Abu Sayyaf hanya terima 8.8 juta wang tebusan, Mana baki 3.2 juta Zahid...
Kumpulan militan, Abu Sayyaf didakwa hanya menerima hanya P100 juta atau RM8.8 juta sahaja sebagai bayaran tebusan bagi membebaskan empat mangsa culik dari Sarawak, walaupun laporan sebelum ini menyebut sebanyak P130 juta (RM12 juta) akan dibayar sebagai wang tebusan, lapor Manila Times, semalam.
Memetik sumber yang tidak dinamakan, akhbar tersebut mendakwa kehilangan baki RM3.2 juta itu telah menimbulkan syak wasangka yang menjurus kepada pemberontak mungkin bersekongkol dengan para pegawai kerajaan dari Malaysia dan Filipina, yang mungkin berkongsi wang tersebut sesama mereka.
"Ia telah menjadi isu hangat di Malaysia sekarang. Pembayaran wang tebusan telah menjadi satu daripada tajuk-tajuk utama mereka, tetapi menghairankan, ia masih belum mendapat perhatian media Filipina.

"Kita mendapat maklumat bahawa kumpulan Abu Sayyaf menjadi marah setelah mengetahui dari laporan berita bahawa wang tebusan itu sebenarnya sebanyak RM12 juta (P130 juta), namun, hanya P100 juta sahaja sampai kepada mereka," kata seorang pegawai kanan, memetik laporan itu.
Persoalannya ialah ke mana hilangnya wang itu? Ya mana pergi itu RM3.2 juta? Siapa yang sudah songlap itu wang?
Satu lagi sumber mendakwa seorang pegawai kerajaan tempatan di Sulu terlibat dalam rundingan.
Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar berkata, "Saya tidak tahu." Siapa yang patut jawap? hahahaha!
"Polis tidak akan menyiasat kerana kita tahu di mana wang itu pergi dan saya telah menjelaskannya.
"Kenapa kita perlu membuka siasatan mengenainya sekarang? Saya telah menjelaskan apa yang berlaku kepada wang tunai. Tidak ada sebab untuk kita menjalankan apa-apa siasatan yang kita tidak terlibat," katanya kepada pemberita di Ibu Pejabat Polis Negara di Bukit Aman.
"Sudah menjadi pengetahuan umum di Malaysia yang biasanya P30 juta (RM2.64 juta) dibayar sebagai wang tebusan bagi mangsa-mangsa culik rakyat Malaysia pada masa lalu. P130 juta setakat ini adalah yang tertinggi," kata sumber itu.
Sumber itu mendakwa, beberapa pegawai tempatan termasuk mungkin di kalangan tentera telah bersubahat dengan Abu Sayyaf.
"Mengapa mereka begitu pasif? Jelas sekali, banyak pihak yang mungkin terlibat. Banyak jawapan boleh diberikan oleh Gabenor Sulu (Abdusakur Tan)," tambah sumber itu.- mk

Rakyat mahu tahu apa yang sebenarnya berlaku berikutan kenyataan bercanggah oleh Khalid dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang juga menyelia pasukan polis sebagai Menteri Dalam Negeri.
Ahmad Zahid sebelum ini mengesahkan bahawa:
1) Wang RM12 juta itu telah diberikan oleh keluarga mangsa kepada Cawangan Khas yang kemudian diserahkan kepada 'badan' tertentu di Filipina yang melakukan aktiviti sah di negara itu.
2) Wang RM12 juta itu disalurkan bukan sebagai wang tebusan.
3) 'Badan' yang menerima wang RM12 juta itu tidak ada kena mengena dengan kumpulan pengganas atau penjenayah.
Nampaknya semua tiga perkara yang Zahid nyatakan diatas itu amat bercanggah dengan realiti yang ada sekarang.
Manila Times melaporkan bahawa:
1) Wang itu telah diterima oleh kumpulan Abu Sayyaf, kumpulan pengganas atau penjenayah yang menculik mangsa berkenaan.
2) Wang itu telah diberikan sebagai tebusan empat mangsa yang diculik.
3) Kumpulan Abu Sayyaf mendakwa hanya menerima RM8.8 juta sahaja. Mana baki RM3.2 juta lagi?
This is getting messier. Lets say the Philippine Army are in cahoots with the Abu Sayyaf's 'kidnap and ransom' business, then what is the purpose of ESSCOM?
What is the purpose of the Police (both theirs and others). Quite soon (if it is not happening already) the Abu Sayyaf will be working hand-in-hand with the Philippine Army to help identify and kidnap high value victims.
The Abu Sayyaf will do the kidnapping and the ransom negotiations and the Philippine Army will provide the security cover. - syedsoutsidethebox

Cash is King In Sg Besar and K. Kangsar...
I had also elude to the fact that in the 2014 by-election in Teluk Intan the Barisan Nasional's carpet bombing had led to the ouster of the incumbent DAP. The BN has always had the upper hand in a by-election.
Also I should be the last to be surprised by the difficulty of changing the mindset of the voters away from the Umno/BN hegemony.
The burden of responsibility is mine too. For nearly four decades I inculcated in the minds of the Malays that Umno is their protector and the BN is the best party to rule.
What surprised me is that despite the revelation of the wrongdoings of the Prime Minister, (Datuk Seri Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone), Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, with the collusion of the BN, the people still gave their votes to him and his party.
Sadly, their decision would only embolden him not only to continue defending his wrongdoings but to commit new ones if he so wishes.
But the blame is not on Mohd Najib and his cahoots alone. Those who voted for the BN must also feel ashamed that they had allowed his handouts and promises to influence them. They literally sold their votes for pittance.
Apart from "cash is king" there are other reasons for the BN's victory. Among them are:
1.There is the pervasive climate of fear. There were still many Malays who feared that if they did not vote for the BN they would be penalised. These are people who directly depend on the government like civil servants, policemen and soldiers, and those whose children are enjoying scholarships or are hoping for one, or who are waiting for government jobs.
2. The racial card played by BN by demonising that DAP and the Chinese, and whoever working with them. Unfortunately for Pakatan Harapan (PH), some Chinese had played a trick on them. Many who voted for the opposition during the 2013 General Election changed side on June 18.
There is a reason for this. With the pouring of cash and the promise of development projects, the Chinese, being traders and businessmen, would stand to gain. The Malays would spend the cash at Chinese shops and the Malay contractors would cede their contracts to the Chinese tauke.
3. The splitting of votes between PH and PAS gave the BN the boost. Had there been no vote splitting, the BN could have been defeated or at least not winning so handsomely.
4. Umno and the BN are not strong but the opposition due to the inter- and intra-party rivalries had literally shot themselves in both feet.
5. Hopefully things would not be the same at the General Election. The BN resources would be dispersed and the peer pressure among voters would be stronger. But the opposition must be prepared to be more united.
6. The stumbling block is PAS. Mohd Najib had succeeded in turning PAS into its mercenary soldiers. They are doing the fighting for him.
The Togo Syndrome
If we still fail at the coming General Election to make the changes, we must be prepared to suffer the Togo syndrome and run the risk of moving even closer to becoming failed state.
Togo in West Africa is the most unhappy country in the world, according to the annual World Happiness index produced by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), an initiative under the United Nations. It is also one of the poorest in the world.
But in less than three after the report was released, its president, Faure Gnassingbe, was overwhelmingly elected for the third term.
His family has been in power since 1967, when his father Gnassingbe Eyadema led a successful military coup d’etat. At the time of his death in 2005, Gnassingbé was the longest-serving leader in modern African history, after having been president for 38 years. - a.kadirjasin
In alternate realities, could opposition have won twin polls?

Seteru mahu beli banglo Guan Eng...

Penyamun dah terbeliaq biji mata,duit berbilion2...
Boleh beli 8 biji jet mewah peribadi..
Boleh langsai hutang2 1MDB..
Boleh joli anak bini keluar negara tiap2 tahun...

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