk Seri Shahrizat tidak terlibat, apakah ini bermakna Datuk Seri Najib yang pecah amanah kerana beliau (tanpa dipengaruhi dan diminta oleh Shahrizat) menganugerahkan tender RM250 juta kepada NFC yang tidak layak?"
Menurut mereka, tindakan menganugerahkan tender kepada syarikat yang tidak berkemampuan merupakan tindakan rasuah, mengikut peraturan umum peroleh dan tender untuk projek besar kerajaan seperti NFC.
"Ini bermakna, Jawatankuasa Tender Berimpak Tinggi yang dipengerusikan oleh Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sendiri melakukan perbuatan rasuah dengan menganugerahkan projek bernilai RM250 juta kepada NFC yang langsung tidak mempunyai pengalaman mengendalikannya.
"Satu-satunya hubungkait (atau pertalian) di antara Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (sebagai pengerusi jawatankuasa tender) dan NFC adalah Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil melalui hubungan kekeluargaan beliau (dengan NFC) dan hubungan politik (dengan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak)," katanya.
Kenyataan itu bagi mengulas keputusan Panel Penilaian Operasi SPRM hari ini yang mendapati Shahrizat yang tidak terlibat dalam proses pemberian projek tersebut dan juga pinjaman RM250 juta.
Dalam kenyataan sama, pemimpin PKR itu turut menyatakan kekesalan atas tindakan SPRM membuka siasatan ke atas timbalan presiden parti itu, Azmin Ali untuk satu kes yang disiasat sejak tahun 1995.
"Sungguh pun rata-rata rakyat Malaysia sudah menjangkakan bahawa SPRM akan melepaskan Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil dari tuduhan rasuah bersabit NFC, keputusan SPRM membuka siasatan terhadap Azmin Ali benar-benar mendedahkan wajah sebenar SPRM.
"Rakyat boleh menilai tindakan tangkas SPRM berhubung tuduhan terhadap Azmin Ali walaupun laporan dan siasatan Badan Pencegah Rasuah pada ketika itu telah menyatakan bahawa tidak ada unsur rasuah ketika siasatan dibuat dalam tahun 1995.
SPRM: Shahrizat tak terlibat dalam kontrak, pinjaman NFC

Shahrizat's 'acquittal' in NFC saga brings Najib's role into focus...
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s declaration that Wanita UMNO chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil was not involved directly in the awarding of the scandal-ridden National Feedlot Corporation project to her family has irked two PKR leaders who led revelations of financial wrongdoings in the company.
PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli and its Wanita chief Zuraida Kamaruddin questioned whether MACC had hauled up prime minister Najib Razak over the matter before making the conclusion.
They reminded that Najib chaired the High Impact Tender committee which awarded the project under the National Feedlot Centre to the inexperienced NFC, saying the act could be classified as corruption.
“One of the links between Najib as the committee chairman and NFC was Shahrizat’s family ties with NFC and the political ties between the duo,” they added.
MACC operations evaluation panel chairman Hadenan Abdul Jalil earlier announced that its investigation into Shahrizat’s involvement in the NFC scandal found that she was not involved in the process of awarding the RM250 million loan, which later was discovered to be spent on personal expenditure and property investments made under individual names.
Rafizi and Zuraida meanwhile questioned why Najib had not been called by the MACC during its investigation.
“In fact, we are curious why we are not called for investigation when we are the ones at the forefront of the revelation surrounding the NFC scandal” they said, adding that the public was convinced about corruption in NFC.- harakahdaily

MACC clears Shahrizat of NFC contract, loan award...
Former women and family development minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil has been cleared of having had a hand in awarding the multi-million ringgit National Feedlot Centre project to her family members.
"We found that Shahrizat was not involved in the process - in awarding the project to the company and the RM250 million loan," Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) operations review panel chief Hadenan Abdul Jalil said today.
National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) has been accused of mismanaging the loan.

Speaking on the matter briefly, Hadenan said the panel has decided to wrap up the matter.
Shahrizat relinquished her ministerial post on the expiry of her senatorship on April 8, but decided to continue as the Wanita Umno head and Wanita Barisan Nasional (BN) head.
She has repeatedly claimed she had nothing to do with the controversies surrounding the company and its management of the loans.
The project, meant to reduce Malaysia’s dependence on beef imports, received a negative assessment in the Auditor-General’s Report 2010 as being very far off-target.
NFC has also been accused of abusing its govrenment soft loan for the cattle breeding and beef supply project on purchases unrelated to the project.
In March, Salleh, 64, was finally charged with misappropriating RM9,758,140 to fund the purchase of two condominiums at 'One Menerung' in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.
- Shahrizat's family could not have secured this sweet-heart deal of
RM250 million, if not for her position as head of Wanita Umno and a
cabinet minister.
Considering this so-called loan was awarded, without any tendering. to her family who knows beans about cattle rearing. If this is not political influence, what is? MACC can clear her, but not the court of public opinion.