Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak perlu memberi keterangan di hadapan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Awam (PAC) berdasarkan pendedahan bahawa urusan kewangan kontroversi 1MDB mungkin dibuat dengan keizinannya, kata Naib Presiden PKR Rafizi Ramli.
Ini selepas Malaysiakini mendedahkan semalam bahawa Memorandum dan Tata Urusan Syarikat (M&A) Lembaga Pelaburan Terengganu (TIA), pendahulu kepada 1MDB, menghendaki semua urusan perlu diluluskan oleh perdana menteri.
Katanya, keterangan Najib akan membersihkan sebarang keraguan sama ada atau tidak, beliau tahu terdapat salah urus dalam 1MDB.
"Saya fikir adalah terbaik untuk Najib memperuntukkan satu atau dua hari untuk datang ke Parlimen dan menjelaskannya," kata Rafizi kepada Malaysiakini.

Menurutnya, Najib juga perlu disoal oleh PAC kerana ia kini bukan hanya setakat pengurusan kanan - beliau adalah sebahagian daripada transaksi 1MDB dan dalam kedudukan untuk menjelaskan.
Walaupun TIA telah menukar namanya kepada 1MDB, Rafizi, yang juga ahli Parlimen Pandan, berkata beliau yakin 1MDB mewarisi sepenuhnya M&A TIA.
"Apabila anda menukar nama syarikat, anda tidak menukar M&A kerana ia adalah entiti yang sama" katanya.
Tambahnya, apa yang bermula sebagai TIA jelas akan diwarisi sepenuhnya oleh 1MDB dan "jika anda merujuk kepada nombor syarikat mereka, ianya sama." - mk
Elok PAC juga soal Najib
Since PM calls the shots, CBT probe must follow...
Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli (photo) said Clause 117 of TIA's memorandum and articles of association (M&A) clearly states that the prime minister is among the company's decision makers and Najib should therefore be implicated in any wrongdoing by the company.
"I urge agencies such as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Auditor-General's Department and the police to investigate the prime minister," Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli told reporters at the Parliament lobby today.
Rafizi said that at the very least, the authorities must investigate the financial transactions involving 1MDB's joint-venture with PetroSaudi International. - mk
Najib perlu perjelas sudah 'kantoi' atau tak...
Lim berkata jika perkara itu benar Najib ternyata berpura-pura di Parlimen dan kepada orang awam dengan berkata beliau tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap operasi harian 1MDB dan hanya mempengerusikan lembaga penasihat syarikat itu.
“Ini mungkin kali pertama dalam sejarah negara apabila perdana menteri 'kantoi' berpura-pura besar,” katanya.
Dalam kenyataannya hari ini Lim berkata perkara itu seperti undi tidak percaya di Parlimen sama ada beliau patut kekal sebagai perdana menteri.
Persoalan berhubung bidang kuasa Najib timbul selepas Malaysiakini melaporkan bahawa Memorandum dan Tata Urusan Syarikat (M&A) bertarikh 2 September 2009, menyebut kelulusan bertulis perdana menteri diperlukan untuk sebarang komitmen kewangan Lembaga Pelaburan Terengganu (TIA).
Ini termasuk urusan pelaburan, penstrukturan semula atau sebarang keputusan berkaitan dasar kerajaan pusat.
Jika itu keadaannya, bermakna banyak perjanjian kontroversi 1MDB yang kini diperkatakan ramai mungkin dijalankan dengan keizinan perdana menteri.
Apa yang jelas, Najib berkuasa penuh ke atas agensi berkenaan ketika ia masih dikenali sebagai TIA.
Peruntukan 117 dalam memorandum itu juga menyatakan, kelulusan bertulis perdana menteri diperlukan untuk meminda sebarang butiran dalam M&A serta pelantikan pengarah syarikat dan ahli pengurusan kanan. - mk
Delay 11MP debate for Najib to declare 1MDB role
Rafizi wants PAC to call Najib after consent expose...
This is after Malaysiakini yesterday revealed that the memorandum and articles of association (M&A) of Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA), the predecessor of 1MDB, required all deals to be approved by the prime minister.
"It is quite clear now that he would have been in the know. It (Najib’s testimony) will clear any doubt whether or not he knows there is mismanagement in 1MDB.
"He should also be questioned by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) because it is now not just the senior management - he was part and parcel of 1MDB's transactions and would be in a position to explain," Rafizi told Malaysiakini when contacted.
Even though TIA had changed its name to 1MDB, Rafizi, who is Pandan MP, said he was confident that the latter inherited TIA's M&A in full, which is similar to the constitution of an association.
"When you change a company's name, you don't go back and change the M&A because it's the same entity.
"What started out as TIA obviously would have been inherited lock, stock and barrel by 1MDB and if you refer to their company numbers, they are still the same," he said.
Furthermore, Rafizi said some may argue that TIA was incorporated on Feb 27, 2009, before Najib became prime minister but he pointed out that the M&A was adopted on Aug 11, 2009, after Najib became prime minister in April.
"The incorporation of Clause 117 of the M&A was most probably done with his (Najib) knowledge and instruction," said Rafizi who is also PKR secretary-general.
‘The buck stops at Najib’
Yesterday, Malaysiakini reported that the M&A’s clause 117 spelled out that the prime minister's written approval was required for any of TIA's financial commitment, including investments, restructuring or any matters concerning federal government policy, national interest and national security.
Clause 117 of the M&A also states that the premier's approval was required to amend the company's M&A and appointment of company directors and senior management members.
If Clause 117 of the M&A remains at status quo until today, it would mean that the prime minister had given his consent to many of 1MDB's controversial deals.
This include the decision to move US$1.1 billion from Cayman Islands to a bank in Singapore, the deal with Mongolia-based company Gobi Coal & Energy Limited (GCE) and the sale of Tun Razak Exchange land to the Lembaga Tabung Haji, among others.
"It is a collective responsibility and the buck stops at Najib when it comes to this kind of transactions by 1MDB which involved the transfer of billions and the award of government prime land cheaply to 1MDB," he said.
Consent is norm in GLCs
Rafizi, who had previously worked at Petronas, said the prime minister's consent is a norm when it comes to government-linked companies handling billions of ringgit and this was likewise the case in the oil company.
"If you have worked in an organisation like this, you would know that these kind of decisions can only be made at the top most level of authority.
"Even if it was approved by the 1MDB board, it would still require the necessary approval of the government and it would have been done with the consent and knowledge of the prime minister and minister of finance," he said.
Najib is also finance minister whose ministry wholly owns 1MDB, an investment company that has since accumulated a massive debt of RM42 billion.
1MDB president and group executive director Arul Kanda and former chief executive officer Shahrol Ibrahim Halmi were summoned to testify before the PAC on Monday but did not turn up after they asked for a 30-day extension.
The duo said they have important engagement overseas but earned scorn for not giving priority to the PAC in light of the high profile public interest issue surrounding 1MDB.
PAC chairperson Nur Jazlan had previously said the committee will not call Najib as yet but all eyes will be on the committee's next move in light of the latest M&A revelation. - mk
MP fail aduan pada juruaudit 1MDB...
Aduan itu difailkan oleh anggota Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara Tony Pua di Institut Akauntan Malaysia di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
Katanya Deloitte pada 5 November tahun lalu memperakui 1MDB tiada masalah walaupun syarikat itu berdepan krisis kecairan yang akan berlaku susulan tidak dapat membayar hutang RM2 bilion sebelum hujung bulan itu.
Beliau juga berkata aduan juga dibuat berkaitan cubaan 1MDB dan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Eazak yang didakwa cuba menggunakan nama Deloitte untuk menunjukkan urusan berkaitan syarikat itu berlaku secara jujur dan terbuka. - mk
Tony Pua files complaint with accounting body against Deloitte

Akhirnya terdedah juga bahawa ada satu klausa dalam Memorandum Pertubuhan ("M&A") 1MDB bahawa
semua keputusan pelaburan #1MDB mesti diluluskan Najib Razak. Baca di sini.
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