1MDB hampir cagar minyak dan gas asli di laut Terengganu, kata bekas MB...
Belum reda kontroversi pembelian tanah 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) oleh Lembaga Tabung Haji, bekas menteri besar Terengganu Datuk Seri Ahmad Said mendakwa 1MDB pernah hendak mencagarkan minyak dan gas asli di laut Terengganu, namun keputusan itu ditarik balik, lapor Sinar Harian.
Ahmad berkata urus niaga tersebut hampir dilaksanakan sewaktu syarikat itu mempunyai hubung kait dengan Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA) ketika penubuhannya pada awal 2008.
Menurutnya, beliau turut dimarahi Datuk Seri Najib Razak ekoran penarikan semula pelaburan itu atas beberapa masalah yang timbul.
"...Ini salah satu sebab saya dimarahi perdana menteri, termasuk kes-kes lain sehingga akhirnya kita menarik diri.
“Buat masa ini saya tidak boleh menjawab isu ini. Saya menunggu masa yang sesuai. Tetapi, saya akui betul 1MDB asalnya TIA yang modalnya berbayar, saya bagi pihak kerajaan negeri yang membayar,” katanya.
Beliau menjawab soalan lisan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Peka, Satiful Bahri Mamat mengenai hubungan 1MDB dengan kerajaan Terengganu, pada sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) ketika membahaskan titah sultan sempena Istiadat Pembukaan Penggal Ketiga DUN Ke-13, di Wisma Darul Iman, hari ini.
Ahmad bagaimanapun berkata, kerajaan negeri tidak mengalami sebarang kerugian kerana pihaknya menuntut kembali wang berjumlah RM1 juta yang digunakan sebagai modal berbayar ketika itu.
Sebelum ini, 1MDB yang dibebani hutang sehingga RM42 bilion itu dikaitkan dengan pelbagai isu kontroversi, dan minggu lalu blog The Benchmark mendedahkan ia menjual tanah kepada Tabung Haji pada harga RM188.5 juta.
Keputusan itu mengundang pelbagai kritikan, termasuk daripada bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, yang menggesa Najib meletak jawatan.
Majlis Tertinggi Umno dalam mesyuaratnya semalam menyatakan sokongan padu pimpinan tertinggi Umno kepada Najib. – tmi
1MDB predecessor tried to use T'ganu's oil and gas...
Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA) - the predecessor of 1Malaysia
Development Bhd (1MDB) - tried to use Terengganu's oil and gas assets as
collateral, way back in 2008, former Terengganu menteri besar Ahmad
Said revealed yesterday.
TIA was renamed as 1MDB in 2009 after it was taken over by Putrajaya.
Speaking in the Terengganu state assembly yesterday, Ahmad said the state government, however, pulled out of the deal due to a numerous problems.
was one of the reasons the Prime Minister (Najib Abdul Razak) was angry
with me, including other problems which ended with (the state
government) pulling out," Ahmad (right) is quoted as saying by Malay daily Sinar Harian.
He said Terengganu did not suffer any losses, as it had succeeded in getting back its RM1 million capital.
Ahmad was removed from office last year and he momentarily quit Umno, allegedly because he was forced to quit before his daughter's wedding.
Deals involving 1MDB and public funds or assets have been coming out of the woodworks since last week.
This includes more than RM1 billion pumped into the state investment fund under the Finance Ministry by Tabung Haji via sukuk and land purchases.
Other government-linked companies, Permodalan Nasional Bhd and Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP), have also been linked to 1MDB, although KWAP has said it has yet to commit to any investment in 1MDB. - mk
TIA was renamed as 1MDB in 2009 after it was taken over by Putrajaya.
Speaking in the Terengganu state assembly yesterday, Ahmad said the state government, however, pulled out of the deal due to a numerous problems.
He said Terengganu did not suffer any losses, as it had succeeded in getting back its RM1 million capital.
Ahmad was removed from office last year and he momentarily quit Umno, allegedly because he was forced to quit before his daughter's wedding.
Deals involving 1MDB and public funds or assets have been coming out of the woodworks since last week.
This includes more than RM1 billion pumped into the state investment fund under the Finance Ministry by Tabung Haji via sukuk and land purchases.
Other government-linked companies, Permodalan Nasional Bhd and Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP), have also been linked to 1MDB, although KWAP has said it has yet to commit to any investment in 1MDB. - mk
Story kat SINI dan SINI
Najib kata OK,tapi pemimpin akar umbi kata lain...
Bagaimanapun, pemimpin akar umbi Umno mendakwa sebaliknya.
Bercakap dengan syarat tidak mahu nama disebut, mereka memberitahu Malaysiakini bahawa beberapa pemimpin Majlis Tertinggi telah menyuarakan kebimbangan mengenai perkembangan semasa.
Ini berkaitan dengan masalah dalam 1MDB, pembelian tanah milik 1MDB oleh Tabung Haji serta keputusan pilihan raya kecil Rompin dan Permatang Pauh.
Malaysiakini melihat mesej teks yang diterima oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Umno bahagian dari mereka yang menganggotai majlis tertinggi.
Dalam satu mesej, seorang menteri Umno bimbang pembelian tanah 1MDB oleh Tabung Haji di Tun Razak Exchange dengan harga RM188.5 juta telah sampai ke telinga orang Melayu di kampung-kampung.
Asas sokongan utama Umno terdiri daripada orang Melayu di luar bandar.
Seorang lagi anggota Majlis Tertinggi berkata bahawa isu 1MDB telah 'menjadi toksik' dan perlu diselesaikan secepat mungkin.
Dalam mesej teksnya, dia menyebut tentang perlunya menyelamatkan negara daripada penyangak yang mencuri wang rakyat.
Bagaimanapun, ia tidak dapat dipastikan sama ada kenyataan itu dibangkitkan semasa mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi semalam.
Walaupun Najib mendakwa semuanya berjalan baik antara beliau dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, namun seorang pemimpin Umno bahagian yang enggan namanya disebut, berkata keadaan di akar umbi mendedahkan sebaliknya.
Bagaimanapun, beliau mengakui bahawa majlis tertinggi telah terlepas peluang untuk merakamkan kekecewaannya dengan Najib dan menuntut beliau meletakkan jawatan.
Sementara itu, seorang lagi pemimpin bahagian berkata Najib telah memberitahu mesyuarat dengan pemimpin bahagian bahawa laporan awal audit terhadap 1MDB akan dikeluarkan bulan depan.
The Star melaporkan satu salinan laporan itu akan dikemukakan kepada Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC).
"Najib menghubungi Ketua Audit Negara pagi semalam dan diberitahu bahawa laporan itu akan siap bulan depan," kata seorang ketua bahagian yang dipetik sebagai berkata.
Sambil menafikan bahawa pembelian tanah oleh Tabung Haji itu sebagai satu langkah penyelamatan, Najib telah memetik langkah menyelamatkan MAS semasa pentadbiran bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Sabtu lalu, Pengerusi Tabung Haji Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim berkata, Tabung Haji akan menjual semula tanah itu atas nasihat Najib.- mk
Dr Mahathir masih simpan peluru akhir untuk "kill" Najib?

Thorns revealed in Najib's rosy picture...
Following the supreme council meeting and closed-door briefing yesterday, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak declared that he has Umno's full support.
However, Umno grassroots leaders have claimed otherwise.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, they told Malaysiakini that several supreme council leaders have expressed concern about the current situation.
is related to the problems in 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB),
Tabung Haji’s land deal with the ailing firm as well as the results of
the Rompin and Permatang Pauh by-elections.
Malaysiakini sighted text messages received by Umno division leaders from those who sit in the supreme council.
In one message, an Umno minister was worried that Tabung Haji's purchase of 1MDB land at the Tun Razak Exchange for RM188.5 million has reached the ears of Malays in the kampungs.
Umno's main support base consist of Malays in rural areas.
Another supreme council member had remarked that the 1MDB matter has become toxic and should be resolved as soon as possible.
"We need to save this nation from scoundrels and thieves who steal people's money," read his text message.
However, it could not be ascertained if the remarks were raised during the supreme council meeting yesterday.
Despite Najib's claim that all is well between Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and him, an Umno division leader, who declined to be named, said the situation on the ground revealed otherwise.
However, he admitted that the supreme council had missed the opportunity to register its disappointment with Najib and demand his resignation.
Meanwhile, another division leader said Najib had told the meeting with the division leaders that the 1MDB preliminary audit report would be released next month.
The Star reported that following the release, a copy of the report would be submitted to the Public Accounts Committee.
called the auditor-general yesterday morning and was told that the
report would be ready by next month," an unidentified division leader
was quoted as saying.
Dismissing that the Tabung Haji purchase was not a bailout, Najib had cited the move to rescue MAS during former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s administration.
Last Saturday, Tabung Haji chairperson Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim said the pilgrimage fund would re-sell the land following Najib’s advice.- mk
However, Umno grassroots leaders have claimed otherwise.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, they told Malaysiakini that several supreme council leaders have expressed concern about the current situation.
Malaysiakini sighted text messages received by Umno division leaders from those who sit in the supreme council.
In one message, an Umno minister was worried that Tabung Haji's purchase of 1MDB land at the Tun Razak Exchange for RM188.5 million has reached the ears of Malays in the kampungs.
Umno's main support base consist of Malays in rural areas.
Another supreme council member had remarked that the 1MDB matter has become toxic and should be resolved as soon as possible.
"We need to save this nation from scoundrels and thieves who steal people's money," read his text message.
However, it could not be ascertained if the remarks were raised during the supreme council meeting yesterday.
Despite Najib's claim that all is well between Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and him, an Umno division leader, who declined to be named, said the situation on the ground revealed otherwise.
However, he admitted that the supreme council had missed the opportunity to register its disappointment with Najib and demand his resignation.
Meanwhile, another division leader said Najib had told the meeting with the division leaders that the 1MDB preliminary audit report would be released next month.
The Star reported that following the release, a copy of the report would be submitted to the Public Accounts Committee.
Dismissing that the Tabung Haji purchase was not a bailout, Najib had cited the move to rescue MAS during former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s administration.
Last Saturday, Tabung Haji chairperson Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim said the pilgrimage fund would re-sell the land following Najib’s advice.- mk

Satu lagi pendedahan mengenai 1MDB.Kini EXIM Bank pulak.EXIM Bank adalah dibawah Matrade dan Matrade dibawah MITI(Ministry of International Trade and Industry).Kementerian yang dipegang oleh Mustapha Mohamed.MITI akan bail out half billion? Pandai betul Najib. Bukan dia guna 1MDB untuk melabur luar negara, tapi berhutang dalam negara pula..1MDB perlaburan strategik? Ptui!!!
There goes your ASN & ASB savings all
to help save Najib, Rosmah and Jho Low's baby project...

siapa orang itu...

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