The defence in the Anwar Ibrahim Sodomy II trial has put forward the possibility of the DNA from up to 10 men, including that of Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, being found from the victim's anus. The defence put this possibility to Chesmitry Department DNA specialist Dr Seah Lay Hong during cross-examination today, who agreed with the possibility.
Seah had told the court that two items of equipment were used, namely the DNA View and the Applied Biosystem Genetic Analysis machine, to help her in her analysis. Lawyer Ram Karpal brought up this matter when cross-examining Seah on her Chemist's Report marked as evidence.
Looking at the B5 swab (peri-anal) in question under the STR locus D8S1179, she deduced that the loci (look in the table at page 6) from the non-sperm extract has a reading (allele) of 12, 13, 14, 15. She derived the conclusion that 12 and 13 came from Saiful's DNA, the number 15 to be that of Male Y and 14 from another unidentified male.
When asked by Ram on the possibility of DNA from 10 different combinations or persons coming from the four numbers, Seah agreed with the possibility.
“From the locus it could be 12, 14 a person; 14, 15 another person; 13 and 15 another; and 12 and 15 another person; and so on?” asked Ram.
“Yes it can come from the different permutations,” replied Seah. Ram said if this is so, it can come from 10 people, to which the witness replied again was a possibility.
However, Seah said at face value it would seem so, but the results would have to be read as a whole and not solely on one loci (the the whole table at page 6).
The chemist said she based her finding in comparison to the semen stain retrieved from Saiful's trousers and blood sample, and not to anything else. Seah said she compared her finding with a statistical probability in deriving her finding and conclusion.
The witness also told the court that for the Applied Biosystem Genetic Analysis, the department had used a software periodically maintained by three engineers. She stated that she was quite proficient in the software, for which she possesses a certificate, but was no expert.- Hafiz Yatim,Malaysiakini.
Suasana Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini bertukar menjadi hangat apabila digemparkan dengan pengakuan pakar DNA, Ketua Unit Jenayah Berat Jabatan Kimia, Dr Seah Lay Hoong bahawa sample DNA yang diambil daripada tubuh pengadu, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan mungkin membabitkan 10 lelaki.
"Terdapat kemungkinan DNA yang ditemui pada sample yang diperiksa datangnya daripada 10 orang lelaki," kata Dr Seah dalam keterangannya pagi tadi ketika menjawab soal balas daripada peguam Karpal Singh.
Terdahulu, mahkamah semalam digemparkan dengan penemuan tiga DNA lelaki pada calitan yang diambil daripada tubuh Saiful, juga yang diakui oleh Dr Seah.
Pasukan peguam Anwar juga berjaya dalam bantahan mereka menolak dokumen tambahan dalam laporan kimia pada awal perbicaraan semalam kerana perbezaan ketara dengan dokumen yang diterima pada awal perbicaraan.
Justeru, Karpal meminta mahkamah menolak laporan Elektropherogram yang dibentangkan semalam berdasarkan keterangan Dr Seah. Dr Seah turut mengakui tidak menjalankan ujian perbandingan profil DNA laporan tersebut dengan kapas pengesat DNA milik Saiful.
Seorang lagi peguambela Ram Karpal berjaya menimbulkan keraguan umum apabila soalan beliau mendapati Dr Seah tidak arif dalam penggunaan perisian Gene Mapper. Perisian ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan keputusan laporan elektrophenograf yang dibentangkan semalam.
sumber: Wartawan Rasmi Laman Reformasi
is it like 10 people could be having a party with this man's anus?
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