Khabarnya Isnin nanti Najib Razak akan sekali lagi membuat penjelasan berhubung beberapa isu yang bergentayangan kini terutamanya apa yang dibangkitkan oleh Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Katanya, kali ini Najib tidak lagi akan bersikap mempertahankan dirinya semata-mata tetapi akan turut sama menyerang Dr Mahathir.
Dalam pada itu ada juga maklumat yang Najib akan membuat pengumuman penting pada Isnin ini. "Tunggulah ada sesuatu kejutan daripada Najib," begitulah sebut sumber kepada saya. Sumber itu juga menyebut Najib akan mula menjawab Mahathir secara terbuka, opensif. Terbuka dimaksudkan Najib akan mendedahkan apa yang Mahathir lakukan selama 22 tahun menjadi PM.
Mengenai kesuspenan Isinin ini, apakah ianya mengenai kedudukan Najib sebagai perdana menteri? Saya bersoal demikian, tetapi sumber itu tidak menjawab menyebabkan saya mentafsirkan apa yang Najib hendak perkatakan Isnin ini sesuatu yang sangat penting mengenai dirinya dan bakal meletup dalam Umno.
Jika diukur dengan sikap diambil timbalannya kini, Muhyiddin Yassin ada munasabahnya kalau Najib mengumumkan sesuatu yang mengejutkan. Muhyiddin telah melahirkan rasa bingung dan kesal terhadap isu yang sedang menghangat kini. Rasa bingung dan kesal itu tentulah kepada Najib.
Bukan itu sahaja edah untuk Najib telah pun tamat. Sebelum Mahathir katanya memberi tempoh untuk Najib berfikir meletakkan jawatan selepas selesai laki Rosmah anak Razak itu menguruskan perkahwinan anaknya. Katanya Najib telah setuju dengan pelan penurunannya dari kerusi PM, tetapi minta tangguh kerana dia tidak mahu jadi seperti bekas MB Terengganu Ahmad Said, dimana berkenduri kahwin anak tanpa jawatan MB. Najib, sebenarnya Rosmah yang mahukan kenduri anaknya diraikan sebagai kenduri negara.

Muhyiddin semakin tidak senang dengan Najib kerana beberapa isu yang berlegar di sekitar PM itu menjadi-jadi ketidaktentuannya. Antara isu ialah 1MDB, dan terbaru terbongkarnya "skandal" pembelian tanah oleh Tabung Haji bernilai RM188.5 juta sebagai "bail out", untuk menyelamatkan 1MDB. Menurut Rifizi Ramli jumlah penjualan tanah secara "kekasih" itu cukup untuk membayar bunga hutang yang ditanggung oleh syarikat strategik yang dinaungi Najib itu.
Muhyiddin mungkin kesal dan kecewa kerana sebelum ini beliau sudah memberi amaran agar wang awam tidak digunakan untuk selamatkan 1MDB. Amaran Muhyuddin tidak dipedulikan dan Najib rakus menggunakan kuasanya, apabila suntikan sebanyak hampir RM100 juta kepada 1MDB.
Muhyiddin juga sudah mengeluh kenapa mereka terlibat sehingga syarikat pelaburan itu menanggung kerugian sehingga RM42 billion tidak dikenakan apa-apa tindakan atau didakwa atau pun ahli lembaga pengarahnya dipecat. Keluhan Muhyiddin itu menggambarkan TPM itu juga sudah naik meluat kepada pentadbiran bosnya. Sebenarnya serangan hendap Muhyiddin ke atas Najib sudah pun bermula.
Serangan terbaru Muhyiddin kepada Najib itu dilihat munasabah kalau Isnin ini Najib membuat pengumuman mengejutkan mengenai kedudukannya. Banyak orang berharap Najib tidak menjelas sebagai menjawab Mahathir itu secara rakaman tetapi secara live - Mohd.Sayuti Omar
Najib Makin Dijauhi, Benarkah Perancangan Sedang Berlaku Di Milan, Italy?

Najib Razak : Man proposes. God disposes...
Forty Eight Hours in Politics is a long time. Najib went into the weekend with dreams of a triumphant start next week after his meeting with the Ketua Bahagians on Monday. After all Pemuda Umno had already given him a welcome that would put many a pop star to shame.

And Puteri Umno had pledged genuine, sincere full and undivided support for Najib with no ulterior motive and no attempts at "apple polishing". Hooray for Puteri Umno!
Surely Najib expects the Ketua Bahagians to show nothing less that what Pemuda and Puteri Umno has shown him? After all he would be coming to see them "bearing gifts!"
But even the best laid plans sometimes goes askew!

The past few months have seen Najib increasingly isolated as he desperately seek to muster support from within Umno even as his credibility plummeted with each revelation of 1MDB's scandalous goings on.
But man proposes. God disposes...and a house of cards that Najib built has started to fall at the first gust of wind that blows its way.
The past 48 hours must have been desperate hours for Najib. But first things first.
TH tells us that this land deal with 1MDB is a deal two years in the making. Really?
And this deal was scuttled in the blink of an eye? Why?
How can a decision that took two years to make, be done away with in the blink of an eye?
How can the one who "advised" TH to make the purchase in the first place now advises TH to sell? And more to the point, why, if the deal was so good for TH, why must the land first be "sold" to 1MDB and then to TH at an exorbitant premium?
In whose pocket was that "exorbitant premium" deposited into?
Did it go towards payment of that RM110 million New York Penthouse for Rosmah's son from an earlier marriage?
Or did it help finance that 'Wolf of Wall Street' movie?
Why after two years of deliberating on this deal did TH made the decision to sell the 1MDB's land?
Azeez do not talk about any advise that you might have received. Do not talk about any 'fitnah' coming TH's way if you had held on to the land. Do not talk about conflict of interest. You abused the trust placed upon you as Chairman of TH.
One thing and one thing only was relevant in TH's decision to sell.

Public anger and the resounding chorus of Umno naysayers led by the naysayers-in-chief, Tun Mahathir himself who wants this deal to be aborted!
As it grew louder and more strident in their opposition to Tabung Haji's convoluted scheme to bail out 1MDB, you, Najib and others involved in this scam lost your nerve and blinked!
And so the decision to sell was made.
A decision made too late to placate public anger and a decision that has given credibility and momentum to the "Out with Najib" campaign.
And so in the last 48 hours, this Tabung Haji & 1MDB collusion/conundrum concocted by Najib and the TH Office Boy (who is also his Barua) call Azeez "the Tamil" Rahim, has gone belly up.
And nothing gets the Umno guys going more that a changing of the old guard. New faces coming in, new alliances to be forged and more and more money to be made!
Today everyone is conspiring against Najib...even that Din cousin of his! Hishamuddin Hussein has suggested the appointment of an independent international auditor to do a through forensic audit of 1MDB from its inception. Amongst the privilege few in Umno that is code for "Najib you are on your own!".
The Camelot that Rosmah presides over in Seri Perdana is in it's last stage of life....well really it was not Camelot as we know it...but more "Hell on Earth"....but enough is enough.
It looks looks like anytime soon, Najib will be out of a job and he will have to move out of Seri Perdana.
I suggest that Rosmah look at the options below. Never to soon to start planning! They can give quotes from up to 6 moving companies and you can save up to 40%...and "Yes" they can also give you a quote if you want to move to any place overseas where the Malaysian government will not be able to extract you back to KL to face any legal proceedings. - husseinhamid@steadyaku 47
All eyes on Muhyiddin after his criticism of 1MDB
"Something is brewing in Milan,Italy”

Golongan ulamak,jangan buat pekak badak...

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