Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) general surgeon Dr Mohd Razali Ibrahim told the court in the Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trial that while he was examining complainant Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan's anal region, he noticed the rectum region was empty. Dr Razali made the startling revelation while he was being cross-examined by defence lawyer Sankara Nair.
Saiful had earlier told the court that he did not defecate for two days after the alleged sodomy incident.
Sankara: Did you look at the rectum?
Dr Razali: Yes.
Sankara: Was it empty?
Dr Razali: Yes, the rectum was empty, but I did not put it down on my report.
Sankara had earlier asked Dr Razali whether questions were posed on Saiful's bowel habits as it would be important to know how many times a person goes to the toilet, but the witness said it was not necessary to do so.
“It depends, you may not have to ask his (medical) history and do the examination yourself. You can ask then or get it later (after the examination). It depends on the situation,” he said.

Uncertainty in Pusrawi examination
“This is something which we heard initially (when being briefed), when Saiful's (medical) history was related.” Saiful had earlier went to Hospital Pusrawi for a medical examination a few hours before going to HKL.
When asked whether he had asked Saiful on instruments being used during the Pusrawi examination, the witness said some instruments were used.
“However, I did not ask what instrument was used,” he said, adding that he agreed with the lawyer that such questions were important and should have been posed to Saiful.
“I agree that it this is not a good practise.”
The witness also informed the court that although Saiful told the doctors a lubricant was used during the alleged sexual act, no test was performed to verify its existence.
Protoscope inserted on first attempt
During the court hearing, Dr Razali explained how Saiful was examined - the patient was asked to lay down on his left with his knees raised.
"Both knees were brought together to the chest to provide better exposure," he said.
The witness related that he took samples of Saiful's perianal area first before using a lubricant to insert the protoscope inside Saiful's anus.
“The HKL's protoscope measures 6.5cm and a lubricant was placed. I explained the procedure to Saiful and the protoscope was inserted.
“I attempted to insert the protoscope on the first attempt and he did not complain of any pain. I took samples – two from the high rectum and one from the low rectum,” he said.
When asked by Sankara whether any photographs were taken when he performed the procedure, Dr Razali said “no”, as pictures were only taken on the scars found on Saiful. He agreed with the lawyer that he was not forensically trained to do such procedures.
Injury to anus
Dr Razali also said he did not do a physical examination on Saiful's anus, although he agreed this could be done without the use of the protoscope as he was using sterile gloves all the time. He also told the court that there could be varying degrees of trauma or injury to the rectum/anal area depending on the force used.
When asked what are the common causes for pain in the anus, Dr Razali said common infection to the perianal area, disease to the anal/rectum area and possible injury to the area. The witness agreed that if there was non-consensual sex, it would also result in injury to the anus.
Saifool kata tak berak tiga hari,konon nak simpan bukti tapi lubang juboq kosong.
Dr.Razali kata saluran lubang juboq Saifool kosong tiada apa-apa walaupun seketul taik. .....insaf dan bertaubatlah..
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