Jambatan bebas tol - UMNO/BN takut kroni2nya kelaparan...
Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang boleh membina laluan ketiga yang hubungkan Bagan Ajam dengan Persiaran Gurney, dengan syarat kerajaan Persekutuan beri kelulusan untuk membina Jambatan Ketiga.
Namun Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng ragu-ragu sama ada kerajaan pimpinan UMNO BN itu sanggup membiarkan kerajaan negeri Pakatan Harapan berjaya melakukan sesuatu yang gagal dikecapi kerajaan Persekutuan.
“Kenapa kerajaan Persekutuan begitu bimbang mahu memberikan kelulusan kepada kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang untuk membina Jambatan Ketiga sedangkan mereka tidak perlu membayar walau satu sen pun?” soalnya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
“Bukankah jika kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang gagal membina Jambatan Ketiga yang bebas tol, BN boleh ketawakan kami kerana gagal menepati janji atau cakap tak serupa bikin.
“Atau adakah BN bimbang bahawa Pakatan akan berjaya membina jambatan bebas tol, sedangkan BN gagal melakukannya, bagi mempamerkan pembangunan berpusat rakyat berbanding pembangunan BN yang mementingkan kroni?” soal beliau yang juga Setiausaha Agung DAP.

Beliau membidas dakwaan Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan yang mengutuk rancangan kerajaan negeri untuk mengenakan tol ke atas terowong dasar laut yang sedang dirancang pembinaannya.
“Berbanding kerja membina jambatan, terowong memakan kos dua kali ganda. Kerajaan negeri tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali mengenakan tol untuk membiayai kos tinggi terowong dasar laut ini.
“Pun begitu, sekiranya kerajaan Persekutuan boleh memberi kelulusan kepada kerajaan negeri untuk membina jambatan berbanding terowong, penjimatan yang diperolehi boleh digunakan untuk membiayai sebuah jambatan bebas tol,” jelas Guan Eng.
Laluan ketiga yang menghubungkan Seberang Perai Utara dengan pulau diperlukan demi pembangunan yang seimbang, memandangkan kedua-dua Seberang Perai Tengah dan Seberang Perai Selatan masing-masing mempunyai jambatan.
Terowong dasar laut yang diuar-uarkan pembinannya merupakan rancangan jangka masa panjang yang akan dibina pada 2027 apabila jambatan Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah (Jambatan Kedua) dijangka sesak. – Roketkini.com

Najib Wants Another Beast, Mat Maslan To Be Official Food Taster (??) And Other Stories...
I attended a berbuka puasa berkuasa last nite. The things people say on an empty stomach (while waiting to buka puasa) !!
In the ancient times and also among the ancients in modern times, a food taster was often employed by paranoid rulers to taste the food first before they ate it. It was to detect poisons. Saddam Hussein employed more than one food taster. Its not that any of them died while tasting his food but maybe he wanted people of different tastes !! More later.
Anyway the talk is the Cabinet Ministers dont want to defend the Bugis anymore. Or they find it increasingly impossible. Even the least intelligent ones (Nazri, Azalina, Keruak) are finding it very difficult. The handlers are complaining about this because the third tier and the underlings are now stepping forward to defend the Bugis. The latest fiasco is Tengku Sharifuddin's bungle about the MAS statement from Singapore.
The 1MDB Court cases shaping up in Singapore seem to be really making things uncomfortable for the Cabinet Ministers. Once the 1MDB Court trials begin in Singapore, it will be impossible for the Cabinet to accept the AG's position that there is no case to answer !! Yes they are stupid but they cannot be that stupid ?
A case in point is Wahid Omar quietly leaving the Cabinet on June 4th after only three years as Senator. Most crooks, like Cow Mama, would usually have their Senatorships fully extended. Wahid has chosen to exit the building quietly.
Here is an unsubtantiated and uncorroborated piece of gossip about something that is believed to have taken place a few weeks back. The No. 2 guy is said to have had a secret meeting (not anymore) with a select few Ministers from his party. Some say the meeting took place in his 'tanah air'. That meeting seems to have kicked off certain follow up issues that are happening now.
They have come to an agreement that if the Bugis does not go, then their party will not survive the next elections. (Gee how clever of these guys to figure that out).
Then, a couple of days ago, quite out of the blue the Bugis said that he wants to ride in (or on) a Beast, like Obama's. And he mentioned something about his security. One guy said he already has a beast at home. Why would he want another?

The more important point is why does the Bugis feel so insecure now that he wants to have his own Beast, apart from the one at home?
Another guy then said that the security detail now includes 'sniper deflectors'. I tried Yahooing what is a 'sniper deflector' and different things came up including some type of light flash to blind potential snipers in the few seconds when the high value person is in the line of sight. Oh well.
During 22 years of Dr Mahathir's era, Ayahanda walked easily and freely all over the country. I once irritated Dr Mahathir and Tun Siti (circa 1998) at the Bukit Jalil stadium when they both stopped for me to take their picture. But I was using an old (and fantastic) SLR camera and I had to fiddle with the focus which took too many seconds. Until today Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Siti go anywhere and everywhere with minimal security.
In contrast the lowest IQ super moron wants a Beast for enhanced security.
So it will not be too surprising if they also employ an official food taster, like Saddam Hussein. Someone to taste his food first to see if it is poisoned. This is where 'off the evolution charts' Ahmad Maslan may serve his real purpose in life. - syedsoutsidethebox

Hari ke 3 pendedahan isu sewa jet oleh Datin Rosmah. Kali ini bersama bukti video dimana jelas kelihatan Datin Rosmah menaiki pesawat. Isu lain yg menarik dan menjadi tanda tanya ialah bilangan beg yg dibawa. Apa kandungan yg ada didalam beg? Mengapa tak di simpan didalam simpanan beg biasa tetapi dibawa bersama kedalam jet. Adakah wang tunai? Padahal ini adalah jet peribadi & bukan pesawat komersial?

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