It is expected that after judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah announces his decision on the defence's recusal bid, the court will then proceed to determine when the trial will continue. The court had initially fixed the whole week of Dec 6-10 for hearing.
DPP Mohd Hanafiah Zakaria had this morning argued in court on behalf of the prosecution that Anwar's application was “frivolous and vexatious”.
Lawyer Param Cumaraswamy for Anwar said the defence would respond to the prosecution in a written submission as lead counsel Karpal Singh was in the appellate court this morning for another case.
This is the second time that Anwar is making his application to recuse Zabidin, the first was after the judge's refusal to cite contempt against Utusan Malaysia for a report the defence claimed was prejudicial to the case.
source: malaysiakini
Cara Peguamcara Negara II berhujah melalui hujahan bertulis yang dibaca oleh Timbalan Pendakwaraya, Mohd Hanafiah Zakaria macam kebudak2kan. Katanya,"Oleh kerana Yang Arif telah benarkan akses borang laporan protokol 'pro-forma' (laporan perubatan pengadu, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan), ini menunjukkan Yang Arif tidak berat sebelah.”
Yalah! itu pun kerana Dr.Siew mengaku dia curi-curi tengok nota rujukkan tersebut semasa rehat. Kalau tidak sampai khiamat pun pihak pendakwaraya akan menafikan hak Anwar mendapatkan bahan bukti sepertimana yang sepatutnya. Jadi sapa yang melengah2kan perbicaraan ini?
Bila bahan2 bukti tak nak diberikan kepada Anwar, Anwarkah yang melewat2kan perbicaraan? Sebenarnya skrip yang dibuat pendakwaraya tak sempurna maka tiap kali kena ubah dan dirujuk kepada Putrajaya.....
Kenapa hakim sengaja membenarkan peguam Anwar akses kepada pro-forma? sebabnya;
1. bagi mengelak saksi Dr.Siew daripada dituduh menghina mahkamah.
2. sebagai alasan bagi membuktikan bahawa hakim taklah berat sebelah seperti yang dituduh oleh pihak pembela.
Sebenarnya semuanya ini adalah sandiwara yang telah dirancang, kerana 'seluruh dunia sedang memerhatikan kes ini' termasuk Clinton.
Apa-apa pun hakim tetap akan berkata Nahi!!!....Nahi!!!....Nahi!!!.....
Baca 'Permohonan Anwar lucutkan hakim kes liwat diputus 6 Dis' di sini.
The persecution (not prosecution) prefer the judge not recusing himself as at all time,coz he is part of the persecution team,ma!
The hon.judge need more time to consult his Putrajaya masters whether to recuse himself or not.
He can't simply make decision now,which might contravene to the script,coz he's also part of the conspiracy.
The way the trial is going the defense is really abusing the legal system. As the defense lawyer said "this is our way". they will continue their delay tactics and will constantly make applications on the slightest issue to ensure the case would drag on. It is because they've got no defense to acquit the perpetrator. Shit.
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