Kita orang Melayu ini ada kecenderungan kembali kepada pemerintahan despotisme. Yakni perintah oleh individu –autocracy, atau kumpulan- oligarchy. Ciri utama nya ialah mempunyai kuasa mutlak.
Kita ada dua2 nya- Najib ialah autocracy dan kumpulannya oligarchy- Zahid, Nazri, Ismail Sabri, Mafia Sabah, lina ‘dua alam’ O dan beberapa orang lagi rent seekers yang ternama. Pemerintah macam ini orang melayu anggap dewata mulia yang beri segala nya, melindungi kita.
Idea ada suatu kuasa besar menjaga kita ialah suatu yang convenient- sebab kalau kita susah, kesusahan itu akan di taken care oleh orang lain. Kita suka jika masaalah kita orang lain selesaikan. Kita mahu menikmati hasil, tapi mengusahakan hasilan itu biar orang lain kerjakan.
Orang Melayu kita anggap kerajaan akan jaga kita dari buaian ke kuburan. Kita rasa kita tidak perlu bersama sama membentuk jenis kerajaan yang kita kehendaki. Kita tidak faham, bahawa individu yang berjiwa merdeka itu sentiasa bertanya, apakah yang kita boleh capai melalui kerajaan.
Orang yang berjiwa merdeka itu akan berusaha menyekat kerajaan dari menjadi pemerintah yang buas. Orang yang berjiwa merdeka itu menyekat pemerintah dari melakukan sesuka hati. Menyekat pemerintah jadi autocracy dan oligarchy.
Orang yang berjiwa merdeka itu menuntut pemerintah jadi accountable. Sebab itu kita hendak najib bertanggung jawab keatas 1MDB, derma masuk akaun sendiri, pembelian asset negara pada harga yang dipalsukan, kehilangan duit dan pengurusan yang rasuah.
Najib dan geng tidak boleh perintah sesuka hati, pecah amanah, tidak jujur, sembunyi sembunyi dan rasuah.
Masih ramai lagi orang Melayu berjiwa hamba. Mereka tidak faham matlamat mereka bukan nya menjatuhkan kerajaan, tapi membentuk kerajaan. Jika kerajaan yang dibentuk itu regress kepada kerajaan yang tidak baik, rakyat ada kuasa menukar kerajaan dan bentuk kerajaan baru.
Kita tidak sedar, jika kita melakukan demikian, faedah kepada kita lebih besar. Tapi kita hidup dalam penipuan terlalu lama sehingga proses penyedaran kuasa rakyat itu berjalan perlahan lahan, tapi dengan pastinya.
Kerajaan yang dikuasai pemimpin autocratic dan pimpinan oligarchy akan tanya, apakah yang kamu boleh lakukan kepada kerajaan, jangan tanya apa kerajaan boleh lakukan kepada kamu. Tugas kamu ialah bersetia dan diam. Kerajaan itu dewata mulia yang jadi tuan kepada kamu- kamu semua hamba saya, kerja kamu ialah mencium bontot kami.
Kita ingat kita ada hak keatas hasilan sebab kita memiliki negara ini. Kita pewaris keatas hak milik negara ini, maka kita ingat hak milik, dan bukan usaha dan kerja yang menghasilkan, memberi kita pulangan. Kita tidak sedar, inilah yang dinamakan rent seeking dan kita rent seeker.
Konsep ini mudah difaham- dengan mengingakan kita dapat sewa kerana kita ada hak milik keatas hartanah. Kalau kita ada hak milik keatas rumah, kita dapat sewa rumah, kalau kita ada hak mlik keatas tanah kita dapat pulangan dalam bentuk sewa.
Pulangan tersebut tidak datang dari proses menghasilkan barangan atau khidmat. Pulangan kita kerana kita ada hak milik keatas sesuatu.
Sikap orang Melyu macam inilah. Kita bersikap dan bermentaliti rent seeker. Kita expect dan menduga bahawa pulangan akan datang kepada kita kerana kita ada hak milik keatas sesuatu.
Pegawai yang korap- dari kerani di majlis perbandaran sehingga lah pegawai tinggi bahkan PM, merasakan dia berhak mendapat pulangan kerana mereka ada hak milik keatas jawatan tersebut( walapun untuk tempoh terhad dan diketahui).
DO yang jadi boss dalam daerah, rasa jawatan itu memberi nya hak milik dan kerana itu, mesti dibayar untuk meluluskan sesuatu projek, tanah atau kemudahan. Pegawai kastam, imigresyen merasa ada hak milik keatas jawatan yang buat keputusan dan kelulusan, maka mereka berhak meraih ufti.
Rent seeking mentality ini memberi kita a sense of entitlement. Maka kerajaan yang kita pilih, berhutangkan tanggung jawab menyediakan kita apa yang kita mahu.

Konsep kerajaan kepada orang Melayu ialah kita pilih kau, kamu kerja, berikan kami apa yang kami mahu. Pemerintah seperti Najib suka Melayu mentality macam ini- sebab dia hanya perlu beri sedikit ole ole sudah mencukupi untuk membeli kesetiaan.
Tidak terlintas dalam kepala mereka , bahawa kerajaan bukan sesuatu yang diujudkan diatas kepala kita- bahkan ianya hanya alat yang kita boleh gunakan utuk mencapai beberapa matlamat hidup bermasyarakat , tidak lebih dari itu.
Dengan mentality seperti ini, lama kelamaan, konsep keajaan yang ada dalam kepala orang Melayu ialah kerajaan itu suatu mahkluk yang maha berkuasa dan besar dan akan ada untuk menyediakan keperluan hidup. Ianya mesti dipuja, kerajaan itu pelindung kita dan kita yang dilindungi.
Pada peringakat mikro, cara atau system mengatur hidup kita menghasilkan autocracy dan oligarchy. System ini nama nya ineptocracy. Dalam system ini, yang kurang bakat di lantik jadi pemerintah oleh klas berpeleseran dank klas bersuka ria( leisure class). Orang yang paling tidak produktif dan tidak mahu bertanggung jawab keatas masa depan sendiri, ditampung hidup mereka oleh golongan minority yang berusaha.
Inilah penyakit berkembar orang Melayu kita.
Yang selalu makan ubat dan buah kismis untuk jadi cerdik ialah pak pandir kampung. Wow dasyat.- pak pandir kampung

Is There A Move to Discriminate Zahid...
JUDGING by the roil in the cyberspace, the Barisan Nasional’s victory in Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar on June 18 does not appear to calm the nerves of the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone), Mohd Najib Abdul Razak.
Pro-Najib’s bloggers at home and abroad had revved up campaign that former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, wants to replace (Tan Sri) Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin with (Datuk Seri) Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in a proxy war with Mohd Najib.
By way of explanation, there are two types of pro-Najib bloggers - ones who are paid by Najib’s outfit and those who are not paid but are on his side.
During the by-elections, they trained their guns at Muhyiddin with allegations of infidelity. That probably was meant to stop Muhyiddin from campaigning or to blunt his assault. In any case, Muhyiddin did not campaign openly against the BN.
The Mahathir-Ahmad Zahid narrative could not have surfaced so soon after the latter led the BN to victory in the parliamentary by-elections if it was not been orchestrated by Mohd Najib’s inner circles who handle bloggers and editors of the mainstream media.
Ahmad Zahid, by the virtue of his position as Deputy Prime Minister, was the BN director of operation for the by-elections. He did well for the party but had also taken the advantage to promote himself.
Banners and social media postings bearing his name and pictures outnumbered Mohd Najib’s. There appeared to be a taboo against displaying Mohd Najib’s pictures in the two places.
Now that the by-elections had been fought and won, Mohd Najib can start fiddling with his next task – reshuffling the cabinet.
It is in this respect that the Mahathir-Zahid blog postings come handy. They provide justification for Mohd Najib to act against his new deputy.
Since the sacking of Muhyiddin as DPM in July last year, Ahmad Zahid had emerged as the strongest and the most popular Umno leader with the potential of challenging and replacing Mohd Najib at some future time.
Some say he is genuinely more popular than Mohd Najib. This has not escaped the attention of Mohd Najib’s inner circles that do not really favour Ahmad Zahid because they fear that he might not play ball with them.
Their choice is Mohd Najib’s cousin and Defence Minister, (Datuk Seri) Hishammuddin Hussein. He is weaker and can, therefore, be more easily manipulated.
So they started sowing the seed of discontent and distrust against Ahmad Zahid by letting out bits and pieces of negative news about him including questioning his English language fluency, his past association with (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim and, more recently, his “secret” meeting with Dr Mahathir.
Ahmad Zahid may still be genuinely loyal to Mohd Najib but if ever the crunch comes, a loyal deputy is less reliable than a blood relative.
So the talks that Hishammuddin would be “promoted” and Ahmad Zahid “demoted” in the coming cabinet reshuffle make sense.
Crystal-balling the Reshuffle
For a wider look at the exercise, let me publish an article by the same member of the Kedai Kopi Assembly (KKA) whose two commentaries were recently published here. He wrote:
“There are two vacancies in the cabinet; one, Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, as the holder (Douglas Uggah Embas) stood for state elections in Sarawak recently and was appointed deputy chief minister replacing, Alfred Jabu, the long serving DCM representing the Dayaks.
The other is Minister in the PM Department responsible for the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Abdul Wahid Omar. He refused to continue to serve.
The rumours are two “mamaks” will join the cabinet because Najib is more comfortable with people of Indian heritage.
It is speculated that Shahrizat Jalil or Kak Ijat to her fans, would get back her old portfolio as her husband (Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail) had been acquitted of the NFC scandal involving RM240 million of which Kak Ijat said she knew nothing about as she never talked to husband about it although they stay in the same house and, presumably, share the same bed.
The new Attorney-General Mohamed Apandi Ali used his discretion to discontinue the case after receiving a letter from defense council, Shafie Abdullah. Apandi told the DPP to stop case and agreed with defense counsel that the accused be acquitted after defense counsel spoke to AG.
The former AG, Abdul Ghani Patael decided to prosecute the accused and the court ruled that the case must go on. The new AG overruled that decision after receiving Shafie’s letter to him.
In the “bolehland” of Najib and the AG, all appears to be “boleh” (possible). So there is no reason now not to bring back Kak Ijat as all about her family’s business is “clean” now.
During her absence from the cabinet, their son applied for scholarship to go to Harvard Kennedy School and another “mamak” at the Khazanah approved it because Kak Ijat was said to have written a letter in support of the application.
Maybe the “mamak” at the Khazanah thought Kak Ijat was poor although she is an adviser to PM and enjoys the same salary as when she was minister. So the son and his wife went to America with rakyat’s money. We all know it is easier to get admission for masters than for 1st degree.
The Indian Muslim Factor
I have nothing against the “mamaks”. From time immemorial, the Indians and later the “DKKs”, have always have strong influence on the Malay Sultanates, the British Administration and later the Merdeka era.
Also references to ethnicity and “asal keturunan” should not be considered offensive since the PM himself declared that he is a Bugis and DPM a Javanese.
Let us face fact. Under Najib, “Mamakputra” with the high-powered “mamak connections” enjoy better privileges than “Umnoputras”. Why should the Malays and the Bumiputras be angry? Mamaks in UMNO are more Malay than Malays. First Lady’s advisors and key officers are also “mamaks”.
Present Chairman of Tabung Haji (Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim) is a “mamak” and is a very successful salesman for second hand cars. He was so good that he could convince the board of TH to subscribe to 1MDB bonds and later bought land at TRX to help out 1MDB.
And when the land purchase was criticised, he said he had a ready buyer and TH would make RM5 million in profit. Now we all know that it was all salesman’s talk. The purchaser never appeared. He forgot that to make an RM5-million profit, he must sell higher than purchase price plus RM5 million and more as TH has to pay RPTG and other expenses.
With time, people forget his promise and now we are told that the PM might bring him into the cabinet and maybe take Wahid’s place as he has been a successful businessman so can advise PM on the economy, which is now in a mess.
By appointing two ministers from the Peninsula, Sarawak will lose one cabinet seat unless PM enlarges the cabinet but it’s OK as, according to PM, in the recent state elections they supported him and 1MDB has nothing to with them. Only the Peninsula people have to pay 1MDB debts. So much for the Sarawakians supporting the PM during the state election. Hope people in Sarawak and Sabah will learn.
Rumours also say the PM will give up Finance Ministry and pass to his cousin, Hishammuddin Tun Hussein. He wants his cousin to clear 1MDB mess and give more power to him politically. The DPM, Ahmad Zahid may be sent to Education and Najib takes over the Home Ministry.
Remember before he was sacked from the cabinet, Muhyiddin Yassin was at Education when he was DPM. It seems that those the PM does not trust would be sent to Education. PM takes over Home Affairs so nobody will arrest him. Defense is vacant. Shafie Apdal was once Najib’s deputy in the ministry.
Will the Zahid be happy if he is relieved of the powerful Home Affairs? There is nothing he can do. He was told to keep quiet. If he does not keep quiet, he won’t be PM. He is actually in a precarious situation. Muhyiddin is Deputy President of UMNO with no powers but will take over from Najib as President with serious implications for Zahid.” - a.kadir jasin
Two mamaks in Cabinet ? The KSN is a mamak. So is the IGP.
Sadly this present crop of mamaks above are not doing the mamak community any great favours.
As Kadir says the mamaks have played a very significant role in the history of the nation and especially in Malay society. This is very true.
And along the way many mamaks have "lost" their identity, language and their DNA. Many have married into the Malay community and have lost their DNA. Mamak sudah 'dissolve'.
As Kadir says they have become DKK which means Darah Keturunan Keling. I know one DKK Dato who calls himself 'Sparkling' which he says is short for 'Separuh Keling' (his father was Indian).
Some people say 'Klebang' in Melaka is named after 'Keling bang' (bang being the local term for the Muslim call to prayer).
Chulia Street in Penang is certainly named after the old Cholas of Southern India. Their great king Raja-raja (said twice) Cholan has a namesake in the Malay "Raja Chulan".
Tan Sri Sanusi Junid says the word 'Malay' is derived from the Tamil "Malai" which means mountain or hill. When the old Tamil sailors left the Coromandel coast towards the Peninsula their first landmark was Gunung Jerai in Kedah. The Tamil version of 'Land ho' would therefore be 'Malai'.
Despite being a very small minority (there are about 300,000 mamaks in the whole country) within the minority Indian community, the mamaks have been consistently punching above their weight.
In Singapore, the Indians there are also punching way above their weight. In government, academia and in the corporate sector Indians are playing major roles. In professional fields like medicine and law they have always had a large presence. - syedsoutsidethebox

Ahli PKR dan aktivist Bill Kayong dibunuh...

Kalu RM200 ribu pun boleh kena heret ke mahkamah.
Pasai apa RM2.6 bilion susah sangat nak diheret ke mahkamah???

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