Semua orang baca- Najib nasihatkan orang ramai jangan dengar cakap pembangkang. Siapa yang hendak dengar nasihat najib? Cakap pada orang pandai, tapi tarbiyah diri sendiri tidak tahu.
Kalau dia cakap di Selangor, dia lupa bahawa pembangkang ialah UMNO. Dia lupa juga bahawa dalam PRU13, di Semenanjung, UMNO/BN hanya dapat 46% undi popular- manakala pakatan rakyat dahulu memperolehi 53%.
Cakap Najib dan Haji Hadi yang kita jangan dengar dua orang ini adalah pemeras ugut. Najib blackmail rakyat dengan mengugut akan menyekat bantuan dan kemudahan jika menyokong Pakatan. Ustaz Hadi pula melakukan spritual blackmail dengan mengugut kalau tak undi PAS masuk neraka, berdosa, celaka tak dapat pahala.
Orang munafik memang saling tolong menolong.
Jangan kita silap. Isu dalam PRK Sungai Besar atau Kuala kangsar bukan nya DAP. Bukan juga mengenai akta 355 mahkamah syariah. Bukan mengenai Cina hendak ambil alih kuasa Melayu didalam negara ini.
Kita mesti waspada dengan tektik mengalih pandangan dari isiu sebenar. PAS bersubahat menganiayai rakyat selagi berkawan dengan setan2 dari UMNO.
Mari kita address isiu yang pertama- DAP, Cina dan parti perkauman. Kemudian kita sentuh sedikit mengenai taktik basi PAS yang boleh gerenti orang pahala, masuk syurga, dosa dan celaka. Tak Habis2 hendak peras ugut orang Melayu.
Ada seorang bekas ketua hakim mengulangi cerita bohong, menakutkan pengundi Melayu bahawa jika Amanah menang, maka DAP dan orang Cina akan menguasai politik negara ini.
Cuba kita bayangkan ini. Agihan kuasa atau struktur politik negara ini sudah pun berada dalam tangan orang Melayu. Sejak 60 tahun lebih dah dalam sejarah politik moden. Sudah beratus tahun sebelum kedatangan British.
Tidak ada ancaman terhadap struktur kuasa Melayu dalam negara ini. Lihat kepada raja2 Melayu. Adakah kita lihat raja Melayu itu terdiri dari bangsa Cina? Boleh atau tidak Cina jadi raja? Tidak boleh.
Raja2 Melayu ialah benteng terakhir mengekalkan dan gerenti kepada penguasaan negara ini dalam tangan orang Melayu.
Lihat pula pada kompsosi demografi. Demografi itu destiny. Selagi Melayu itu dan bumiputera merupakan majority penduduk negara ini, ianya gerenti bahawa kuasa politik akan kekal dalam tangan orang Melayu.
Menjelang tahun 2035, Melayu di semenanjung akan jadi 85% dari jumlah penduduk. Itu pun sudah cukup untuk jamin, melayu kekal kuasa politik mereka.
Tapi mereka mesti memilih Melayu terbaik untuk jadi pemimpin negara. Bukan orang macam Najib.
Lihat lagi agihan kuasa Melayu. Dalam semua negeri MB nya Melayu. Khusus dalam negeri yang beraja Melayu. Setiausaha kerajaan semua Melayu. Sampai kepada pimpinan akar umbi, 99% ketua kampung adalah Melayu. Penghulu semua nya Melayu.
Dalam keadaan begini, bagaimana DAP atau parti cina boleh memecah monopoli kuasa Melayu? Yang mengganti Melayu ialah Melayu juga. Yakni Melayu yang lebih baik daripada Melayu yang ditempa dalam acuan UMNO yang korap dan rasuah.
Lihat pula pada undang2 tertinggi iaitu perlembagaan Malaysia. Ianya menjamin kedudukan orang Melayu, raja mereka, agama mereka, Bahasa mereka. Dengan Melayu merupakan majority dalam parlimen- bagaimana struktur kuasa Melayu boleh di tukar sewenang wenang nya?
Hanya, kita mesti berfikiran terbuka; bahawa tidak semua Melayu itu mahu masuk dan kekal dalam UMNO jika UMNO itu sudah jadi parti yang korap dan rosak.
Yang rasa teranacm ialah UMNO. Pertama sebab pimpinan nya tidak baik. Tidak perlu kita hurai mengenai perkara ini panjang lebar. Satu dunia tahu siapa najib TUn Razak. Comandeer- in-chief- apa dia suka dia ambik.
Dan menteri2 yang menjadi konco2 nya, yang sudah gemuk macam pacat dan lintah itu akan terus menyokong nya. Sebab mereka akan terus mempacati dan melintahi darah rakyat.

Kedua sebab UMNO tidak adapt dengan perubahan masa. Parti UMNO tidak boleh bersendirian memerintah negara dan dia kena buang tabiaat perkaumannya. Jangan melihat semua dari mata kaca mata- mereka- lawan- Melayu.
Kalau kita sudah buat silap dan melakukan kesalahan bahkan jenayah, kita kena tanggung risiko kita diadili.
Kenapa orang Melayu dan orang UMNO sendiri mahu terus menyokong Najib? Apa dia boleh buat kepada negara ini kecuali yang dibenarkan oleh kedudukan nya? Dan kedudukannya ditentukan oleh kita semua. Dia seorang, kita yang ramai.
Menyokong Najib tidak Islamik. Sebab itu saya kata, orang Melayu ini secara puratanya menipu diri sendiri dan hikpokrit. Kita kata dan megah mengistiharkan kita Islam itu dan ini. Tapi kita merelakan rasuah, pencurian wang, pimpinan yang tidak boleh dipercayai, yang tidak mahu bertanggung jawab, berbohong, zalim menggunakan undang2 untuk pecat dan ugut rakyat.
Kerana kita bersikap begini dan merelakan semua ini, itulah sebab nya dalam Islamicity Index, kita menduduki tempat ke 33 manakala Singapura bukan negara dimana majority penduduknya bukan Islam tapi, mengamalkan prinsip2 mulia yang dianjurkan Islam berada pada tahap ke 7.
Mengenai tok lebai yang kesana kemari memberi jaminan pahala masuk syurga, berkuasa untuk kata dosa pahalanya, jadilah2 menipu orang Melayu.
Negara orang Melayu hancur jika mereka kufur dan engkar kepada kebaikan dan kebajikan. Hancur jika mereka butakan mata kepada kemungkaran.
Negara tidak hancur kalau tidak ikut cakap haji Hadi dan PAS. Mereka ini manusia biasa, pemimpinnya, macam kita semua kecuali mungkin mereka lebih intense mengIslamkan kehidupan mereka. Tapi itu tidak menjadikan mereka lebih istimewa dari kita semua. Sebab yang mengadili kita ialah Tuhan dan Tuhan mengadili kita dari segi ketaqwaan.

Kalau kita kata kita dari Jemaah Islam tapi kita menyokong dan membutakan mata kepada kemungkaarn yang dilakukan oleh pimpinan negara, kiata tidak perlu ikut cakap parti seperti PAS.
Kalau kita kufur dan kita berpeluk tubuh, kita beri alasan tidak mahu menolak pimpinan yang jahat sebab kita syaratkan mesti nampak dengan 4 orang saksi, kita menampakkan diri kita sebagai pihak yang tidak cerdik dan tidak sensitif. Siapa yang hendak dipimpin oleh orang jenis ini?
Negara kita makmur tapi kalau kita sendiri kufur yakni menolak dan membelakang prinsip bernegara secara Islamik, maka negara kita akan musnah dan hancur.
Dan inilah yang berlaku pada negara Saba beribu tahun yang lalu. Rakyat negara Saba mencapai kepandaian dan teknoloji yang tinggi dapat mengalirkan air ketanah gersang mereka. Kerana itu, tanah negara mereka menjadi subur dan menghasilkan rezeki dan pencapaian ekonomi yang tinggi.
Tapi oleh kerana rakyatnya dan pemimpinnya kufur yakni membelakangkan prinsip2 mulia dalam seni bernegara, maka negara itu hancur lebur dan kemewahan dan kekuatan ekonomi yang dicapai mereka musnah. Negeri Saba menjadi padang jarak padang terkukur.
Pengajarannya: bukan sebab kita tidak dengar cakap orang macam haji Hadi, ustaz Idris, atau Harun Din atau Nik Amar yang menyebabkan kita berdosa, kita tidak dapat pahala dan jahanam. Tapi kalau kita menolak dan membelakangkan prinsip dan nilai2 mulia yang terkandung dalam al Quran,maka binasa negara kita ini.
Lebih baik ada Islamic state of mind dan Islamic code of conduct. - Unknown Soldier, senapangsakti
Hj.Hadi adalah Pembohong Bersiri

Warkah Buka Puasa Perdana Menteri Malaysia...
The PM told journalists recently at a buka puasa function that they must always report the truth and dont report half truths. The PM is talking during the puasa month where Allah tells us not to tell lies. The same applies for any other month as well.
If telling the truth is so important to the PM, then where was he when his own media team at that time (under Lim Kok Wing) organized the Nothing-To-Hide event? It became the Joke-of-the-Century when the Prime Minister did not turn up at his very own Nothing-To-Hide event. It became the Everything-To-Hide event.
The PM also said that he never influenced the AG in his decisions. If that is the case then why was the former AG Ghani Patail asked to retire early from his job? He was actually sacked from his job. And all the people knew that the former AG had prepared charge sheets to charge the PM in court.
So, yes there is no need for the PM to tell the new replacement AG how to do his job. The message is quite clear that the old AG was sacked because he wanted to charge the PM. The new AG understands much better what he has to do and he has done it. The new AG said no case against the PM. Yes the PM did not influence Ghani the old AG. Ghani was just sacked due to old age and 'sickness'.
In the same manner the PM also did not ask the Police to harass the MACC officers. We all know that. He just asked Twitter to do it.
The PM says in the bulan puasa we all must tell the truth. Very good.

The PM says he knows everything about 1MDB. Yet he does not know about Article 117 in 1MDB's Articles of Association.
And when he signed cheques his Minister says the PM did not know what cheques he was signing and what for. The PM's lawyer said the PM does not need to know what he is signing.
The Minister also said that the PM did not know when millions and billions of Ringgit were credited into his private accounts.
Mr PM, the new AG also said that you were not aware of the millions and billions in your personal bank account. Yet you used some of that money to pay for your credit card shopping purchases in Italy and elsewhere, which amounted to millions of Ringgits. You did not know how the money went into your account but you knew how to spend it.
And in the bulan puasa when everyone must tell the truth, the truth is your stepson and Jho Low have become very, very rich because they are brilliant businessmen. Malaysians should be so proud of them.
Unfortunately the Malaysian public is wondering just exactly where are your stepson and Jho Low? Despite being such successful businessmen, both of them cannot be traced anywhere. As if they are in hiding. What are they hiding from?
Dont tell us their money did not originate from 1MDB. If their money did not originate from 1MDB then (in the spirit of telling the truth in the bulan puasa) please show us from which successful business did their money come from? We too would like to know from them how to become so rich in such a short time.
Tell them to come back home and teach us in our business schools how to do business and make plenty of money. So Mr PM, please ask your stepson and Jho Low to come back.
Successful Malaysian businessmen like them should not be in hiding - especially not in this bulan puasa when we must tell the truth. - syedsoutsidethebox
1MDB Trials To Start In Singapore, Now London Arbitration Over 1MDB...
Abu Dhabi's (IPIC) to pursue arbitration seeking $6.5 b (RM26 b) from 1MDB. Dispute over repayments on bonds by 1MDB leading to a default in April.
Failure of 1MDB and [Malaysia’s Ministry of Finance] to perform their obligations, cure their defaults or put forward acceptable proposals has left IPIC in the position where it must pursue its claims in arbitration,” Abu Dhabi said in a statement filed with the London Stock Exchange Tuesday.
1MDB and IPIC in disagreement over which of the two should make a $50 million bond payment under a deal reached last May. The IPIC guaranteed $3.5 billion of 1MDB’s bonds when issued in 2012. After the Malaysian investment fund fell short of cash, IPIC also agreed to give an emergency billion-dollar loan to 1MDB and make interest payments on the same bonds. In exchange for IPIC taking over the debt, 1MDB agreed to transfer assets to the Abu Dhabi fund. However, earlier this month, IPIC said that the Malaysian fund failed to pay the debts to the Abu Dhabi fund.
The Malaysian fund is also at the center of a corruption scandal involving Najib Razak, the country's prime minister. Najib, who founded 1MDB in 2009 to boost the Southeast Asian nation's economic growth, has been linked to a graft probe at the fund, from which $681 million was allegedly traced to his personal bank accounts. The prime minister has consistently denied the accusations, first made in a July 2015 report by the Wall Street Journal, which said that investigators tracked the money from an account at Falcon Private Bank in Singapore to accounts in Malaysia.
My comments : Apa nak susah sangat? Kalau arbitration, biar lah. Kalau dia suruh bayar, Malaysia kena bayar lah. Satu tahun cukai GST saja boleh kutip RM32 billion. Kita boleh bayar.
Soalan besar nya - duit RM26 billion itu pergi mana?
1. Apartment New York
2. Rumah di London
3. Rumah di Caymans
4. Beli paintings
5. Buat filem Hollywood
6. Beli handbag
7. Beli diamonds
8. Masuk private accounts
- syedsoutsidethebox

A bridge over Sungai Perak...
There was a temptation to get back to the old "hunting grounds". In an era where young reporters were told "go out there and get the stories", the travel by public transport took us to places far away from the office. Sungai Besar, now the focus of national attention, was one of them.
It was here that in 1981 I spent two nights with "Nik's Raiders" – enforcement officers from the then Trade Ministry. There were no hotels and we stayed in a "rumah tumpangan". They were checking on traders who were selling everything – transistor radios to motorcycles on an instalment plan without a hire-purchase agreement.
The traders imposed their own conditions and the victims were the rural folk who were not at all well-versed with the law. The premises of a dozen traders were raided and some traders were charged.
So, going back to Sungai Besar some 35 years later was an option but then with so many political writers giving their take, could someone writing on bread and butter issues do a better job?
But following the events of both the by-elections (there's another in Kuala Kangsar), one could not marvel at the amount of "development" projects being offered in these two constituencies. There are also on-the-spot donations for religious and cultural organisations.
But reading about what's happening up north revealed the microcosm of what happens when elections are imminent. When she gave up her parliamentary seat, one would have thought Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz's name would never be associated with Kuala Kangsar. But inevitably, it had to happen.
The ruling party announced the allocation of RM43.5 million for construction of a bridge in Manong. But this did not go down well with the people who demanded a specific date for its completion.
The reason? Over the past 10 years, there had been five ground-breaking ceremonies at the construction site. The first, we were told, had taken place during the time of the constituency's former MP, Rafidah, who was trade minister in the Mahathir Mohamad government. That means the promise was made pre-2007.
Of course the government was caught on a sticky wicket because the people recognise such unkept promises as one of the causes of the disease called the "truth deficiency syndrome" which is sweeping the country.
In December last year, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan announced that employers employing foreign migrants will have to sign a strict liability provision letter to take responsibility of their workers.
"Over the past 18 months the government with 14 agencies has come up with several measures to deal with migrant workers. We hope concrete measures will be used to solve issues," Low was quoted by theSun as saying.
(Strict liability is a standard for liability which may exist in either a criminal or civil context. A rule specifying strict liability makes a person legally responsible for the damage and loss caused by his/her acts and omissions regardless of culpability. Under strict liability, there is no requirement to prove omission, fault, negligence or intention.)
The implementer would be the Human Resources Ministry and that new requirements (including proper accommodation for foreign workers) were supposed to come into force on Jan 1. Almost six months later, what is there to show?
Why the bravado and announcement of the implementation date when the ministries knew at all times that it was an impossible task?
Drive along the Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong (LDP) and the sight of shanty workers' "quarters" hits your eye. Can shanty sheds made of discarded plywood and unwanted zinc be classified as "proper"?
There were thousands of promises made by candidates in the general election three years ago. Have they been addressed? Have the winning candidates forgotten them after being elected to office?
Over the days leading to the elections, more promises will be made and most of it will never be fulfilled. The people know it; but they remain silent well aware that they are being taken for one long ride. The days of votes in exchange for development are over. Now, the voters cast their ballots on issues. So, stop making promises with intent to deceive. Look back at the promises made in 2013. Have they all been kept? Has the government delivered? To regain the trust of the people, the past promises have to be re-visited.- R. Nadeswaran,theSundaily

Fakta yg pengundi Sungai Besar dan Kuala Kangsar WAJIB tahu..
Lakukan perubahan, anda mampu mengubahnya...

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