Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Salor Datuk Husam Musa berkata, dalam keadaan tidak ada sesiapa yang boleh menyentuh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak ketika ini termasuk kuasa Raja-Raja, rakyat di Sungai Besar dan Kuala Kangsar pula mempunyai peluang itu dan ia seharusnya diguna sebaik mungkin.
"Satu -satunya kuasa yang masih berbaki adalah kuasa rakyat. Ukuran awal kesedaran rakyat terhadap mala petaka 1MDB sepatutnya boleh dilihat melalui dua PRK ini.
"Semua pihak, khususnya para pengundi di PRK ini, mempunyai tugas besar membetulkan negara dengan menghantar isyarat yang dapat ditelan oleh Najib - pengkhianatan ke atas negara melalui 1MDB tidak dapat dimaafkan.
"Calon BN Najib wajib ditolak. Itu bahasa yang difahami oleh Najib," kata bekas naib presiden yang dipecat dari Pas itu ketika berucap pada majlis Kolokium Rakyat 1MDB, bersama bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad di Kuala Kangsar hari ini.
Menurut Husam, jika calon BN tidak dikalahkan, Najib akan menganggap dirinya kebal dan RM62 billion tanggungan 1MDB dengan sebahagian besar darinya hilang, akan menjadi himpunan kekayaan kepada seorang dua individu.
Mengulas lanjut, Adun yang baru dipecat daripada Pas itu dalam nada kecewa berkata, negara buat masa ini tidak ada mekanisma membetulkan kesalahan ketua negara bergelar Perdana Menteri.
Katanya, dalam keadaan semua bukti menjurus menunjukkan negara telah dikhianati dengan pecah amanah yang lebih besar dari gunung, semua institusi penguatkuasaan menjadi lemah dan berada dalam genggaman satu pihak.
Sekalipun mengakui kuasa undi rakyat masih boleh untuk 'menyentuh' Najib, Husam bagaimanapun sedar ia masih berdepan halangan besar.
Ia kerana di bawah Akta MKN, Najib selaku Perdana Menteri diberi kuasa mengisytiharkan darurat tanpa perlu kepada perkenan Yang DiPertuan Agong.
"Kuasa Rakyat mungkin akan tersalur menerusi pilihanraya. Tetapi, dengan pindaan Akta MKN (Majlis Keselamatan Negara), adakah Kuasa Rakyat akan diatasi oleh kuasa yang lain," soal beliau. - suarapakatandaily

Turn to Mahathir for help...
“I have no official position — I am a retiree. But people came to see me about how bad the Prime Minister is, [that] he has done many wrong things,” says Mahathir.
“They kept on asking me, ‘Please do something, please do something.’ They could have gone to other people. But they think that other people would not be able to do anything, because they were afraid. I am afraid too.
“But after many people had seen me, I decided that I would come out in the open and state my position as being opposed to [Najib] and I began to publicly criticise him. His administration takes actions that are very oppressive. We are seeing a very repressive government. I tried to talk to the Prime Minister but, unfortunately, he does not [heed] my views.”
TIME says Najib is engulfed in a case involving 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). The Wall Street Journal reported that at least US$1 billion was transferred to Najib’s accounts from the sovereign investment fund.
Seven foreign governments are investigating 1MDB’s international money flows, it adds. Najib says the cash came from Saudi royalty as a political donation to the nation, and that he did not use it for personal use; the local authorities have cleared Najib of any impropriety.
“He [believes that] he can sustain his popularity and remain Prime Minister with money,” Mahathir says. “Because of that, he has to find some source of money. Our belief is that he created this so-called sovereign fund so he can somehow make use of that money in order to ensure that he gets support from party members and from other people.”
When asked why the 1MDB scandal is different when money politics has long been an issue in Malaysia, Mahathir says it has turned Najib into a dictator of sorts.
“This involves actions that are very damaging to the government … A Prime Minister who does this kind of thing is not qualified to be Prime Minister. He has become a kind of dictator. He should step down,” he says.
“He has this belief that cash is king, [that] if you have money, you can do anything, [that] you don’t have to be popular by serving, you don’t have to bother with serving, or with good governance, developing the country. All you have to do is have money, big sums of money, and buy support … I [once] supported Najib; [now he] is giving me a headache.”
Mahathir calling Najib a dictator is laughable. Mahathir talks about the importance of the separation of powers among the executive, legislature and judiciary which will ensure the independence, credibility, professionalism and integrity of our national institutions.
It was him who compromised the judiciary, castrated the mainstream media, silenced critics by putting them behind bars without trial, turned ethnic Sabahans into minorities in their own state, engaged in crony capitalism and created the money monster that Umno has become.
When pointed out that some of the executive powers now stem from his time when he consolidated executive power, Mahathir says all leaders must have some power. “Without power, you can’t be a leader,” he says.
“What we are seeing is that the same power that I had when I was able to make decisions that were beneficial for the country, that power is being abused.”
The problem with Malaysia is bigger than the one man Mahathir seeks to oust. It is our ailing system that needs to be changed, but this doesn’t mean Najib is beyond reproach. Is there a dearth of leadership in the country that we need to turn to a repressive former leader for help? - Eddie Hoo

Mereka tidak peduli walaupun Jho Low yg mencuri, Rafizi yg ditangkap. Mereka tidak peduli walaupun pencuri lembu dianugerah darjat kebesaran. Mereka tidak peduli jika sistem pengadilan negara bobrok. Mereka menjadi buta kepada segala kebejatan pemerintah dan turut bersekongkol dalam korupsi asalkan hudud mereka dapat dilaksanakan kerana yang mereka cari bukanlah keadilan seperti yang mereka jaja tapi keuntungan politik dan peribadi.Mereka meraikan perjanjian 'you help me, I help you' ...

Undilah calon2 Amanah...

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