Therefore, he said, the people must use wisely their voting power in the elections.
“We should remind ourselves that ‘if the calamansi loses its fragrance’ (taken from rocker Ramli Sarip’s song rendered earlier at the function)... if we lose our power, even noble projects can be rejected outright.
“Let’s not allow history to repeat itself (referring to the result of the 2008 general election). We have the choice to change,” he said in his address at a dinner organised by the Poverty Eradication Foundation (YBK) here last night.
Najib also expressed regret over the rejection by the Selangor government of YBK’s plan to build a Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) campus in Serendah.
“My dream is to see the YBK site to still be developed even if the project is not a UiTM campus. It can be developed to help the poor. But this can materialise if Selangor is ruled again by BN,” he said.
source:malaysian insider
(Najib reminded the people that the country’s development programmes and people’s welfare will be adversely affected if the BN government loses the power to rule.) Pooooorah, macamlah tak ada orang lain boleh jadi pemerintah!!! Tengok Kelantan, 30 tahun di bawah PAS, rakyat tak compaint pun.... Kini Penang,Selangor dan Kedah kerajaan di bawah Pakatan Rakyat lebih baik daripada gomen BN dulu, yang dok complaint adalah ahli2 UMNO yang hilang mata pencarian mereka dan kini dok gila meroyan.........
(Najib also expressed regret over the rejection by the Selangor government of YBK’s plan to build a Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) campus in Serendah.) Pooooodah, sebenar Najib punya kroni dan penyamun2 UMNO tak akan dapat habuan setelah permohonan YBK direject padan muka!!!!............
Najib juga kata,minta nak guna itu dan ini di Selangor semuanya ditolak. Apa kurang dengan gomen BN Selangor dulu dan kerajaan pusat sekarang? Kalau pembangkang minta guna PWTC untuk bermesyuarat atau Mesjid Negara bagi program2 dakwanya, sanggupkah Najib membenarkannya?
Pikiaq2 mai Najib ooi.....hang tu PM........
Najib buat lawak bodoh...lebih bodoh daripada Saifool Apek dan Senario!!!
Kami tak mau BN sebab meluat giler nak pandang bini hang Najib yg gedempol tuh...wei !!
Udahle perasan 1st Lady...poen pun tembam cucuk botok...
Perasan mcm lah caring sgt walhal mcm witch jer aku tgk kat TV tuh...pelacur bkt bintang dan chow kit pun lagi cantik...!!
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