Menunggu kambing hitam baru...
Drama keliru dan mengelirukan bersambung lagi.
Kali ini ia melibatkan agensi kerajaan pula. Selepas Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mengecam Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebagai “berbohong” Kementerian Kewangan tampil mendakwa jawapan bertulis mengenai 1MDB di parlimen “dipinda” untuk “mengelak kekeliruan”.
Latar kepada isu ini (secara mudah) ialah begini:
· 1MDB menyimpan wang di Kepulauan Cayman
· Selepas dikritik, 1MDB dilaporkan membawa pulang wang itu ke Singapura
· Najib kemudian menjelaskan simpanan di sebuah bank di Singapura bukan dalam bentuk tunai tetapi “aset dalam dolar AS”
· Menteri Kewangan Kedua Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah pula menyatakan simpanan itu dalam bentuk “unit” yang tidak dijelaskan maksudnya
Ketika kekeliruan sedia ada pun belum dapat dirungkai, kerajaan tampil dengan mengemukakan jawapan lain yang menambah kekaburan.
Semalam Kementerian Kewangan mengaku meminda jawapan mengenai 1MDB sehingga fakta diberi dilihat menyanggah keterangan diberi Najib sebelum ini.
Isunya ialah: Siapa yang bercakap bohong.
Kedua, adakah mungkin bakal wujud mana-mana pihak akan menjadi kambing hitam demi menyelamatkan seorang perdana menteri yang memang kini teramat sukar untuk diselamatkan? – Roketkini.com

Pembunuh larikan diri, guru tidak bersalah tidak boleh kembali bekerja...
Selamat datang ke Malaysia, tempat segala kemungkinan berlaku.
Satu laporan berita portal Rakyat Post memetik Menteri Dalam Negeri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata yang bekas komando polis Sirul Azhar Umar telah meninggalkan negara ini secara sah, hujung tahun lepas.
Ini berlaku sebelum dia disabitkan bersalah pada Januari tahun lepas, kerana membunuh model warga Mongolia Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Menurut laporan berita itu, Zahid berkata dalam jawapan bertulis kepada soalan wakil rakyat Batu Kawan Kasthuri Patto di Parlimen pada hari rabu.
“Sirul pergi ke Australia selepas mendapat keizinan mahkamah untuk meninggalkan negara, sebelum hukuman dijatuhkan.
“Berdasarkan Akta Imigresen 1959/63, Jabatan Imigresen tidak akan menghalang sesiapa untuk keluar atau memasuki negara ini jika nama mereka tidak ada dalam senarai orang dihendaki,” katanya.
Ini ialah jawapan kepada soalan Kasthuri tentang bagaimana Sirul berjaya melepasi Polis Diraja Malaysia, Jabatan Imigresen, serta Kementerian Dalam Negeri, untuk pergi ke Australia, kerana dia sudah dijatuhkan hukuman gantung sampai mati.
Memanglah, Sirul telah keluar sebelum hukuman dijatuhkan, tetapi bagaimana dia dibenarkan keluar negara apabila hukumannya sedang dalam proses rayuan oleh kerajaan?
Tidakkah dia (Sirul) tidak dilihat sebagai ancaman penerbangan kepada pihak berkuasa? Tidakkah mereka terfikir yang dia keluar negara untuk tinggal di situ dan mengelakkan hukuman- dan terbukti itulah niatnya?

Dalam kes yang berlainan, kita mempunyai dua orang guru muda, yang dilarang kembali daripada bertugas, walaupun telah dibebaskan daripada dakwaan membocorkan kertas soalan UPSR?
Portal The Malaysian Insider melaporkan yang dua orang guru tersebut- Subbaray Kamalanathan dan Murugan Palanisamy, dibebaskan oleh Mahkamah Seksyen bulan lepas tanpa dipanggil membela diri, hanya diberikan gaji separuh bulan sejak pergantungan mereka November lepas.
Ini ialah kerana pihak pendakwaan sedang merayu kepada Mahkamah Tinggi.
Peguam Haresh Mahadewan, yang mewakili Murugan, memberitahu portal tersebut yang kerani mahkamah telah memberitahunya yang mereka tidak boleh mengeluarkan arahan pelepasan memandangkan pihak pendakwaraya sedang merayu kepada Mahkamah Tinggi.
Arahan itu diperlukan oleh dua orang guru tersebut untuk dihantar kepada penyelia atasan bagi membolehkan mereka kembali bertugas.
Menurut Haresh, dia menasihatkan kliennya untuk melaporkan diri bertugas kembali di sekolahnya di Nilai sehari selepas dibebaskan, kerana kegagalan berbuat demikian boleh menyebabkan tindakan tatatertib diambil, tetapi guru besar sekolah tidak mahu mengambilnya bekerja semula, walaupun sudah dibebaskan oleh mahkamah.
Mari kita letak perkara ini dalam perspektif yang betul, boleh?
Di satu sisi, kita ada lelaki yang meletupkan wanita tidak bersalah dengan bahan letupan, sesuka hati diberikan lampu hijau untuk keluar negara oleh pihak berkuasa kita, dapat tinggal dan hidup bebas di sana.
Di satu sisi lagi, kita ada dua orang pendidik yang melakukan ‘dosa besar’ dengan mengajukan mesej WhatsApp yang mereka terima melalui telefon pintar mereka, dan dinafikan peluang untuk kembali hidup normal, walaupun mahkamah sudah memutuskan mereka tidak bersalah dan dibebaskan daripada tuduhan.
Syabas Malaysia, dan sistem kehakiman kita!
Mungkin dua orang guru itu mempunyai peluang untuk menjalani hidup yang selesa sekiranya mereka meninggalkan profesion perguruan mereka selamanya, dan memutuskan untuk melakukan perkara “mengikut arahan” semata-mata.- V Shuman,theantdaily

Arul dan Shahrol To Nur Jazlan : We have other things to do lah...
Two key witnesses in (PAC) inquiry into (1MDB) will not attend on Tuesday.
1. Arul Kanda & Shahrol Halmi sought month extension
2. Arul away on official business
3. Shahrol seek month extension to prepare
4. “They have indicated this to the PAC”
5. Shahrol first CEO of 1MDB until he suddenly left
6. CEO from Feb 2009 to March 2013
7. Arul took over in January (2015)
8. PAC conducting inquiry into 1MDB debt RM42bil
9. PAC began probe on May 19
10.MOF Sec-Gen Irwan Serigar, EPU DG Dr Rahmat appeared
Arul, Shahrol no show at PAC inquiry on 1MDB...
What do you think folks? This is a country of 30 million people, we have an elected Parliament. The PAC is a bipartisan Parliamentary committee which represents all Malaysians. They are conducting an inquiry over the scandalous 1MDB involving RM42 billion of our money.
And these two key people (one the first CEO of 1MDB and the other the present CEO) can just say 'Well.. we have other things to do first. We will come at our convenience'.
30 million people can wait. Arul and Shahrol have more important things to do.
Arul says he has 'official business'. Shahrol, who is not as clever as Arul, has let the cat out of the bag. He says he must "prepare first".
How come both of them have asked for the same amount of time - 1 month?
Arul is travelling on official business for a whole month ? 30 days? I say Arul what business man? Camel caravan to Abu Dhabi also less than 30 days lah. One month travelling on business?
Shahrol fellow needs a month to "prepare"?? This guy is sh*tting bricks already. This case has been in the news for months now. Sarawak Report, The Edge even the mainstream media have highlighted Shahrol's role for months.
For certain both Shahrol and Arul have been following everything closely. Most certaily Shahrol does NOT need one month to prepare.
Both Arul and Shahrol know that the PAC is scheduled to meet for about four weeks only.
By the time Arul and Shahrol make an appearance after one month, ALL the other witnesses would have testified. Then it will be easier for Arul and Shahrul to take notes, prepare and coordinate their answers. That why they want to be the last witnesses to appear. Banyak pandai.
They need the one month to synchronise their answers. Listen to all the other witnesses, compare notes and prepare answers so that one fellow does not contradict the other.
This is just more of showing contempt for the PAC, making fun of the 30 million people and arrogance.
The PAC does not have the power of subpoena. There is no such thing as 'contempt of PAC'. The PAC cannot jail anyone for "contempt" because this is not a Court.
Obviously Arul and Shahrol have been advised about this by someone. The fact that both have asked for the same amount of time - one month extension - shows that they are taking instructions, (from Hippo? Fei Low? Hubby is a dunggu.)
I believe if the PAC postpones its hearings for another 30 days, then Arul and Shahrol also will postpone their appearance for another 30 days.
They have to be the LAST to appear at the PAC because they want to hear what all the other witnesses say.
If they themselves can postpone their appearance by 30 days, then surely they can also postpone their appearance again and again - maybe by another 30 days (bulan puasa) and again another 30 days because of bulan Syawal (Hari Raya month).
The PAC has no way of compelling them to appear according to the PAC's schedule. The PAC has to follow their schedule.
Folks, obviously they are playing games with us. This charade is plainly devious.
My suggestion is the PAC should NOT call any other witnesses until Arul, Shahrul, Jho Low have testified.
Looking at how Arul and Shahrol can thumb their noses at the the PAC, imagine what Jho Low will do? He will likely kentut at the PAC.
These people are obviously making fun of the PAC. They are showing contempt for all Malaysians.- syedsoutsidethebox
Rafizi wants 1MDB's Arul sacked for PAC snub...
1Malaysia Development Berhad president and group
executive director Arul Kanda and former CEO Shahrol Halmi's decision
not to attend the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) meeting tomorrow is an
insult, PKR secretary-general Rafizi Ramli (photo) said.
He said Arul should be sacked immediately for this insult.
"This is ridiculous. It was bad enough in the past when they didn't openly come out to clarify and set the facts straight.
"But now their refuse to attend the PAC meeting […] that is the final insult and (Arul) should be sacked immediately," he told reporters outside Parliament today.
"In any other parliament in the world, when the highest committee like PAC summons you, because your actions have public impact, they will have to come.
"It is okay if they come and fumble or say 'I can't answer that.' It is fine but have some respect to Parliament and the PAC," Rafizi added.
Notice given three weeks ago
DAP lawmaker and PAC member Tony Pua chided the two for not showing up despite being given ample notice.
“These jokers claimed to be overseas these two days despite having been given the notice to attend some three weeks ago,” he tweeted.
Rafizi speculates the duo may have decided not to attend tomorrow's
hearing on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's instruction.
"The leadership, meaning Najib (photo), doesn't want them to come.
"Because once you put them across the firing line of PAC, there is a fear they cannot manage the questioning and more worms will come out of the can.
"That's why Najib takes this risk of not allowing them to come at all despite the public anger," he said.
However, Rafizi said even if this is true, if Arul and Shahrol had integrity, they should still turn up tomorrow.
"In fact, they should have actually taken as much public role in explaining and defending 1MDB and not just leave it to Najib [...] (They) can't just say 'I have nothing to do with it'," he said.
The PAC is currently probing 1MDB's accounts to investigate if there were improprieties that led to its massive debts.
The probe commenced on May 19. The committee had so far questioned Treasury secretary-general Irwan Serigar Abdullah and Economic Planning Unit director-general Rahmat Bivi Abdullah. - mk
He said Arul should be sacked immediately for this insult.
"This is ridiculous. It was bad enough in the past when they didn't openly come out to clarify and set the facts straight.
"But now their refuse to attend the PAC meeting […] that is the final insult and (Arul) should be sacked immediately," he told reporters outside Parliament today.
"In any other parliament in the world, when the highest committee like PAC summons you, because your actions have public impact, they will have to come.
"It is okay if they come and fumble or say 'I can't answer that.' It is fine but have some respect to Parliament and the PAC," Rafizi added.
Notice given three weeks ago
DAP lawmaker and PAC member Tony Pua chided the two for not showing up despite being given ample notice.
“These jokers claimed to be overseas these two days despite having been given the notice to attend some three weeks ago,” he tweeted.
"The leadership, meaning Najib (photo), doesn't want them to come.
"Because once you put them across the firing line of PAC, there is a fear they cannot manage the questioning and more worms will come out of the can.
"That's why Najib takes this risk of not allowing them to come at all despite the public anger," he said.
However, Rafizi said even if this is true, if Arul and Shahrol had integrity, they should still turn up tomorrow.
"In fact, they should have actually taken as much public role in explaining and defending 1MDB and not just leave it to Najib [...] (They) can't just say 'I have nothing to do with it'," he said.
The PAC is currently probing 1MDB's accounts to investigate if there were improprieties that led to its massive debts.
The probe commenced on May 19. The committee had so far questioned Treasury secretary-general Irwan Serigar Abdullah and Economic Planning Unit director-general Rahmat Bivi Abdullah. - mk

Apa nak jadi dengan saham FGV...

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