Alan Goh: Syed Husin Ali, you have shown leadership by example when placed under the ISA. As a highly-qualified Malay, you could have joined Umno like most rent-seekers, become a rich, corrupted politician and build a RM24 million Balinese mansion in Petaling Jaya or Shah Alam. I have very high respect for you as I once did for YB Zaid Ibrahim. Alas, Zaid is just too impatient compared to your years of political struggle and suffering at the hands of Umno.
Freemsia: Zaid Ibrahim has been a total disappointment. Many were hoping that with him, we would have a formidable opposition pact to take our country to a two-party system. It is sad that this is happening. As for the 'March to Putrajaya'? That means nothing. It is just the name of a book.
Mygazee: It is not a matter of who we hold up to or who we should support. Those rebellious days are over - Azmin Ali is a fighter, but when it comes to administration of the country, I still prefer soft but tough politicians like Zaid.
Rick Teo: I admit I was wrong when I wrote an article that Zaid should be elected as deputy president. Events of the last few weeks has shown that he lacks the character of a leader. His flip-flop decisions on a lot of occasions only confirms his lack of a cohesive plan for the opposition entity. His ambition to quickly seize power only exposes his lack of will to reform the country. Pakatan will continue its struggle without you, Zaid, and we shall take over Putrajaya as planned.
Victor Johan: Zaid built the largest legal firm in Malaysia. But were there any legal suits handled by the company defending human rights and helping Malaysians to fight for justice, etc? Most of their legal business was government matters related to conveyancing. His company was the legal firm of choice for such transactions. The knowledgeable rakyat is not hoodwink by Zaid. I wanted change from the present administration of the Umno/BN regime, and was willing to back just about anyone who could assist us to obtain that desired change. Zaid came in at the right time, but alas, with a personal agenda.

Maitreya: Syed Husin Ali is a giant among freedom fighters who has persevered his whole life to bring about reforms in the political structure that would benefit the rakyat rather than a small elite cabal of the most thick-skinned, ego-driven, money-hungry, arrogant and corrupt amongst us. Zaid Ibrahim is very brash and foolish indeed to even attempt to malign a man of Syed Husin Ali's impeccable stature as a social philosopher and political icon - one who has maintained his belief and firm friendship with Anwar Ibrahim for so many decades. It saddens me to say this, but it's better for everyone that Zaid has revealed himself to be a fickle and finicky character long before he got anywhere near the highest office in the land.
Disagreeing with the PKR leadership is one thing, but to ventilate his unhappiness with them so vociferously and publicly at a time when the opposition forces need to be stronger and more coherent is nothing but self-serving.
Zaid Ibrahim tak pernah rasa susah,tak pernah berehat di Sungai Buluh dan baginya kuasa itu penting dan perlu dirampas dengan apa cara sekali pun.
Nasib baik dia kalah di PRK Hulu Selangor. Kalaulah dia menang, dia akan jadi seekoq katak lagi yang akan melompat ke dalam telaga BN/UMNO.....
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