Experts interviewed by Malaysiakini were of the view a climax - one way or another - was in sight. They said the public, already unhappy with the sinking economic conditions, was losing patience and it was now up to the two camps to put up or shut up.
Abdullah would have to decide if he wanted to be remembered as the man who liberalised democracy in Malaysia or leave behind a legacy of oppression and intimidation.
Anwar, on the other hand, would have to come out and prove he has the support of the parliamentarians that he has been claiming or lose a huge chunk of credibility with voters.
source: malaysiakini
The gomen may not use ISA against Anwar but may instead revoke his bail on sodomy II on 24 September 2008 to ensure Anwar will be behind bars celebrating Hari Raya in jail. Can you really trust Pat Lah..............
If anyone should go behind the bar, it got to be badawi... for dragging the country thru' the mud.
Pat Lah tak boleh le,pasai baru kahwin........kalo masuk melepas le kawe!
Anwar pun memang patut masuk jail. Dia ni bapak segala kekecohan yang berlaku dekat Malasia. Habis sana sini dia buat kacau.
tapi banding dengan Ahmad "penyamun UMNO" Ismail tu,Anwar lebih waras...sayang penyanggak macam tu tak di ISA kan!!!!!!!!
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