Former PAS Perak menteri besar Nizar Jamaluddin
has struck back at his party chief for asking members to choose between
“DAP sympathisers” and party loyalists, asking if they are being asked
to choose “Umno puppets” instead.
“Umno is now at its weakest when (former PM) Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, as well as the PM’s brother, has been criticising Najib Razak.
there are still those who would call for Najib to stay,” said Nizar,
alluding to PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s call for Najib not to step
down amidst Mahathir’s calls to do so.
“If that is the case, I could say, do we want a president who is a puppet of DAP or a puppet of Umno?” said Nizar to applause from the audience at a forum last night at the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) in the capital city.
Warring factions
Yesterday Hadi drew a line between the two warring factions in the party calling one party loyalists, and the other “DAP sympathisers”, asking party members to choose.
The lead up to this year's party leadership elections has seen the fiercest and perhaps ugliest infighting between the conservative ulama faction and the party's progressives in years.
The latter, who have been vocal in their support for the Pakatan Rakyat coalition with DAP and PKR, has been the target of a smear campaign that saw them called traitors, lackeys and parasites, for their allegiance to the opposition coalition, and for criticising party leaders.
Nizar who is also a former Perak menteri besar asked PAS members to rally behind Ahmad Awang (photo), who he said has more credibility than Hadi as a leader and ulama (religious leader).
"Hadi can speak Arabic, Ahmad too. But Ahmad can converse in English, while Hadi can't. We need leaders who are respected by the party and country. And with the new leadership who will celebrate Pakatan, we will destroy the myth that only Umno can lead the Malays," he said.
PAS party polls have always centred around two big factions, the ulama and the professionals or 'Erdogans'.
Nizar who is standing to retain his central working committee seat, lost his Kampar division chief post last month. He claimed it was the result of "party insiders" who slandered him worse than Umno did during the general election.
He said he was called "anti-ulama" as he was seen very critical of PAS current leadership.
"Is it true that the professionals wanted to topple the ulama even when I myself thought that without the ulama to counter the problems brought by Umno, PAS would fail.
"The real ulama can save the party as they have knowledge and wisdom to do so. Today I was accused to be anti-ulama and trying to topple the president.
"But in the meetings, if I criticise, it does not mean I do not love the person, I just love the party more," he said. - mk
Apakah kita mahu mereka yang bersimpati dengan DAP atau menjadi boneka UMNO...“Umno is now at its weakest when (former PM) Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, as well as the PM’s brother, has been criticising Najib Razak.
“If that is the case, I could say, do we want a president who is a puppet of DAP or a puppet of Umno?” said Nizar to applause from the audience at a forum last night at the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) in the capital city.
Warring factions
Yesterday Hadi drew a line between the two warring factions in the party calling one party loyalists, and the other “DAP sympathisers”, asking party members to choose.
The lead up to this year's party leadership elections has seen the fiercest and perhaps ugliest infighting between the conservative ulama faction and the party's progressives in years.
The latter, who have been vocal in their support for the Pakatan Rakyat coalition with DAP and PKR, has been the target of a smear campaign that saw them called traitors, lackeys and parasites, for their allegiance to the opposition coalition, and for criticising party leaders.
"Hadi can speak Arabic, Ahmad too. But Ahmad can converse in English, while Hadi can't. We need leaders who are respected by the party and country. And with the new leadership who will celebrate Pakatan, we will destroy the myth that only Umno can lead the Malays," he said.
PAS party polls have always centred around two big factions, the ulama and the professionals or 'Erdogans'.
Nizar who is standing to retain his central working committee seat, lost his Kampar division chief post last month. He claimed it was the result of "party insiders" who slandered him worse than Umno did during the general election.
He said he was called "anti-ulama" as he was seen very critical of PAS current leadership.
"Is it true that the professionals wanted to topple the ulama even when I myself thought that without the ulama to counter the problems brought by Umno, PAS would fail.
"The real ulama can save the party as they have knowledge and wisdom to do so. Today I was accused to be anti-ulama and trying to topple the president.
"But in the meetings, if I criticise, it does not mean I do not love the person, I just love the party more," he said. - mk
Mat Sabu sindir Hadi mahu bawa PAS keluar Pakatan...
Krisis dua pucuk pimpinan utama PAS dilihat semakin meruncing menjelang pemilihan parti itu awal Jun ini, dengan Timbalan Presiden Mohamad Sabu semakin lantang mengkritik kepimpinan presiden Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
Mohamad atau lebih dikenali Mat Sabu yang akan mempertahankan jawatannya pada Muktamar Tahunan PAS 2015, mempertikaikan kegagalan Hadi menawan Terengganu, selain menyindir tindakan presiden PAS itu yang mahu keluar Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
"Pidatonya begitu hebat, ceramahnya, kuliahnya di Rusila , kereta 'parking' berbatu, jadi macam pekan hari bila Tok Guru Abdul Hadi beri kuliah, tapi bila pilihan raya umum (tetap) tak boleh ambil Terengganu (daripada Barisan Nasional (BN)).
"(Sehinggalah pada) tahun 1999 kita berpakat dengan PKR, dapatlah kita memerintah Terengganu. Ertinya kita ambil Terengganu pun melalui pakatan. Bagaimana nak kuasa? Kita kena berpakat," katanya pada ceramah isu semasa PAS malam tadi.
Turut hadir pada ceramah itu ialah Ahmad Awang yang akan menentang Abdul Hadi bagi jawatan presiden pada pemilihan PAS nanti.
Hadi sebelum ini dilaporkan berkata beliau akan membawa PAS keluar daripada PR jika DAP mencetuskan provokasi ke atas parti itu selepas tidak bersetuju dengan usaha parti Islam itu untuk melaksanakan hudud di Kelantan.
Ramai pemerhati politik melihat pemilihan PAS pada muktamar tahunan pada 4 hingga 6 Jun itu nanti sebagai pertembungan antara golongan ulama dan bukan ulama atau "Erdogan".
Mohamad yang dilihat pemerhati politik sebagai pro kepada PR, turut memberikan contoh senario di Kelantan sekitar 80-an ketika Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat memimpin PAS Kelantan, tapi gagal memerintah negeri itu kerana tidak bergabung dengan parti lain.
"Bila lahir parti Semangat 46. PAS berpakat dengan Semangat 46 (untuk) lawan Umno dan kita menang semua kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) dan Parlimen (di Kelantan).
"Ertinya sehebat-hebat Nik Aziz, dalam hal pilihan raya umum, (tetap) tak boleh ambil Kelantan (dari BN) melainkan bila tahaluf (bekerjasama) dengan Semangat 46. Ertinya dalam politik ini kita pakat, undi banyak, kita berpecah, undi kurang," katanya.
Sementara itu, Ahmad ketika ditemui pemberita berkata beliau akan terus mengekalkan PAS dalam PR jika dipilih menerajui parti itu nanti. – tmi
Pidato hebat, kereta parking berbatu tapi...

Mat Sabu hits out at Hadi over Pakatan exit plan...
PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu, or Mat Sabu, has intensified his attacks on the leadership of PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
He cited Hadi's failure to capture Terengganu and sneered at his plan to take PAS out of opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
"He (Hadi) is a great speaker. In Rusila (Marang), people flock to listen to Hadi but we still failed to capture Terengganu in the general election.
"In 1999, we joined up with PKR and only then managed to rule Terengganu," he said at a talk in Tumpat yesterday.
Also present was Ahmad Awang who will go against Hadi for the PAS president's post.
Hadi said he would take PAS out of PR if DAP continued to provoke the party after a disagreement over a plan to implement hudud in Kelantan.
Many political observers see the PAS elections from June 4 to 6 as a contest between the ulama (scholars) and Erdogan (professionals) groups.
Meanwhile, Ahmad told reporters he would continue to retain PAS in PR if elected to lead the party. – Bernama, May 30, 2015. - tmi
Ahli PAS bebas pilih 'kata dua' Hadi...
Menjelang Muktamar Tahunan PAS di Kuala Selangor Khamis ini, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang tampil mengemukakan formula mudah untuk perwakilan membuat pilihan pelbagai jawatan yang dipertandingkan.
Bagi Abdul Hadi, calon yang bertanding dalam muktamar kali ini terbahagi kepada dua, iaitu yang ingin mengikut telunjuk DAP atau sebaliknya.
Sambil menyatakan perwakilan "bebas" membuat pilihan, bekas Menteri Besar Terangganu selama satu penggal itu berkata, barisan calon yang menawarkan diri untuk diundi perwakilan kali ini tidak lagi boleh dibahagikan kepada kumpulan ulama dan bukan ulama.
Memetik laporan Harakahdaily, Abdul Hadi berkata, kedua-dua kumpulan mempunyai ulama.
"Cuma satunya yang DAP hendak, satunya DAP tak nak... pilihlah," katanya.
Muktamar kali ini dianggap antara yang paling panas pernah dialami PAS sejak ia ditubuhkan pada 1951.
Satu kumpulan lagi ialah beraliran sederhana - kebanyakannya disokong golongan profesional.
Abdul Hadi sendiri berdepan dengan bekas Yang Dipertua Persatuan Ulama Malaysia, Ahmad Awang.
Berdasarkan kenyataan Abdul Hadi disiarkan Harakahdaily, secara tidak langsung Ahmad dilabelnya sebagai ulama yang mengikut telunjuk DAP.
Ahli Parlimen Marang itu berkata, jika ada mana-mana parti lain - termasuk DAP - yang mempunyai pandangan mengenai PAS dan mahu kehendaknya diikuti, terpulang kepada ahli PAS sendiri untuk membuat keputusan.
"Terpulang kepada ahli-ahli PAS hendak pilih. Hendak ikut dasar dia atau hendak ikut DAP,” tegasnya kepada media di Marang, Terengganu, semalam.- mk
Peluang Hadi bak bulan mengambang
Hadi: You decide - loyalists or DAP sympathisers...
PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang has told party members to choose between dyed-in-the-wool party leaders or those who are DAP sympathisers in the party polls next week.
"It is up to PAS members whether they want to liberate themselves and follow their own policies or to follow DAP's dictates," he was quoted as saying by Harakahdaily in his stronghold of Marang, Terengganu yesterday.
He said certain quarters were out to influence how PAS should conduct its business.
"There are other parties such as DAP, which have their views about PAS, these other parties including DAP want to demand (PAS to act) like this and like that," he said.
When asked about the the clash between the ulama (religious scholars) and professionals in PAS, Hadi brushed this aside, stating that it is instead a contest between groups that are supported and opposed by DAP.
"The issue of ulama does not arise as both sides have ulama.
"It is just one side is supported by DAP and another side is not supported by DAP... so make a choice.
"I want to give a chance to PAS members to choose whether we want to side with ourselves or with DAP.
Perhaps there are leaders who are endorsed by DAP and are of the same opinion with DAP," he said.
The election for PAS central leadership will take place on the first day of its three-day muktamar, on June 4.- mk
Sikap pasukan polis yang tidak mengambil peduli konsep kedaulatan undang-undang merupakan antara sebab kematian dalam tahanan, kata bekas ketua hakim negara, Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Abdullah hari ini.
Dzaiddin, yang mengetuai Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja mengenai peranan dan tanggungjawab Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) yang mencadangkan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Bebas Aduan dan Salah Laku Polis (IPCMC), menyifatkan perkara itu sebagai punca asas sambil menekankan keperluan mengkaji budaya yang diamalkan pasukan polis.
"Bagi memahami mengapa wujud kematian dalam tahanan polis, kita perlu mengkaji suasana dalaman PRDM dahulu," katanya ketika menyampaikan ucaptama di sebuah forum mengenai akauntabiliti polis di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
"Sekarang ini, di kalangan PDRM wujud sikap tidak peduli terhadap kedaulatan undang-undang, dengan tidak menghiraukan hak asasi manusia. Dan bagi membincangkan budaya ini, seseorang perlu bermula daripada akar umbi, iaitu di bahagian asas sikap sedemikian dilahirkan."
Rusli said this was based on a post-mortem conducted on 22-year-old Shahshikumar, whose death was only notified to his family a day after his death last Friday. "The body was post-mortemed on May 22. Police have submitted the investigation papers to the deputy public prosecutor for further action," added Rusli. He said the case has been classified as "sudden death".
Shahshikumar was serving a 10-year jail sentence for stealing rice and sardine.
Daripada tahun 200 sehingga 2014, sejumlah 261 kematian dalam tahanan dilaporkan, iaitu purata satu kematian sebulan.
Suruhanjaya diraja yang dipengerusikan Dzaiddin 10 tahun dahulu menyenaraikan 125 cadangan, termasuk penubuhan IPCMC bagi melawan salah guna kuasa polis.
Cadangan itu bagaimanapun dibantah hebat oleh polis, dan sebaliknya Suruhanjaya Integriti Agensi Penguatkuasaan yang dilihat tidak sekuat IPCMC, ditubuhkan.
Pengkritik berkata penubuhan suruhanjaya integriti itu tidak mengubah keadaan dan kematian tahanan terus berlaku walapun membabitkan kes berprofil tinggi. — f/bk
