However, this proposed move to the centre made at the opening speech was later contradicted in the closing speech, when the Prime Minister reaffirmed the continuation of the selective Malay Agenda for the few with the conveniently belated announcement of the formation of an Umno Supreme Council Committee on the Bumiputera Agenda. As a reminder, I had earlier proposed the setting up of a Bipartisan Parliamentary Caucus on the Bumiputera Policy that will review and report to the people on the entire Bumiputera Policy related agencies performance, and the full list of beneficiaries. I shall pursue this in the coming Parliament session as I believe not only Umno, but the rakyat must be informed of the outcome of this policy to date.
For example, the Malays would like to know who received the RM53 billion in NEP shares and why only RM2 billion remained in Malay hands today? Who are the selected Malays that are receiving the bulk of government contracts, commissions, projects, toll and utility concessionaires? Are they the same people? Why can’t all PTPTN student loans be converted to scholarships financed by my proposed 30 per cent Petronas annual profit contribution and a Bumiputera Equity Redistribution Plan called ‘Quota-in a-Quota’ that will be sold at par-value to a National Education Fund? Are Petronas profits meant to benefit the already rich Malays? Who are they?
Now getting back to the Prime Minister’s speech, nonetheless, the words on key statements made in his speech must be supported with actions or deeds, lest it be seen as being a mere exercise in political expediency and rhetoric. This would just be deceptive propaganda to fool the rakyat again. The Prime Minister’s speech was filled with poetry, the normal party battle-cries, the usual fear-mongering, and the most significant was a political confession that the Malay Rights was enshrined with a key held by the Malay Rulers. This would mean that the Malay Rights are protected even if Pakatan Rakyat becomes the government of the day.
However, in an attempt to regain Umno’s lost political legitimacy by this admission, the Prime Minister, who might have realized what he had done in his opening speech had to reaffirm the party members in his closing speech that Umno is the sole protector of the Malays. The Prime Minister had stated that he and the Umno leaders would go to the ground. We in the Pakatan Rakyat shall follow in pursuit and declare to the rakyat, especially the Malays, that the ‘special key’ mentioned by the Prime Minister has finally opened the door to the politics of hope and liberation and shut the door of the politics of fear and intimidation. This will become the true contest for the mind and soul of the Malays.
In his speech, the Prime Minister also made references to two of the Malay cultural iconic characters — the warrior Hang Tuah and the delusional Mat Jenin. The Prime Minister had used Hang Tuah’s quotation, ‘Malays will not disappear from the face of the earth (tidak hilang Melayu didunia.)’. I believe Hang Tuah symbolises the noble virtues of courage, and fair play, which resonates with the Wanita Chief’s call for Malay nobility (Kemuliaan Melayu). Laksamana Hang Tuah would never fight dirty (pukul curi) with his opponents. While the Parliament is still in session, I call upon the Prime Minister to turn his speech into action within 30 days.
The Prime Minister had said “The Malay Rights are tightly locked with a key and enshrined in the Constitution”. Therefore in Parliament, the Prime Minister must repeal all anti-democratic laws such as the ISA, AUKU, and the PPPA, which is no longer needed to protect those rights. Doesn’t Umno trust in the Malay Ruler’s wisdom and judgment to hold the key for all Malaysians? The Prime Minister had said, “The Malays can compete with the best”. Therefore in Parliament, the Prime Minister must guarantee to take measures so that there will be free and fair elections. Wouldn’t this be following Laksamana Hang Tuah. who like a noble Malay warrior choose to fight fairly on a level playing field? And, The Prime Minister had said, “In this modern era, the Malays will have to face competition of the minds.” Therefore in Parliament, the Prime Minister must ensure the freedom of the press to create an informed society. Wouldn’t this nurture the people’s mind and soul to face the modern era?
Let these three benchmarks be a test of Umno’s legitimacy and whether the Umno President has the moral leadership that he had expounded in his speech, and the courage and fair play of Hang Tuah, or would he choose to follow in the delusional steps of a Mat Jenin, who by the way according to legend fell off the proverbial coconut tree when he extended his arms to illustrate how big a palace (maybe which was renovated at a cost of RM65 million) he dreamed of living in with his imaginary beautiful princess. In that case, Umno can keep Putrajaya and let the rakyat have the rest of the nation. Enough is enough! -Nurul Izzah MP Lembah Pantai.
source:malaysian insider
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