Mengapa tak letak jawatan kerana 1MDB...
Lebih baik anggota kabinet BN meletak jawatan kerana 1MDB dan derma RM2.6 bilion diterima Datuk Seri Najib Razak berbanding isu hudud, kata Tony Pua.
Anggota parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara itu berkata tindakan "menunjuk-nunjuk" di kalangan pemimpin komponen BN berhubung rang undang-undang persendirian Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang tidak kelihatan ketika isu 1MDB dan RM2.6 bilion dibangkitkan.
Keadaan itu, kata Pua, berlaku walaupun ketua audit negara mendapati pihaknya gagal mengesahkan apa berlaku ke atas transaksi AS$7 bilion, aset dan wang tunai 1MDB di luar negara.
"Jika pemimpin BN ini serius dengan kata dua mereka untuk meletak jawatan (dalam isu hudud), mengapa mereka tidak bertindak seperti itu dalam isu 1MDB dan skandal derma Najib?
"Adakah MCA, Gerakan, MIC, Upko, SUPP dan PBB boleh terus menyokong seorang perdana menteri yang dituduh secara langsung menyelewengkan berbilion-bilion dolar dari 1MDB yang juga anak syarikat Kementerian Kewangan?" katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.
Sejak Abdul Hadi - yang juga presiden PAS - membentangkan usul persendirian di Dewan Rakyat bagi meminda Akta 355 Perlembagaan Persekutuan beberapa pemimpin parti komponen BN menyatakan hasrat mereka meletak jawatan jika ia diluluskan.
Kata Abdul Hadi usul berkenaan dibawa untuk memperkasa bidang kuasa mahkamah syariah di Kelantan.
Najib pula mengakui wujud "salah faham" di kalangan parti komponen BN mengenai rang undang-undang persendirian dibawa Abdul Hadi pada 27 Mei lalu.
Katanya, apa yang dibentangkan Abdul Hadi bukan undang-undang hudud tetapi pindaan yang menjurus ke arah pemerkasaan sistem hukuman yang tertakluk di bawah Mahkamah Syariah.
Menurut Pua Malaysia kini dikenali di dunia sebagai negara "kleptokrasi".
"Jika pemimpin BN yang menunjuk-nunjuk itu tidak meletak jawatan ekoran kecurian berbilion dolar dari pembayar cukai di Malaysia, maka ancaman mereka (dalam isu hudud) jelas sekadar mengurangkan kesan kerosakan akibat kemesraan hubungan antara Umno dan PAS," katanya.
Kleptokrasi merujuk kepada cara pentadbiran sesebuah kerajaan yang menghadapi masalah kronik tertentu disebabkan kegagalan sistem dengan pegawai awam atau kelas pemerintah yang menggunakan rasuah untuk menambah kekayaan peribadi serta kuasa politik mereka. - mk

Hadi’s “Hudud Bill” is clearly an electoral plot to divert attention from Umno/BN’s fatal sore which is the 1MDB/Najib corruption scandal and to reap political capital ahead of the coming by-elections.
The Bill is in effect a non-issue as it never made it (nor was it intended) for the first reading. The significance of the Bill is also over-played, as it covers only the offences of alcohol consumption, adultery and apostasy which are already included in the existing Syariah jurisdiction.
Even if the Bill is passed in parliament, it can’t be of much help to the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code 2015, as the latter is void in the first place due to fundamental conflict with the Federal Constitution.
Hence, the hue and cry raised by MCA, Gerakan, and other BN component parties is actually much ado about nothing. Such theatrics are meant to salvage their total loss of credibility in the Chinese community, and thus helping to swing some Chinese support back to Umno/BN.
Advice to Pakatan Harapan: concentrate on the gold mine of 1MDB/Najib scandal, and avoid inter-party and intra-party disunity at all costs. What is even more important than winning these two by-elections are the forging and preserving of unity of purpose and actions among allies.
Look for the forest, not the trees. Treat this as an invaluable exercise to build up the Pakatan machinery for the real battle ahead – GE 14.- Kim Quek
Resign over hudud? Better to quit over 1MDB

Selain Najib, turut dilaporkan atas dakwaan yang sama ialah bekas Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) 1MDB Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi dan pemilik Good Star Limited (secara manfaat) Low Thaek Jo (Jho Low).
Menurut Ahli Parlimen Segambut Lim Lip Eng, berdasarkan laporan dan pendedahan media, ketiga tiga mereka mempunya kaitan melibatkan skandal mega 1MDB.
“Saya merujuk kepada laporan berita Bernama bertajuk ‘Najib: Bank Negara has lodge police report against WSJ.’
“Najib dirujuk sebagai penandatangan tunggal dana 1MDB manakala Shahrol pula sebagai orang yang mengesahkan pemindahan wang manakala pemilik Good Star pula sebagai penerima akhir wang tersebut.
“Berita itu menyatakan bahawa akhbar WSJ melaporkan Good Star Limited adalah dimiliki secara manfaat oleh Jho Low,” jelas beliau.
Dalam sebuah laporan, WSJ mendakwa bahawa Bank Negara telah menulis surat yang mengesahkan bahawa Good Star Limited dimiliki oleh jutawan Low Taek Jho.
Akhbar antarabangsa itu malah menyiarkan salinan surat terbabit yang selama ini enggan didedahkan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kira kira Wang Negara (PAC) Datuk Hasan Arifin.
Hasan malah menafikan syarikat Good Star Limited adalah milik Jho Low dan menyatakan perkara tersebut sudah selesai kerana PAC telah membentangkan laporannya.
Tindakan Hasan itu telah mengundang kritikan dan membangkitkan lebih banyak persoalan terhadap siasatan PAC ke atas skandal mega berbilion ringgit membabitkan Perdana Menteri.
Sabit kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 411 Kanun Keseksaan boleh menyebabkan hukuman penjara sehingga lima tahun atau denda atau kedua duanya sekali manakala kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 414 Kanun Keseksaan pula boleh dipenjara sehingga tujuh tahun atau denda atau kedua duanya sekali. 29 Mei 2016.- f/bk

‘Stupid and uneducated’ people preferred, Tunku Ismail told...
A VIP tells the Johor Crown Prince the country's education system will not be improved in order to ensure votes for the government and manipulate the minds of the "stupid and uneducated."
The country’s level of education will remain below par as it is easier to obtain votes this way and to manipulate the minds of those who are “stupid and uneducated”, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim says he was told by a certain important person recently.
In an excerpt of an exclusive interview posted on the Southern Tigers Facebook page today, Tunku Ismail, who is the Crown Prince of Johor, revealed this shocking answer when he said, “I have questioned a certain important individual, why can’t we improve the education levels?
“The individual answered that it was for two simple reasons, the first is to obtain votes.
“And the second is to make it easy to control the minds of the stupid and uneducated.”
Reacting to this revelation, Tunku Ismail said that what he wanted most for fellow Johoreans was an improved education system so that his people could become more discerning individuals.
“I don’t want my people to be easily manipulated by the system,” he said, as well as by others who “twist and turn from the truth” as well as distract the people from the main issues.
Meanwhile, Tunku Ismail advised the police against arresting anyone who uttered “seditious” statements against him, but to let his critics meet him “face to face” instead.
“I would prefer it if the authorities can organise a meeting for me to meet with these people and give them the privilege of saying what they want to say to my face, man to man.
“I would appreciate it if you can agree to my humble proposal.”
Police recently arrested Mahsyur Abdullah, 29, for allegedly insulting the Johor Crown Prince on Twitter. The suspect was brought to the Johor Bahru district police station to be questioned in relation to the “improper use of network facilities or network services.” - fmt

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