For Zahid's sake, M'sians must support Najib...
This is not an endorsement of Najib Abdul Razak's
leadership. This is a warning of what the future might hold should the
current prime minister be ousted from power.
Even if federal power has to be placed in an opposition bloc riddled with flaws and infighting, so be it.
Anything is better than the prospect of Ahmad Zahid Hamidi inching closer to the prime minister post.
And hopefully, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad's prediction of defeat for Umno would come true.
As it stands now, should Najib be forced to step down, he would be replaced by current number two Muhyiddin Yassin.
The deputy prime minister position would then require a candidate and topping the list is Zahid, the current home minister.
Like it or not, Zahid is the most popular of the three Umno vice-presidents, which includes the more sensible Shafie Apdal and Hishammuddin Hussein, who is Najib's cousin.
Mahathir might not live long enough to see the damage which could be inflicted by a Muhyiddin-Zahid combination.
Then again, it is often said while a politician thinks of the next election, a statesman thinks of the next generation.
Mahathir is not a statesman and has never given much thought about the next generation, apart from the political future of his son.
All that matters to him is for Umno to survive the next general election, by hook or by crook and someone like Zahid fits the bill.
The home minister is someone who has often showed that he would not hesitate to pull all the stops to maintain status quo.
Najib might do the unthinkable
Muhyiddin, on the other hand, has often been criticised as a racist given his "Malay first, Malaysian second" stand.
He is someone who has shown little interest in becoming prime minister. Previously, there were even rumours that he might retire.
Muhyiddin is perhaps being forced by certain quarters in Umno to take over the baton from Najib at least on a temporary basis until after the next general election.
Following which, he could pass the torch to Zahid.
Zahid has little to show for himself in terms of credentials, being someone who rose up the ranks in Umno by fashioning himself as an ultra Malay, nothing more, nothing less.
He was once a close ally of Anwar Ibrahim, but then switched camps when it became obvious that backing the axed deputy premier could prove to be costly to his political ambitions.
History has shown that leaders who lack cerebral substance would resort to might and fear to continue their rule.
Since the FBI letter scandal, Zahid's robust image among Umno members has been riddled with holes and left him at the mercy of the prime minister.
Following that, Zahid has been singing praises of Najib, which does not come as a surprise given his track-record of switching sides.
So to prevent the possibility of Zahid climbing the ladder either way, Malaysians must stop calling for Najib's head to roll.
This is the predicament of Malaysians - for doing so could be a case of jumping from the frying pan into the fire. - mk

GST untuk selamatkan gomen, kata Dr M...
Katanya, hutang ini ditanggung melalui syarikat seperti 1Malaysia Development Berhad dan Pembinaan PFI Sdn Bhd.
"Sudah tentulah usaha seperti 1MDB dan Pembinaan PFI hanya menyebabkan hutang yang tidak dapat ditanggung.
"Apabila syarikat ini mengalami kerugian, beban kewangan kerajaan akan meningkat.
"Dengan memperkenalkan GST, kerajaan sebenarnya meminta orang ramai, termasuk yang tidak sepatutnya dikenakan cukai pendapatan untuk menyelamatkan kerajaan,” katanya.
Mahathir menyatakan demikian dalam tulisan terbaru di blognya, hari ini.
Kedua-dua 1MDB dan Pembinaan PFI dimiliki oleh Kementerian Kewangan dan masing-masing menanggung hutang RM42 bilion dan RM27 bilion.
Mahathir berkata kerajaan tidak perlu memperkenalkan GST jika ia mampu mengurus kewangannya dengan baik.
Jadi miskin untuk memperkaya kerajaan
“Kerajaan boleh mengelak dari mengenakan cukai tambahan ini ke atas rakyat jika ia mengurangkan kosnya.
"Menaikkan gaji tanpa peningkatkan produktiviti, menambah jumlah hari cuti, mengganti cuti pada hujung minggu, menetapkan gaji minimum yang tinggi, membazir wang pada kemewahan...
“Semua ini meningkatkan perbelanjaan kerajaan dan meningkatkan defisit,” katanya.
Tambahnya, langkah yang lebih baik adalah mendidik dan melatih pekerja untuk pekerjaan dengan gaji lebih tinggi.
Mahathir juga menjawab rungutan kerajaan ke atas peniaga yang menaikkan harga barangan walau perniagaan tersebut tidak dikenakan GST.
"Walaupun apa yang (pengguna) beli tidak dikenakan GST, pemborong yang membekal barangan kepada penjual terpaksa menaikkan harga kerana mereka perlu membayar GST.
"Penjual terpaksa menampung kos tinggi dengan mengenakan harga lebih tinggi kepada pelanggan mereka. Akhirnya, rakyat yang terpaksa menanggung kos GST,” kata Mahathir.
Tambahnya, pelaksanaan GST itu akhirnya akan mengurangkan kuasa beli pengguna.
"Dalam kata lain, mereka menjadi lebih miskin demi memperkayakan kerajaan,” katanya lagi. - mk
Pak Lah tak bermewah, tapi sanggup berundur
Dr M: Step down. You’ve made a biggger mess than Badawi
Arul Kanda dipersoal/6 petua untuk Najib kekal kuasa... ...
Kronologi Kes...
Najib ketika menjawab soalan MP PJU Tony Pua diParlimen menjelaskan wang 1MDB yang disimpan diCaymen Island telah dipindahkan ke BSI S'pore dlm bentuk tunai... selepas itu PMO mengeluarkan kenyataan 'membetulkan kenyataan Najib bahawa simpanan sebanyak RM3.6 billion BUKAN dlm bentuk tunai tapi dokumen dan disebut 'Unit'..dan apa yg dibaca oleh Najib diParlimen berdasarkan info yg dibekalkan oleh 1MDB .
BSI bank of Switzerland telah menyatakan dokumen (penyatan kewangan) cawangannya di S'pore adalah palsu dan bukan dikeluarkan oleh mana mana cawangan BSI. Maka jelaslah kenyataan bertulis yang kedua oleh Najib kepada Parlimen bahawa yang disimpan adalah dokumen juga tidak benar.
BSI bank telah lapur kepada Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS – Penguasa Kewangan Singapura) bahawa tidak ada wang 1MDB yang disimpan dengannya. MAS melapur maklumat ini kepada Bank Negara. Ini jelas dari pengakuan bahawa kononnya lapuran ini tertakluk kepada protokol kerahsiaan antarabangsa (Egmont principles of information exchange) dan kehendak kerahsiaan di bawah seksyen 10 AMLA. Dari kenyataan ini adalah jelas bahawa Bank Negara telah terima lapuran Monetary Authority Singapore dan siasatan hendaklah dijalankan...
Hari ni CEO 1MDB Arul Kandasamy menafikan bahawa penyata kewangan/dokumen tersebut palsu seperti didakwa dan merasa kesal atas dakwaan tersebut...f/bk

Sarawak Report terus persoal jawapan Arul...
Dalam satu kenyataan, Sarawak Report berkata, ia mempunyai bukti yang penyata bank palsu digunakan bagi menyokong dakwaan yang terdapat wang tunai di dalam akaun dana pelaburan negara itu di dalam Bank BSI Singapura.
Putrajaya berkata baru-baru ini, wang yang ditebus dari Kepulauan Cayman sebenarnya aset dalam bentuk dolar Amerika Syarikat di Bank BSI.
"Memandangkan Kandasamy sekarang bersedia menjawab beberapa butiran periferal berhubung laporan kami, mungkin beliau juga akan tampil dengan penjelasan dan penerangan mengenai fakta penting perkara itu, iaitu kenapa 1MDB membayar AS$1.6 bilion kepada Good Star Limited?" soal Sarawak Report.
Laman itu juga menuduh Arul, yang juga pengarah eksekutif kumpulan 1MDB, menghantar melalui faks penyata bank palsu kepada Bank BSI di Singapura.
"Jika Encik Kandasamy tidak melaporkan perkara ini kepada Bank Negara, mengapa dia tidak melaporkannya?" soal Sarawak Report.
Terdahulu hari ini, Arul berkata Sarawak Report berbohong mengenai 1MDB membekalkan "maklumat palsu dan dakwaan tidak berasas langsung" mengenai penyata bank syarikat itu.
"Ini satu pembohongan. Saya tidak pernah memberi sebarang kenyataan begitu kepada Bank Negara. Untuk menyatakan sebaliknya adalah terang-terangan palsu dan tidak betul, begitu juga apa-apa dakwaan yang berdasarkan premis ini."
Katanya, 1MDB bekerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa berhubung akaunnya dan memberi jaminan, siasatan yang dijalankan akan memberi jawapan kepada soalan mengenai urus niaga dan hutang syarikat milik Kementerian Kewangan itu. – tmi
Whistle-blower site grills 1MDB’s Arul further after denial...
In a statement, Sarawak Report said it has evidence that a false bank statement was used to support claims that there was cash in the state investment arm's account in BSI Bank Singapore.
Putrajaya had said recently that the money redeemed from the Cayman Islands are actually assets in US dollars in BSI Bank.
"Now that Mr Kandasamy is willing to address some of the peripheral details on our reporting perhaps he would also come forward with clarifications and explanations on the key facts of the matter, which is why did 1MDB pay US$1.6 billion to Good Star Limited?" asked Sarawak Report.
The site also accused Arul Kanda, who is also 1MDB's group executive director, of faxing the false bank statement to BSI Bank in Singapore.
"If Mr Kandasamy did not report this to Bank Negara, why did he not report it?" asked Sarawak Report.
Earlier today, Arul Kanda said Sarawak Report is lying about 1MDB by providing "false information and direct unfounded allegations" about the debt-laden strategic investor's bank statements.
"This is a lie. I have never provided any such statement to Bank Negara. To state otherwise is blatantly false and incorrect, as are any allegations that are based on this premise."
He added that 1MDB's cooperation with authorities over its accounts and assured that the investigations will provide answers to questions about its business dealings and debts. – tmi

6 petua untuk Najib kekal kuasa...
Bagaimanapun, persoalannya dapatkan beliau bertahan hingga ke akhir?
Tokoh wartawan Datuk Kadir Jasin ada resipinya, seperti berikut:
Rombakan kabinet harus dilakukan dengan mengetepikan “unsur tidak mesra”
seperti timbalannya sendiri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Menteri
Pembangunan Luar Bandar Dan Wilayah Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal.
Lantik Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi sebagai timbalan
perdana menteri dan meletakkan Kementerian Kewangan bawah sepupunya
Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein yang kini mengawal Kementerian
Pertahanan. Zahid juga boleh diberi portfolio kementerian Hishammuddin
Ambil alih Kementerian Dalam Negeri supaya darurat boleh diisytihar
dengan lebih mudah jika berlaku undi tidak percaya di Parlimen.
Upah penulis surat layang “berwibawa: untuk memburuk-burukkan Tun Dr
Mahathir Mohamad, dengan ketua umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
menyumbang kata pengantarnya. Ini, kata Kadir, boleh ditukar dengan
ganjaran beberapa hari keluar penjara.
Gantikan Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail dengan peguam Umno Datuk Mohd Hafarizan Harun.
- Hilangkan beban hutang 1MDB dengan meminta ahli perniagaan Jho Low menguruskan penjualan syarikat pelaburan negara itu kepada sahabat-sahabat Arabnya.
Katanya, pindaan jawapan itu, kepada simpanan dalam bentuk “unit” boleh menyebabkan prosiding ala pemakzulan (penyingkiran) terhadapnya dibuat.
“Ingat pemakzulan terhadap presiden Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid pada 2001? Tetapi bawah undang-undang kita, tiada peruntukan pemakzulan oleh Parlimen.
“Dewan bagaimanapun boleh meluluskan usul tidak percaya,” katanya. - mk
Najib Goes On The Offensive...
Najib in his latest reply, he among other things, debunked the claim that 1MDB is in financial crisis. He said the strategic investment company of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has assets worth RM51 billion. He accused Dr Mahathir of manipulating the truth. (Read here)
But the public are more likely to be interested in Dr Mahathir’s poser concerning the possibility of the Prime Minister having lied to Parliament.
The question whether Mohd Najib has misled the Parliament on 1MDB’s so-called US$1.03 billion deposits in Singapore has the potential of creating a messy legal issue for the PM.
His attempts to distance himself from 1MDB has been effectively thwarted when Malay Mail Online revealed that according to Clause 117 of the Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A) of the Terengganu Investment the Authority (TIA), the predecessor to 1MDB, inked on 27 February 2009, places absolute powers over the company’s decisions in the hands of the Prime Minister.
It states, among other things that the Prime Minister’s written approval is needed on any financial commitment (including investment), restructuring or any other matter which was likely to affect the guarantee given by the Federal Government of Malaysia for the benefit of the company, national interest, national security or any policy of the Federal Government of Malaysia.
Dr Mahathir immediately penned a comment in his blog to restate his earlier assertions that Mohd Najib is responsible for 1MDB.
In a more robust democracy, including Indonesia and Nigeria (YES Indonesia and Nigeria), Mohd Najib would have been referred to the ethnics committee and may even face impeachment proceedings.
Remember the impeachment of Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid in 2001? But under our law, there is no provision for impeachment by the Parliament. The House can, however, pass a vote of no confidence.
An ex-magistrate said the fact that the PM subsequently corrected his statement does not absolve him from blame. It is relevant only in mitigation.
Initially Mohd Najib said the deposits in Singapore were cash. He reinforced this in an interview aired by TV3 on April 10, when he said: “Time will determine but at a certain time, the money will be brought back to Malaysia.”
Then the deposits became asset certificates and finally, according to second Finance Minister, Ahmad Husni Hazadlah, they were “units”.
In the meantime Umno is in disarray and who is running the country we don’t know. It could be on autopilot but will crash at some point of time when it runs out of juice.
We don’t anymore know who is what in the Umno Supreme Council, the state liaison committees, the divisions and branches.
All that we know is the most of the Supreme Council members have their lips sealed while the palms of the division chiefs have been sufficiently greased. But an Umno veteran who received the visit of several deputy divisional chiefs said these people are angry and demoralised.
The expose that 1MDB’s business dealings require the consent of the prime minister also put his defamation suits against critics, including DAP Petaling Jaya Utara MP, Tony Pua and PKR Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli as well as the portal Media Rakyat in jeopardy. His wife, Rosmah Mansor is also suing.
I had, from the outset, maintained that it was unwise for the PM to sue his adversaries. He should fight them in the political arena instead of the courtroom. Anwar Ibrahim went to jail for corruption (abuse of power) in 1999 when he made a police report against a year-old “surat layang” by businesswoman Umi Hafilda.

Having declared that he would not give up because of one man (read Dr Mahathir) and that he has the support of Umno, the PM must to a couple of things to further entrench himself.
He should immediately (1)reshuffle the Cabinet to exclude Deputy Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin, for being a pain in the rear, and possibly Sabahan Shafie Apdal.
In Muhyiddin’s place he should put (2)Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. The PM many want to rid himself of the 1MDB burden by passing the MoF job to Hishammuddin Hussein. Hishammuddin’s seat at Defence Ministry can be assumed by Ahmad Zahid.
Mohd Najib may want to take charge of the (3)Home Ministry. The portfolio is essential just in case he is thinking of declaring an emergency should Muhyiddin or Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah launch a vote of no confidence against him in Parliament.
Attack on Dr Mahathir should be made more vicious. (4)Writers of the calibre of late Khalid Jafri (who wrote the notorious “50 Dalil”) should be engaged to expose Dr Mahathir man and his supporters.
I am sure there are Chinese, Indian and even Malay businessmen who are willing to sponsor the project. To make it even more sensational, Anwar Ibrahim could be tempted to endorse it via a preface. I am sure that can be arranged if the latter is given a few days to rest and recreate at, say, the HUKM.
The PM has to replace the Attorney General, (5)Abdul Gani Patail, who appears to be on a losing streak. Also he has been on extension for far too long. The safest bet for the PM is to nominate someone he knows well and trust like the senior Umno lawyer Mohd Hafarizam bin Harun.
He could fulfil the “ultimatum” by the Umno Supreme for the 1MDB crisis to be solved by June 31 by commissioning (6)Jho Low to be middleman once again.
Jho Low should able to convince his Arab friends from PetroSaudi and elsewhere in the Gulf to underwrite 1MDB’s debts although this would mean that 1MDB’s assets including government land that it bought cheaply and the IPPs that it bought above market Price would fall into foreign hands. This could be the strategic aim of 1MDB.
By the way, Felda Global Ventures’ share on Bursa Malaysia fell to RM1.92 yesterday and comes June, the settlers’ cooperative, Koperasi Permodalan Felda (KPF) will have to declare its half yearly dividend, which in the past had been above 10%. - a.kadir jasin
Mahathir Speaking Clearly...
Cartoon dari akhbar the Nation,Bangkok...

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