“True, our voter turnout is just about eight percent out of our 400,000 members. 70,000 members voted in the divisional elections and 30,000 voted for the central leadership.
“But remember that (Umno Youth chief) Khairy Jamaluddin was only voted in by 0.035 percent of all movement members. He only had 300 voters out of the 800,000 Youth members,” said Saifuddin (left) during his winding up speech at the PKR national delegates congress in Petaling Jaya.
“(Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak) said that our direct election is a gimmick. But their leadership only received the mandate of 0.07 percent out of the supposed 3.4 million Umno members,” he said, poking holes at Umno's delegate voting system.
“That's why they are out of touch with the rakyat's sentiments. There are still the hardcore poor, people are still buying cooking oil in plastic bags and rice in half kilo supplies.
"Instead of looking after them, they would rather build a 100-storey tower,” said Saifuddin to roars of laughter and applause from the delegates.
Yesterday, Khairy had rubbished the PKR poll's voter turnout, saying the newly elected leaders had no moral authority to lead.
Itulah sebab UMNO tak berani adakan undian terus dari ahli2nya bagi memilih pemimpin2 mereka. Kalau undi terus dilakukan belum tentu Najib jadi Presiden UMNO atau Khairy jadi Ketua Pemuda.
Setakat memberi kuasa kepada 0.07% wakil untuk memilih Presiden parti UMNO tak patut sangat. Bukankah ahli UMNO 3.4 milion!!!!
0.07% yang layak memilih ini pula adalah kroni yang telah ditetapkan tugas untuk memastikan Najib menang serta dijanji dengan berbagai projek dan tender bagi mereka nanti.
1 comment:
Alhamdulillah, bukan untuk party UMNO saja yang bermasalah semua party dlm kompanen BN mahupun PR sekali semua menipu diri sendiri dlm masalah pemilihan.Pemilihan NGO atau persatuan pekerja pun sama. Yang tidak hadir pun mengundi, pelik tapi benar. Diharap bila persatuan/NGO party2 didaftar harap pihak ROS yang main peranan dlm pemilihan sebenar.
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