Najib dan pembohongan...
1. Amatlah menyedihkan apabila saya dapati saya tidak dapat elak dari kenyataan bahawa Perdana Menteri membohong . Dalam kes wang 1MDB yang dikatakan telah dibawa balik dari Cayman Islands dan disimpan dalam bank BSI Singapura, jawapan tertulis oleh Perdana Menteri kepada soalan Parlimen tidak menepati kebenaran sama sekali.
(1. It is so disappointing for me to have to say that I can no longer avoid stating the fact that our Prime Minister has been lying. In the case of 1MDB's money, it was said earlier that the money has been brought back from the Cayman Islands and kept in the BSI Bank of Singapore. This written statement by the Prime Minister is not true at all. )
2. Pembohongan yang pertama ialah tidak ada wang tunai 1MDB yang dibawa balik.
(2. The first lie is that the 1MDB money was not brought back.)
3. Kedua, tidak ada wang tunai yang dimasukkan ke dalam bank BSI di Singapura.
(3. Secondly, no cash was deposited into the BSI Bank of Singapore.)
(4. This is very obvious from the amendments made to the first answer that there is no cash amounting to USD 1.103 billion (RM 3.6 billion) deposited but instead documents that are kept at the bank. The details about the documents are not very clear but those are documents and not cash.)
5. BSI bank telah menyatakan selepas itu bahawa dokumen yang menyatakan simpanan dibuat oleh “Brazen Sky” anak syarikat 1MDB adalah palsu dan bukan daripadanya. Maka jelaslah kenyataan bertulis yang kedua oleh Najib kepada Parlimen bahawa yang disimpan adalah dokumen juga tidak benar.
(5. BSI Bank later said the statements showing that documents had been deposited with it by 1MDB subsidiary, "Brazen Sky" were false and did not come from them. Therefore the second statement made by Najib to Parliament that documents had been deposited was not true.)
6. BSI bank telah lapur kepada Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS – Penguasa Kewangan Singapura) bahawa tidak ada wang 1MDB yang disimpan dengannya.
(6. BSI Bank has reported to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) that 1MDB did not deposit any cash with it.)
7. Pada kebiasaannya MAS melapur maklumat ini kepada Bank Negara. Ini jelas dari pengakuan bahawa kononnya lapuran ini tertakluk kepada protokol kerahsiaan antarabangsa (Egmont principles of information exchange) dan kehendak kerahsiaan di bawah seksyen 10 AMLA. Dari kenyataan ini adalah jelas bahawa Bank Negara telah terima lapuran Monetary Authority Singapore.
(7. Usually, MAS reports these details to Bank Negara. This is clear from acknowledgement of the so-called fact that the report is bound by international secrecy protocol (Egmont Principles of Information Exchange) and the request for secrecy under the section of 10 AMLA. Based on this statement, it is clear that Bank Negara has received the report from BSI Bank in Singapore.)
8. Tujuan merahsiakan tentulah kerana ada sesuatu yang tidak kena atau pembohongan yang telah dilakukan apabila Najib menjawab soalan bahawa wang tunai telah disimpan dengan bank BSI di Singapura.
(8. The reason for the secrecy could be because something had gone wrong or that Najib lied that the money was at the BSI Bank in Singapore while addressing the question.)
9. Perbuatan “cover-up” atau menyembunyi kesalahan dalam urusan Kerajaan adalah salah di segi undang-undang.
(9. The act of 'cover up' any offense in government matters is against the law.)
10. Saya perturun di sini peruntukan dalam Malaysia Penal Code (Undang-undang Jenayah Malaysia) Section 218.
(10. Allow me to pen down the Malaysian Penal Code, Section 218)
11. “Whoever being a public servant, and being as such public servant, charged with the preparation of any record or other writing, frames that record or writing in a manner which he knows to be incorrect, with intent to cause, or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby cause, loss or injury to the public, or to any person, or with intent thereby to save, or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby save any person from legal punishment, or with intent to save, or knowing that he is likely thereby to save any property from forfeiture or other charge to which it is liable by law, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or with fine or with both.”
12. Adalah jelas bahawa dalam kes wang tunai yang didakwa oleh Perdana Menteri dan pegawai-pegawai Kerajaan, Bank Negara dan 1MDB telah dibawa balik dari Caymans Islands dan disimpan di BSI bank di Singapura serta pindaan kepada jawapan pertama bahawa bukan wang tunai yang dibawa balik dan disimpan di Singapura, tetapi dokumen, kesemuanya tidak benar. Mereka yang membuat lapuran yang salah ini telah melanggar undang-undang jenayah Seksyen 218.
(12. It is clear that the cash as claimed by the Prime Minister, government officials, Bank Negara and 1MDB that was already brought back from Caymans Islands and deposited in BSI Bank of Singapore, and the amendments to the first answer that it was not money but documents that are being kept with the bank, are not true at all. Those who reported this false news could be charged under criminal law, Seksyen 218.)
(13. A very serious matter has been taking place. Company money which belongs to the government, borrowed with the government as the guarantor, amounting RM7 billion cannot be traced and there is an attempt to cover up this by lying to the Parliament and the people. There is a criminal element involved in this case that requires the involvement of the police to investigate. In case the money cannot be traced, action must be taken against those who are involved.- chedet)
Dr M: Najib's 'lie' on 1MDB a criminal act...
Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad today accused
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak of lying about the whereabouts of
1Malaysia Development Berhad's US$1.103 billion (RM3.97 billion) in
funds, stating that there could be possible criminal wrongdoing.
He added that such an offence is punishable by up to three years in jail under the Penal Code.
"It is saddening that I can no longer avoid from saying that the prime minister lied," he said in a blog posting today.
He was referring to Najib's parliamentary reply on March 10 where he said the amount had been fully redeemed in the form of cash and is now kept at BSI Bank Limited Singapore.
However, Last Thursday, Najib, who is also Finance Minister, changed his answer on the matter, stating there is no cash in BSI Singapore, but merely "assets in US dollars".
This became even more baffling when Finance Minister II Husni Hanadzlah clarified the assets were in fact in the form of "units" but refused to explain what he meant by that.
Mahathir (photo) described this as a "cover up" of government matters and said it was an offence under Section 218 of the Penal Code.
Section 218 says it is an offence for any public servant responsible for the preparation of any records, to frame it in an incorrect manner, with the intent to cause loss or injury to the public or with the intent to save any person from legal punishment.
Such an offence will result in a jail term of up to three years, a fine, or both.
'Criminal elements'
Aside from Najib, Mahathir also singled out government officers, Bank Negara and 1MDB which he claimed to have breached Section 218 of the Penal Code.
"Something serious is happening. Money owed by a government-owned company, of which RM7 billion is guaranteed by the government, can no longer to traced and attempts are made to lie to Parliament and the country," he said in a blog posting titled "Najib and lies".
"There are criminal elements in this case that requires police investigation and if the money still cannot be traced, then the legal process must be initiated against all the quarters involved," he added.
Mahathir also casted doubt on Najib's amended answer, citing reports that BSI bank had already stated that documents claiming 1MDB's subsidiary Brazen Sky had made a deposit with the bank were false.
Mahathir added that BSI bank has reported this matter to the Monetary Authority of Singapore and it is the norm that Bank Negara would also be informed of this. - mk
He added that such an offence is punishable by up to three years in jail under the Penal Code.
"It is saddening that I can no longer avoid from saying that the prime minister lied," he said in a blog posting today.
He was referring to Najib's parliamentary reply on March 10 where he said the amount had been fully redeemed in the form of cash and is now kept at BSI Bank Limited Singapore.
However, Last Thursday, Najib, who is also Finance Minister, changed his answer on the matter, stating there is no cash in BSI Singapore, but merely "assets in US dollars".
This became even more baffling when Finance Minister II Husni Hanadzlah clarified the assets were in fact in the form of "units" but refused to explain what he meant by that.
Section 218 says it is an offence for any public servant responsible for the preparation of any records, to frame it in an incorrect manner, with the intent to cause loss or injury to the public or with the intent to save any person from legal punishment.
Such an offence will result in a jail term of up to three years, a fine, or both.
'Criminal elements'
Aside from Najib, Mahathir also singled out government officers, Bank Negara and 1MDB which he claimed to have breached Section 218 of the Penal Code.
"Something serious is happening. Money owed by a government-owned company, of which RM7 billion is guaranteed by the government, can no longer to traced and attempts are made to lie to Parliament and the country," he said in a blog posting titled "Najib and lies".
"There are criminal elements in this case that requires police investigation and if the money still cannot be traced, then the legal process must be initiated against all the quarters involved," he added.
Mahathir also casted doubt on Najib's amended answer, citing reports that BSI bank had already stated that documents claiming 1MDB's subsidiary Brazen Sky had made a deposit with the bank were false.
Mahathir added that BSI bank has reported this matter to the Monetary Authority of Singapore and it is the norm that Bank Negara would also be informed of this. - mk

Kubur besar ditemui di Padang Besar...

Patutkah 5 biji bendi pelanggan bayar RM20? Sebiji bendi RM4. Dan nasi sepinggan RM2.30 Aduh...ini bukan lagi cekik darah ini sedut darah namanya...

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